Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5103: Tail

"Boy, do we want to meet this ancestor of the Yan family?"

"Can I meet her? What to do?"

"This woman is not as simple as you think, and the information she has learned is not what you and I can know, and even more."

"so what?"

"You kid..."

"Don't you want to know how the Ruthless Dynasty is plotting against you?"

"In no mood."


"Senior Qicai, your cultivation base and experience may really surpass mine, but the dangers and conspiracies you have faced, I believe you must be inferior to me."


"The Ruthless Dynasty does want to deal with me, but they will never let Jun Tianhong ambush against me alone. After all, there are eternal powerhouses around me, as well as your affairs, Jun Tianhong can't hide it."

"So, I'm sure that the information Yan Su got is wrong. There must be at least one eternal powerhouse hidden in this incident."

"What? Also? At least one?"

"At least one, but it is impossible to have more than two. I prefer one."

"Since Yan Su doesn't want to come to the front of the stage, let her continue to hide. We don't have to have any illusions about her. If she really wants to help us, it's a good thing, otherwise it's nothing."

"Then you don't want to know, did the Ruthless Dynasty really come up with a spiritual fruit?"

"They must have taken it out, and the age is definitely more than 30,000 years old. If they don't take out the real thing, why would they take the bait?"


"It's still not right. Since the enemy has made so many ambush, what we should do is to hide. Why do you want to hit their guns?"

"The Spiritual Heart Fruit is only owned by the Ruthless Dynasty. I won't be able to take the bait. Many things are not qualified to know as you are, so you just need to remember that I will call you when you need to take action, and now stare at Yan Su for me. "

"You! Me! Cough, cough, cough..."

Qi Cai felt like he was going to be **** off.

What kind of cultivation is he, and what kind of cultivation is this guy?

How can he say that his identity is not qualified to know?

I want to scold me harshly.

But he also knew that Qin Shaofeng was the prince of the Xia Dynasty, and because of his identity, he really didn't have the courage to touch him.

Not to mention, he clearly knows that the song is hidden in a place he doesn't know.

Once he dares to attack Qin Shaofeng, what he will face is definitely not the result he thought.

He snorted bitterly and said nothing.

Qin Shaofeng took his mind back and charged two points faster all the way.

Listen to the constant ringing of the system.

Qin Shaofeng's face did not show the slightest joy.

This Green Devil Mountain is a Jedi, an absolutely dangerous and terrifying place for many people who cultivate in the Devil Domain.

In his opinion, it is just a mountain with a lot of experience points.

Although there are a lot of beasts here, they cannot achieve the effect he wants.

The gathering place of high-level beasts like Buddha Mountain is not everywhere.

A full half a day.

He finally saw the long-awaited Green Devil Rhinoceros.

The blue devil rhinoceros is ten feet tall and more than twenty feet long, even if it is lying there, it looks like a hill.

People who don't really have the ability will really be scared to the ground when they see such terrifying existence.

"A sage is about intermediate level, and the real combat power is at most comparable to that of a senior sage, but that's all!" Qin Shaofeng looked at the hill-like existence in front of him, without any fear.

Shaking his head slowly, he took out the sword.

"After killing this blue devil rhinoceros, I should be able to achieve my first goal. There are still three days left, and the time is too tight!"

While talking to himself, he swung the sword.

The sky suddenly turned dark.

It felt like a bone-chilling cold wind suddenly blew.

In the rolling black clouds, there seems to be some kind of terrifying aura, and only that hill-like green rhinoceros, whose eyes are three-thirds more terrifying than the lantern, flashes with fear.

In the black clouds in the sky, there seemed to be tornadoes.

The tornado turned into strips of yellow springs.

The moment Huangquan appeared, a road to the sky descended toward the Blue Devil Rhinoceros.

"Hey! What kind of martial art is this, so terrifying?!"

In the distance in the air, Yan Su, who had always been hiding behind Qin Shaofeng, could not help but gasp when he saw the scene in front of him.

She could clearly feel that Qin Shaofeng's move directly exerted the power of Nirvana.

The attack from the incarnation of the peak sage was not enough to hurt her at all.

But when Huangquan Road fell on top of the blue devil rhinoceros, she, a half-step eternal powerhouse, felt the threat of death.

Today's Huangquan Road is led by the green devil rhinoceros a hundred feet away.

Such a long distance can make her feel like this.

It's hard to imagine.

If the person who bears Qin Shaofeng's trick head-on becomes her, what level of threat will she face.

"No wonder this kid can make such a big noise. If his cultivation can reach my current level, I'm afraid it will make most of the ruthless dynasty tremble?" Yan Sumei's eyes were full of shock.


The green devil rhino finally felt the danger.

Standing up suddenly, and stepping down on the ground one after another, the ground will experience an earthquake-like tremor.

But it is already under the guidance of Huangquan Road.

Qin Shaofeng, with the real sage's cultivation, does not care about the consumption of the Huangquan Road, especially if it can break free?

The green devil rhino's struggle was no more than a breath.

Its huge body was pulled by Huangquan Road, and it really set foot on Huangquan Road.

The moment the terrifying figure stepped onto Huangquan Road, it shrank ten thousand times in an instant, and walked towards the depths of Huangquan step by step.

Any struggle is in vain.

It all came and went very quickly.

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for killing the Sage Realm Blue Devil Rhinoceros and obtaining 10 million Starry Sky Points, 100 Soul Points, and 10 Martial Points."

"System prompt: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for reaching 10 billion star value, do you want to upgrade the player?"

The system sound resounded in my mind.

This is…

Is it the limit?

"Upgrade the small world."

Qin Shaofeng didn't think for too long before he made a decision.

His cultivation really needs to be upgraded.

According to the current level of improvement, 10 billion won't bring him much progress.

On the contrary, the further improvement of the Void Starry Sky Realm can bring him the insights that I believe far outweigh the benefits of the upgrade.

As for the fluctuation of the power of the world, he no longer needs to care.

Even the head of the Yan family, as long as she dares to do something unfavorable to her, she has absolute confidence to kill him.

Not to mention, now he is almost deadly vengeful with the Ruthless Dynasty.

The big deal is to get the last two Divine Runes as soon as possible, and find a way to escape the ruthless dynasty.

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