Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5100: Flatterer

"Damn it! Shameless!"

Luan Meng, who had just paid the price and exposed this matter, originally wanted to see the last person make a fool of himself.

After all, if two people make a fool of themselves, even if he is one of the humiliating people, he looks better than one person making a fool of himself.

Hearing the man's words, he thought he wanted to reason with Qin Shaofeng.

The excitement in my heart has been mobilized.

But he couldn't think of anything.

This abominable **** first bragged about the four of them, and then there was a 180-degree reversal.

The four of us are already very, very good.

As a result, the four of them joined forces and were beaten by others. If this was not deliberately touted, would it still be touted?


Why didn't I see it before, this guy is so good at flattering?

"Bastard! What did you just say?"

Qin Shaofeng heard Luan Meng's words and looked back suddenly.

If it is said that Luan Meng just now can still get the little psychological support of the three people who came with him, now he is a real one.

Just because the person he scolded just now had a cannibalistic expression.

If they are not of the same lineage.

That person is probably going to kill him directly.

As for the two who were the first to admit defeat, they didn't even have the slightest idea of ​​pity, and they even looked like they wanted to teach Qin Shaofeng a lesson together.

If you are afraid of flattery, shameless.

Could it be that the two who were the first to concede defeat and cast their votes were going to face their faces?

What an international joke.

But this kind of thing is enough for someone to know, how can this nasty **** say it?

"I I I I..."

"You can still see the defensive divine rune you just had, bring it here!"

Qin Shaofeng didn't wait for Luan Meng to speak, and he already gave an overbearing order.

Qin Shaofeng just casually glanced at the beads that Luan Meng had just taken out, and he had already recognized them. There seemed to be something strange in them.

The breath is very light, but it can also be studied well.

Since you want to be arrogant, you must be arrogant to the end.

This is especially true when it comes to being very useful for flattering.

But he would not give his own to the enemy.

Luan Meng, I really can't help it.

Luan Meng wanted to cry without tears, but he had to take out the Divine Mark.

Qin Shaofeng took the Divine Rune, but he didn't even look at it, and threw it to the person who just flattered, saying: "The time in this seat is too precious, but I don't have time to give you any advice, but this kind of Divine Rune is not good for this place. Use it, but it still has a little effect on you, it's just a small thing anyway, just treat it as a welcome gift from this seat."

"Thank you sir."

The man was overjoyed.

He just wants to get a chance to escape without paying his own treasure.

Where can I think.

The guy with a very high level of nirvana in front of him turned out to be a real rough man. Not only did he know very little about how to behave in the world, but he also liked to flatter others very much.

The treasure that was forcibly snatched from Luan Meng was handed over to him.

It seems that all of this is due to a few flattering words that he casually throws out!

As for this **** pattern...

Luan Meng would definitely go back, but how could he keep Luan Meng from bleeding?

He remembered clearly what he scolded him just now.

"This seat has promised to let this Demon Mountain Sect seal the mountain for ten thousand years, and you have already admitted defeat. It shouldn't change for ten thousand years, right?" Qin Shaofeng continued to ask the man.

"Of course not!"

That person just got the benefit, just when he thought he knew Qin Shaofeng thoroughly, he shouted loudly: "My generation of martial arts, especially the martial arts of the level like us and adults."


"My lord, I made a mistake just now. How can we be compared with you, my lord?

"Anyway, we lost, and the Moshan faction must seal the mountain for ten thousand years. This matter is a gentleman's agreement and must not be changed."

Luan Meng almost vomited blood.

He glanced at the man subconsciously, and didn't dare to say a word of nonsense, he turned and fled, and ran directly behind the two people who left first before stopping.

This **** just let Qin Shaofeng blackmail him to reward him.

Not one sentence this time.

When he secretly looked at Qin Shaofeng again, he found that Qin Shaofeng once again looked at him with the eyes that wanted to plunder.

Seeing that he has already escaped here, he is willing to give up.

A look of embarrassment flashed in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, and then he forcibly reversed, laughing loudly.

"Not bad, not bad, how can a martial cultivator such as us be able to talk without saying anything?"

"You're right, very good."

As he spoke, he groped for himself.

For a long time.

He just took out a dirty Divine Mark from his arms and threw it to the man.

"You are very suitable for this seat's appetite, it's a pity that this seat's skills can't be taught to other people casually. This divine pattern was obtained by this seat who once killed a sage who embroidered on his chest. It seems that the quality is not bad. , I don't like to deal with messy people, so I didn't change what I needed, so I gave it to you together." Qin Shaofeng looked generous.

The four sages do not have a simple character.

They could faintly see the deep pain in Qin Shaofeng's eyes.

Depend on! This stuff is a total scumbag!


There are no sages in the cultivation world, let alone embroidery on the chest.

and many more!

Embroidered on the chest, sage?

It seems that only a few months ago, the big offering of Sanxian Pavilion was similar to what he said?

In recent years, only one outside sage has come to Xiu Moyu.

This guy in front of him actually robbed the Sanxian Pavilion for the big offering, and he also grabbed this divine rune from that Jiangxi celebrity?

The Three Immortals Pavilion is dedicated!

Everyone knows that the strength of Sanxian Pavilion is not good, but it is really rich!

What level should the Divine Rune make this kid feel distressed?

The flattering man couldn't help but wiped the Divine Rune, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"This, this turned out to be... the third divine pattern of the Moonfire divine pattern, gu dong!"

The man couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of water.

He is more convinced of Qin Shaofeng's idea of ​​robbing the Sanxian Pavilion.

Because they all know that the Sanxian Pavilion worship is a taboo, stealing the ruthless dynasty moon fire **** pattern, and has already cultivated into the first three, and now they are looking for the fourth **** pattern.

According to this situation, it is not impossible to get a repeated Moonfire God pattern from him.

Do not! It should be said that it is completely normal.

"Thank you, sir, you are really amazing, you can do it casually..."

"That... this matter is settled like this, I have something to do, I will go first."

Qin Shaofeng saw that he was going to flatter him, but he was so frightened that he trembled all over, and turned around and rushed towards the bottom of the ring.

It is no longer even certain when the Moshan faction will close the mountain.

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