Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5094: Weird Negotiation

"Our Moshan faction has indeed been a little arrogant over the years."

When Moshanmu spoke, everyone was stunned.

Qin Shaofeng didn't know what to say.

Why doesn't this old guy play cards according to common sense? The Moshan faction is not a top sect, and there must be a lot of support behind him. There is no need to admit it so quickly, right?

The higher-ups of the Demon Mountain Sect were even more incomprehensible.

Moshanmu didn't finish his words, feeling the strange expressions of everyone, he coughed dryly, and said, "But this old man can guarantee that our Moshan faction has not done anything that hurts the world, nor has it done too much. , I don't know if your friends approve of it?"

Moshanmu's words sounded better, but he was still showing weakness to Qin Shaofeng.

Feelings of confusion spread faster.

As everyone knows.

Where does Magic Mountain Wood not want to be tough?

Directly order people to rush up and kill Qin Shaofeng directly?

But they don't have that power.

No matter how they have not truly reached the realm of sages, they are also quasi-sages and strong, who can burst into the realm of sages at any time.

Qin Shaofeng was a little stunned when he said such words.

Since he was going to deal with the Moshan faction, he naturally also investigated the information of the magic mountain faction.

According to his understanding, the Moshan faction is really not that kind of hopeless existence.

At least the well-known thing seems to be decades ago, an elder-level figure of the Moshan faction robbed the civilian girl.

But not long after, things happened.

The elder was slaughtered by Mo Shanmu himself, and he personally took the elder's head to the victim's family.

Such things are unheard of even in the Ruthless Dynasty.

Qin Shaofeng didn't believe it at first.

Hearing Moshanmu's confident words suddenly, he didn't know how to speak.

What can be said?

I don't care so much, I just want to destroy you?

Too overbearing, right?

"You seem to have some truth in what you said, but since I have received the benefits of others, I will naturally make this thing happen."

Qin Shaofeng thought for a moment, and then said a prepared wording.

"Acquiring money for errands?"

A bright light flashed in Moshanmu's eyes, and he asked, "I don't know how many ruthless patterns the other party has taken out. What do you need your Excellency to do?"

"Hey hey, want to buy me?"

Qin Shaofeng smiled lewdly and evilly, and said: "Don't think about it, the benefits will not be refunded, so I have to make some achievements, since your Moshan faction is not bad, then this seat will not You have destroyed the Demon Mountain Sect, but you will seal the mountain for ten thousand years."

"What? Destroy our Demon Mountain Sect?"

"shut up!"

Just when someone was about to scold again, Moshanmu stopped him.

Moshanmu is not that kind of impulsive person.

Especially after his cultivation was knocked down, even his courage was knocked down. Over time, his eyes were very vicious.

He could see that Qin Shaofeng obviously knew something about the Moshan faction, and he also didn't think about doing it.

But if he allowed people to be so provocative, the final result would be hard to say.

"Friend, it's been too long to seal the mountain for 10,000 years, how about a hundred years?" Mo Shanmu stroked his goatee and asked after bargaining.

"No, the time is too short, I can't do it!"

Qin Shaofeng refused, but the meaning in his words was more obvious.

He didn't want to make things happen, and he gave Moshanmu a very obvious signal that there is room for bargaining on this matter, but I want to be able to live with my face.

Moshanmu began to stroke his beard again.

For a long time.

He hesitated and said: "My friend, there is also a big force behind our Moshan faction, and we have to honor them every year. , I wonder if my friend can wait two more days?"


Everyone in the Moshan faction is not too young, but this is the first time they have heard of such a thing.

People made it clear that cars and horses were looking for trouble for us.

You actually have to make people wait for a few days, let's invite the rescuers over, and then talk about it?

What are you kidding?

As long as the other party is not a fool, he must not agree, okay?

"The daily training needs of this seat are also astronomical. If I wait for a few days, what should I do with my training? This is not appropriate, and the reinforcements you invited may not be able to provide a joint countermeasure, right?" Qin Shaofeng asked back.

"Your Excellency can stay for a few days in our Demon Mountain Sect, and they will definitely send someone over for three days at most."

"As for countermeasures!"

Moshanmu directly substituted himself into Qin Shaofeng's role.

He soon followed Qin Shaofeng's thoughts and felt that Qin Shaofeng didn't want to do anything to them, but he had already obtained the benefits he wanted, and at least he had to do superficial things, or interrupt what they wanted to do. some things.

Sealing the mountain for a hundred years does not hinder the Moshan faction.

After all, what he needs to do most now is to cultivate the next generation and cultivate a sage as soon as possible.

And in a hundred years, he can also give him a satisfactory explanation.

But the problem is that when he wanted the kind of look he wanted, he must have exaggerated.

If you don't do anything, just say a few words and go back in a daze, it's really hard to explain.

Giving him time to call reinforcements was obviously also for this.

In this way, there is really a lot of articles to do.

"Why don't we make a gentleman's agreement, we will decide the outcome of four battles, your Excellency will win one, our Moshan faction will seal the mountain for ten years, two for a hundred years, three for a thousand years, and four for ten thousand years. How about it?" Yamaki asked tentatively.

Thousands of years have passed, and it seems that the Magic Mountain Sect has also survived.

Even according to Qin Shaofeng's attitude, it seems that as long as they touch the person Qin Shaofeng wants to protect, he will not cause trouble again.

The big deal is to send him two or three victories.

When he went back, his face was bright, and he could let the Moshan faction only seal the mountain for thousands of years, which was nothing at all.

"Fighting? This is great. I like fighting with strong people the most."

Qin Shaofeng laughed, then strode up the mountain and said, "Old man, go and prepare resources for me to practice, I want the top ones, the higher the quality, the better, as well as good wine and good food, and also Want the little beauty to dance, wow ha ha ha..."

This series of requests really made the Moshan faction his home.

Especially if he hasn't figured it out yet, how could he agree to the people who asked for Moshanmu, and his face is even more confused.

What on earth happened?

Why is he so good at talking and drinking?

Are you going to get yourself drunk, so that we can kill him after he's drunk?

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