Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5101: half a year

With the Moshan faction, Qin Shaofeng's goal was successfully achieved.

Moshan Muben had no idea about expansion.

As a bloodline person of the Demon Mountain, he doesn't care about the gains and losses of a city or a place. As long as he can gain the same combat power as his ancestors, even if the entire Demon Mountain faction is given to Qin Shaofeng, he can't even see the eyelids. The child won't even blink.

The arrival of Qin Shaofeng made Moshanmu, who was looking for an excuse to retreat not long after getting the mummy, even more excited.

He is even better than Qin Shaofeng.

So much so that Qin Shaofeng didn't even know that he had just left the Moshan faction with his forefoot, and Moshanmu immediately sent the four strong men sent by Elder Xu away.

Immediately close the mountain.

Ignore everything outside the mountain, and there are even several batches of benefits that are about to be obtained.

This kind of shocking change has caused the small forces in the surrounding area to speculate.

The middle and high-level leaders of the Magic Mountain Sect were also surprised.

However, the magic mountain tree did not give anyone any chance to ask any questions at all.

Ordered to seal the mountain and practiced separately, and he disappeared.

As for the four.

It was clearly a mortal situation, not only did he not die there, but he also made someone get a huge amount of wealth, and it made the return journey of the four people very lively.

Under the gaze of three pairs of eyes, that person finally had to give everyone a little benefit.

The most depressing thing is Luan Meng.

He clearly has the opportunity to get as much as the fourth person's wealth, so why did he become the person who lost the most because of his momentary complacency?

As everyone knows.

The two who surrendered first were equally depressed.

They did not lose, and were compensated a little.

But this is not what they want!

Looking at the Divine Mark that the fourth person played with from time to time, the two had the urge to slap themselves twice.

It has long been seen that Qin Shaofeng can't look at him normally.

Why didn't you think of saying something nice?

Look at that **** and look at yourself.

It's pure loss of people and no benefit!

All in all, some people are excited and some are depressed.

It's just that there are only three people who are really depressed. What's more important is that no one holds a grudge against Qin Shaofeng.

Magic Mountain Sect, underground river.

"I didn't expect that the gods really favored the old man, to give the old man such a good opportunity, hahaha..."

Looking at the mummified corpse in front of him, Moshanmu couldn't help but feel excited, and Dasheng laughed wildly.

He was extremely excited, but he didn't notice the look of anticipation flashed in the mummified corpse's godless eyes.

The mummified body has been completely destroyed.

Although there is a possibility of repair, it will take too long.

Although his body has become like this, his consciousness has always existed.

As early as when Moshanmu tried him for the first time, he could see the origin of Moshanmu, and he also knew what Moshanmu wanted to do.

If he doesn't have normal consciousness, he might be able to hit the magic mountain wood's trick.

But he didn't have that concern.

The magic mountain wood wanted to absorb him.

As everyone knows, he is also waiting for that moment to come.

My body has not been repaired for tens of thousands of years, and even moving is extremely difficult. If I can use the special absorption of the magic mountain tree, I can transfer all my skills into the body of the magic mountain tree, and then take the house.

In half a year at most, he will regain the combat power of his peak period.

There was something he had to do.

As for the result of the fusion with the magic mountain wood, he can wait until later to use the treasures of heaven and earth to transform.

A sage who was just abolished is not qualified to have any influence on him.

Magic Mountain Wood's wild laughter didn't last long.

When he sat cross-legged opposite the mummy again and finally began to absorb the mummy, a scene that excited him even more appeared.

The mummified corpse seemed to have no defense, and the absorption turned out to be exceptionally smooth.

Moshanmu, who was in extreme excitement, not only did not have any doubts about such a speed, but became more and more excited.

As everyone knows, a disaster of extinction is about to fall on his head.

the other side.

Qin Shaofeng has also returned to the Yan family's castle.

The moment he returned, the two people who were guarding the gate of the Yan family had obviously been instructed by Yan Sanzhan to let them go.

When he returned to Yan Heng's courtyard, Yan Sanzhan ran over again in person.

just met.

Yan Sanzhan took out more than a dozen divine patterns, all of which were filled with elixir and fruit.

With 100 million ruthless lines, Yan Sanzhan was the first time in his life to be so rich.

Whenever I think of his purchases in the past few days, the excitement in my heart is indescribable.

Not to mention that he also obtained a complete set of top-level Divine Marks from Qin Shaofeng, which made him inexplicably excited.

Under various factors, it is even more difficult for him to be very concerned about the divine pattern Qin Shaofeng needs.

Qin Shaofeng didn't even look at it.

He simply thanked Yan Sanzhan before returning to his room.

From start to finish.

He didn't say the result of this trip, and didn't ask more about the situation of the Yan family.

But this is the case, but it also makes the eyes three points unable to suppress the excitement in the heart.

Qin Shaofeng did not give any explanation?

Does he still need to give an account?

Just because Qin Shaofeng was willing to take this trip in person, all the results were already doomed.

as predicted.

It was only the third day that Yan Sanzhan heard the news that the Moshan faction had closed the mountain for ten thousand years.

Although it was not possible to directly destroy the Demon Mountain Sect, it seems to be a bit insufficient.

The mountain has been closed for 10,000 years, but it has also exceeded the task of solving the troubles of the Yan family.

The most important thing is that Qin Shaofeng is not exposed.

With the end of the matter, everything seemed to become peaceful again.

Qin Shaofeng is still in constant cultivation, and the Yan family is also continuing everything in the past.

If the only difference is that Yan Sanzhan seems to have suddenly become rich, he often participates in large auctions.

As long as it is a top-level cultivation resource, he will often bid it back at any cost.

Qin Shaofeng, on the other hand, with the help of Yan Sanzhan himself, the speed of cultivation became faster and faster.

Half a year passed by in a flash.

After having an ally like the Yan family, he only went out once as a whole, and there has never been a shortage of resources since then.

In half a year, he finally cultivated the first eight ways of the Ruthless Divine Rune.

The last Divine Rune is only enough to start the cultivation with the assistance of the last Spirit Fruit.

But it was this kind of spiritual fruit that made him wait for nearly seven days.

this day.

While he was immersing himself in the ghost house and exploring the results of everyone's cultivation during this period of time, the door was knocked again.

"Yan Sanzhan? Is this finally news?"

Qin Shaofeng was overjoyed, and quickly said: "Patriarch Yan, please come in. Looking at the expression of the patriarch, there should be some good news, right?"

Yan Sanzhan said with joy: "It's really good news, the spiritual fruit you are looking for has appeared, and the 30,000-year-old spiritual fruit will be auctioned in Xiu Xin City four days later."

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