Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5097: unruly

"My lord, the powerhouse invited by the sect master has arrived. The sect master asked his servants to invite him to the Yanwu Hall to participate in the competition."

Not long after, there was a knock on the door.

Recently, the voice of the maid serving Qin Shaofeng's daily life rang from outside the door.

"lead the way."

Qin Shaofeng has been waiting for a long time.

Step out.

The maid hurriedly lowered her head, turned around and led the way.

The Yanwu Hall is in the most central position of the entire Demon Mountain Sect, and it seems that it wants to show the Demon Mountain Sect's concern for force.

When Qin Shaofeng came to Yanwutang, Yanwutang was already overcrowded.

There are hundreds of people, all of whom are all strong in the realm of emperors.

As for the emperor and below, even a saint with the power of the emperor is not qualified to come.

It can be seen that the overall strength of the Moshan faction is not weak at all.

There are four middle-aged people on the chairs on the side of the Yanwu Hall.

Several female disciples of the Demon Mountain Sect were either rubbing their shoulders or serving them tea and water.

This shows the identity of the four.

Magic Mountain Wood had long been waiting near the main entrance of Yanwu Hall.

see him come.

Mo Shanmu hurried up to meet him and said with a smile: "This friend, I don't know how you have rested recently. Can you fight with the helper invited by the old man now?"

There was nothing wrong with his voice.

Qin Shaofeng is very clear.

As long as he said he needed to rest, Moshanmu would take the initiative to help him find a reason, and I was afraid that the four people sent by Elder Xu might not be able to reverse it.

After all, this is the Demon Mountain Sect, and the Demon Mountain Wood is the real master here.


Qin Shaofeng pointed towards the four uncle-like people.

The four were originally in the realm of sages.

Even in the Demon Cultivation League, he was a person of great status, and he was like a soil emperor when he walked out of the Demon Cultivation League.

The four of them came together, and they were pointed at him by a kid who only had the peak aura of True Monarch Hongmeng.

Their anger immediately rose to the sky.

"My friend, these are all sages. It's not good for you to be so disrespectful to sages?" Mo Shanmu's voice was slightly cold.

Such an attitude made the four very useful.

However, the powerhouse of the Demon Mountain Sect, who did not know the inside story, felt that something was wrong.

How do you feel that the headmaster is deliberately reminding that kid?

can you?

Shouldn't it?

Are you really not reminding him?

Confused, deeply puzzled.

"Sage? Hahaha..."

Qin Shaofeng was still arrogant and said, "With only a few small fish and shrimps, I'm not qualified to be respected by this seat, hum!"

With a cold snort, he crossed the Magic Mountain Wood and strode towards the ring.

The largest core arena in the Magic Mountain School's Yanwu Hall is not too big, but only a hundred meters in diameter.

But when he stood in it, he felt a strange power of space, as if extending the ring infinitely.

He looked around in surprise.

I saw dozens of divine patterns flickering around the arena, apparently because of this change in divine patterns.

"This Magic Mountain faction is a bit interesting, its own strength is not very good, and it makes things quite fancy." Qin Shaofeng muttered to himself.

Then he turned to look at the four people outside the ring.

He took off the broadsword, and then raised his left hand towards the four of them, putting away the four fingers one by one, leaving only one finger to make an international friendly gesture towards the four of them.

This gesture is really universal in the world.

The four of them were full of anger towards his attitude.

Suddenly seeing Qin Shaofeng making such a gesture towards them, all of them were filled with righteous indignation.

"What a **** who is courting death. Since he is courting death, this seat will fulfill him!"

One suddenly stood up.

He is fast.

At the same time as he got up, the other three were already furious, obviously rushing towards the ring.

"Cough, four!"

Seeing their actions, Moshanmu hurriedly shouted and said, "Everyone, according to our previous agreement, this battle needs to be divided into four battles."

"Four games of shit!"

The man who got angry first shouted: "How dare this **** humiliate us like this, and tell him the rules of the fart?"


"Moshanmu, you, the head of the Moshan faction, have really done enough, and everyone has taken the initiative to call your mountain gate, and you have to tell him some **** rules."

"It's really pedantic and hopeless. This seat really doubts whether you are still qualified to be Elder Xu's subordinate."

The four of them spoke one after another, and the attitude of their words was so bad that Moshanmu almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

It is true that he is from Elder Xu's lineage.

But he is not like these four people, he is just a dog by Elder Xu's side, thanks to the four people dare to speak so arrogantly.

If it wasn't for his own cultivation, there was a problem.

It will take at least a thousand years to absorb that mummy before it can regain its tyrannical strength. He really wants to kill all four of them at all costs.

It is true that Qin Shaofeng had trouble with the Moshan faction for someone unknown.

But the problem is, it's just a battle of face.

Really talk about benefits.

He is linked to Qin Shaofeng's real interests. If he is not worried about being noticed by outsiders, he will really support Qin Shaofeng.

Burning with anger.

The depth of his mind is not comparable to the four of them.

His anger was instantly suppressed by him.

Moshanmu flew up from the sky, clasped his fists towards Qin Shaofeng on the ring, and said, "This friend, it's really not good for you to do this, now these four are going to attack you together, what should you ask the old man to do? "

If Qin Shaofeng hadn't known that Moshanmu was going to help him, he would have suspected that Moshanmu was acting.

"It's just four ants. Since they want to die, let them roll up and die together. What are you doing here, old man? Are you afraid that this seat will kill them all?" Qin Shaofeng even more Laugh arrogantly.

The laughter almost exploded the lungs of the four.

What an arrogant bastard!

The peak cultivation of True Monarch Hongmeng, even if your Nirvana is very tyrannical?

Do you really think that your incapable Nirvana strength can really guarantee your immortality under our attack?

"Since he said so himself, there is no need for us to waste time with him. Let's go together and kill him!"

He was the first to rush into the ring.

Although the other three felt that four-on-one was not very good.

But they all know that facing an opponent whose Nirvana level is far higher than theirs, even if their strength cannot be fully exerted, it is not easy to kill them.

Now that the seeds of hatred have been planted, they will naturally not sit back and watch like this anymore.

They rushed to the ring.

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