Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5096: Devil's plan

Swallowing the magic art!

In today's ruthless dynasty, such exercises are indeed not something worth caring about.

But 130,000 years ago.

The Swallowing Pattern Magic Art was famous for a while.

At that time, a person with a mediocre cultivation base but with great perseverance, after being abolished by the enemy, he got a strong man who was seriously injured and dying, and who used secret techniques to survive.

With his knowledge, he came up with this kind of magic power.

Just three hundred years.

Through the swallowing magic art, he forcibly transformed the flesh and blood of the dying powerhouse into his own use, and became one of the top powerhouses in the ruthless dynasty in one fell swoop.

That person's growth path was too smooth.

The only real ordeal was that one time, which made his experience in the rivers and lakes really bad.

His glory didn't last long.

The attractiveness of the Swallowing Pattern Magic Art attracted countless people to chase and kill him.

Just half a year.

The special powerhouse who was famous for a while died.

But before he fell, he destroyed the scroll of the Swallowing Pattern Magic Technique, and he even blew himself up to death, making the world think that the Swallowing Pattern Magic Technique had completely become a thing of the past.

No one thought of it.

Not only has the Swallowing Pattern Magic Art not really been destroyed, but even the blood of that person has remained until now.

Magic Mountain Wood is the descendant of the strong man's blood.

His cultivation seems to be nirvana, but in fact, the Venerable, does not appear in other people, just because he once had the power of nirvana, and he does not really have it.

Then a heavy injury will appear such a strange injury.

But it seemed that God didn't want to cut his way.

A few days ago, when he was out on a trip, he miraculously encountered this withered bone-like existence, which restored all his annihilated ambitions.

The Demon Mountain lineage really needs to carefully preserve the bloodline, so as to find a day to restore the glory of the ancestors.

He is also ready for this, completely pouring all his heart and soul into his two sons.

With the appearance of this skeleton, Qin Shaofeng suddenly came to the door, as if God had opened a road to the sky for him.

Excited emotions take a long time to calm down.

After returning to the Magic Mountain Sect, he went back to rest like a normal person again.

Qin Shaofeng couldn't imagine his current mood.

The powerhouses of the Demon Mountain Sect were even more unexpected. The head of their own family was expecting the enemy to lay down all their reinforcements.

It's not just about eating inside and out, okay?

It's a total loss to others!

For Qin Shaofeng, three days passed by in a flash.

Moshanmu treats himself very well.

There is a top-level banquet every day, as long as it is the resource request he puts forward, whether he can use it up or not, Moshanmu has never shied away.

Even on the third day, Qin Shaofeng deliberately proposed a kind of spiritual fruit, which was obviously no longer used for cultivation, but for preparation for the next battle.

Magic Mountain Wood also ordered people to go to a nearby city to buy it under everyone's puzzled eyes.

Qin Shaofeng was stunned for the time requirement.

"This old guy seems to want you to win!"

Looking at the bright sky, a colorful voice entered Qin Shaofeng's ears.


Qin Shaofeng was also full of doubts.

The feeling that the Magic Mountain sent to him was too abnormal.

Wherever there are people, there is bound to be a dark side.

After so many years of wandering, he has long been accustomed to this kind of thing. On the contrary, it is the first time to see a sect that never does evil like the Demon Mountain Sect.

Not to mention, in order to make amends for the ordinary people's family, they are still hoping that the person who troubles them will win.

This makes even more sense.

The more he can't figure it out, the more Qin Shaofeng can't feel at ease.

The environment here is too good, to an abnormal level.

Not long after he woke up, he noticed a somewhat wretched figure appearing in front of the door.

The next moment, the door was pushed open a gap.

A piece of paper full of words was thrown in.

The figure disappeared instantly.

Its speed is so fast that Qin Shaofeng can't even see the appearance of the coming person.

"No need to chase, it's the magic mountain tree. This magic mountain sect is indeed full of weirdness. You should look at what he brought you first!" The colorful voice stopped Qin Shaofeng who wanted to chase it out.

Stopping, Qin Shaofeng took the piece of paper into his hand.

He was stunned when he saw what was written on the top line of the paper.

"There was an accident. Elder Xu was furious when he found out about it, and sent four sages to come, vowing to make you unable to pass a level, and even kill you directly in the competition."

"The four are..."

"The four of them are cultivated... Cultivation techniques... Martial arts..."

Qin Shaofeng almost fainted after seeing it.

He did know that the Moshan faction was abnormal, and the head of the Moshan faction, Moshanmu, had a bigger problem.

But I couldn't imagine it to such an extent.

It was clear that he sent someone to ask Elder Xu to send someone to help.

As a result, people did send people over, but before they arrived, you turned against the water first.


Can we really be so rude as human beings?

It's really unscientific. Is there any wood?

"Could it be that Moshanmu wanted to get rid of that Elder Xu for a long time, so I wish you let them seal the mountain for a while?" Qicai asked uncertainly.

Qin Shaofeng also frowned.

If you guess in the normal direction, the colorful speech is indeed the most likely situation.

He felt that things would never be that simple.

Get rid of Elder Xu's control?

The Demon Mountain Sect only has this strength, and the Demon Mountain Wood dare not do evil. What confidence does he have to get rid of the elder Xu, who is a Demon Cultivator?

Not to mention that the Cultivation Demon Alliance is the true master of the Demon Cultivation Domain.

Unless he doesn't want to mix in the Demon Realm, he would never do such a thing.

Things have become more and more uncontrollable.

"Don't think too much about it."

Qin Shaofeng took a deep breath and said, "No matter what Moshanmu wants to do, for the time being, it's on the same line as what we want to do. As long as I can finish my practice smoothly, I don't care what they do. ?"

Qicai replied with approval: "It's not wrong to say that, then you should be more careful in the battle later. If you need the help of the old man, you can speak."

The identity of Prince Qin Shaofeng was obviously affirmed by Qi Cai.

Even if Qicai has never admitted it positively.

Such a sentence, he would never have said it before.

Almost made it clear to Qin Shaofeng that he was willing to be Qin Shaofeng's thug.

"It's just four sages, it's not a problem."

Qin Shaofeng smiled indifferently, he really did not take the four sages who had never met in his heart.

Since Moshanmu specially sent letters to him, there would be no fakes.

Then, the people who come here are really just four sages of the lowest level of Nirvana, even the Eight Eyes or the Three Immortals can be easily killed.

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