Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5095: underground

"The fourth, the fifth, the seventh, you immediately go to the Xiu Mo League to find Elder Xu, and tell him that we have encountered something here, and ask him to invite two sages to come over for a walk." Mo Shanmu ordered several people.

Invite two sages?

The three elders were stunned.

They all felt the head's fear of Qin Shaofeng.

But in their eyes, Qin Shaofeng is just a martial cultivator at the peak of the real monarch of Hongmeng.

Who would have thought that things would turn out like this?

To deal with that kid, you actually need to go to Xiu Mo League to find two sage realm powerhouses.

This really surprised them.

"Aren't you going soon?"

Seeing that they had no intention of moving, Moshanmu shouted angrily.

The three did not dare to hesitate any longer, and hurriedly flew towards the northeast.

Only then did Moshanmu speed up to catch up with Qin Shaofeng's footsteps, landed, and walked quietly beside Qin Shaofeng.

In exchange for someone who didn't know, I thought it was a couple of year-old friends hanging out.

Dozens of Demon Mountain faction powerhouses were shocked by the scene in front of them.

"Although this old man seldom goes out these years, he knows a lot about the young powerhouses on the mainland, but he still doesn't know who the little friend is?" Mo Shanmu took the initiative to speak.

"Huh? Are you still looking for a place?"

Qin Shaofeng raised his eyebrows and said, "I know what's behind you, so you just need to know what I want to do, and even if I tell you my name, it seems that you can really find me. "

"Would you like to hear the details?" Mo Shanmu was not at all angry.

"Why should I tell you?"

Qin Shaofeng tilted his head and said angrily: "Why are you doing so much, little old man? I have already given you the opportunity to call for help, but I have given you enough face. If you little old man really wants your father to do it, then you This little Devil Mountain faction can't stop me."

"It is."

Moshanmu coughed a few times.

But he didn't seem to hear any threat, and asked again: "I don't know if the little friend suddenly came to our Demon Mountain Sect to stop our expansion in a certain area, or to deal with something that shouldn't be dealt with. matter?"

"the latter."

Qin Shaofeng knew that he would definitely ask this question, and there was no need to hide it.

"Understood, little friend, please."

Moshanmu personally led Qin Shaofeng to the depths of the Moshan faction.

Under his personal arrangement, a luxurious banquet was quickly brought up.

Moshanmu seems to know Qin Shaofeng's preferences.

He even personally ordered that the two most beautiful female disciples of the Demon Mountain Sect be called over and let the two disciples serve Qin Shaofeng to drink.

Looking at the unwilling expressions of the two female disciples.

Qin Shaofeng kept raising his brows, as if he was also very unhappy with the two of them, but he wanted to drive away, but he was afraid that he would not find a better one.

The strange expression on his face made Mo Shanmu, who thought he had vicious eyes, sneered.

This kid is really interesting, and his eyes are really high.

Clearly a hungry ghost.

To think that these two female disciples of our Moshan faction are not beautiful enough is really despised.

However, such a person can be a good friend.

With his potential, it is not impossible to become a sage, or even enter the Cultivation League and become a high-level executive of the Cultivation League.

Once you grasp his weakness, when he grows up, there will be a good way to ask him for help.

As a sect master, he sees these things very clearly.

A banquet was eaten for more than two hours.

The first time Qin Shaofeng was drunk and sent back to the room by the two female disciples, the two female disciples hurriedly fled away as if afraid that he would incarnate into some kind of creature.

Qin Shaofeng didn't care about it.

Wait a moment.

There were also a few people from the Moshan faction who had already brought the Spiritual Fruit and Spiritual Medicine to him at the banquet.

Take a short break.

He asked Qi Cai to help him observe the surrounding situation, and he started refining the sixth Ruthless Divine Rune with the elixir sent by the people from the magic mountain wood.

The Ruthless Divine Rune is still mild, but there is no such thing as a situation where you cannot stop during the practice when you cultivate the Divine Rune of Body Refinement.

When he was cultivating here.

Moshanmu, who had a gentle expression on his face not long ago, began to look cold.

Qin Shaofeng was sent back to the guest room drunk, and his consciousness was always paying attention.

Although Qin Shaofeng was cultivating, he felt Qin Shaofeng's spiritual sense exploration and took it back, but he was also able to confirm that Qin Shaofeng did not leave the guest room, nor did he detect the spiritual sense.

Only then did he walk towards a small courtyard in the farthest corner of the Magic Mountain Sect.

The small courtyard looks dilapidated, but it has a very powerful guardian of the gods.

After entering the thatched hut on the side of the courtyard.

The figure of Moshanmu suddenly disappeared.

The hut closed for a moment.

The ground at the very center of the hut suddenly cracked a gap.

The magic mountain tree jumped down directly, and the ground slowly closed.

The figure fell all the way.

It was completely frightened by the distance of thousands of meters, and I was afraid that it had already reached the underground position before finally landing.

Under this deep crack, it turned out to be a huge space, and an underground river was flowing.

And in a corner by the river, there was a scrawny figure sitting.

Like a skeleton.

This person is skinny, and his clothes are already rotten, and his heartbeat and breathing are not reduced in the slightest.

If you don't look carefully, you can't tell that this is still a living person.

Moshanmu walked slowly to the front of the skeleton, and his expression became more and more icy.

One person, a skinny skeleton, quietly confronted each other for a long time.

Magic Mountain Wood sat in front of the skeleton in the same way, raised his left hand, and stroked his skinny forehead.

The power of the source flickered.

The power of Nirvana that he could not use for a long time, actually fluctuated wildly in a moment.

He sat there all night.

When he opened his eyes, he couldn't help sighing deeply.

"It still won't work. This kind of progress is too slow. The old man's lifespan is at most 3,300 years. I really don't know if it's enough. It seems that I really need to thank that kid."

"Tsk tsk, seal the mountain for ten thousand years."

"If it wasn't for worrying about the **** from the Xiu Mo League, I would really like to agree to your request directly."

"I hope your kid can be more powerful. Even if you don't win the ten thousand year requirement, don't lose in the third game. The thousand years of closing the mountain is too short, it's not enough!"

Moshanmu sighed deeply.

Only then did he slowly stand up and walk towards the crack again.

This place is too far from the ground.

Moreover, the seal of the divine runes near the thatched hut on the ground is too powerful, even Qi Cai did not deliberately probe here.

Otherwise, I would really be taken aback by Moshanmu's plan.

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