Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5104: sad tears

"This is... what happened?"

"Why did the sky suddenly get dark?"

"No, look at the sky!"

"What happened, why did the sky open with such a big gap?"

"Is something bad going to happen?"

"The world... the end of the world?"

In the cities, there are dangerous roads with human presence everywhere.

All the people who discovered the vision of heaven and earth looked into the sky with fear on their faces, and despair continued to appear on everyone's face.

The originally clear sky suddenly turned pitch black.

But in the middle of the endless darkness, a crack like lightning appeared.

It's just that this crack is not caused by the light of lightning, but a real crack in the sky, which can give people a feeling that is no less than the fear of the world being torn in half by a giant.

The feeling of unease seems to spread, and it spreads more and more widely.

Repair the city.

Quiet room.

A quiet woman sat on the futon with her eyes closed.

This woman does not have a half of her cultivation aura, and she does not use her consciousness, but she seems to be able to see through the roof and see the vision in the sky at a glance.

"The beginning of heaven and earth, this is the vision of someone completing the first change of heaven and earth."

"When did the Lord of the World appear in our ruthless dynasty, and he was able to cultivate the small world to such a level, but it was never noticed by the outside world?"

"Cultivation Demon Leader? Asura Clan?"

"Do not!"

"Although the overall strength of these two forces is not weak, they have not left the passage of the ruthless dynasty, and it is even more impossible to obtain a small world."

"It's not them, nor is it someone from my ruthless dynasty..."

"Children, is it really you?"

"Is this the surprise you want to send to your mother?"

"Indeed... It was a big surprise. Even the mother was shocked. You actually have descendants with such a great opportunity, but... Can your descendants really accomplish what you didn't accomplish?"

"Absolutely impossible!"

"Don't tell me it's you, even your royal father can't escape that... The person you chose is indeed very good, but it is impossible for him to accomplish that!"

"A tattoo king, seven eternity, a kid who can't even step into the realm of a sage, how can he break it?"

"The Xia Dynasty has been destroyed for hundreds of thousands of years."

"Today's starry sky world is surrounded by a group of..."

"Haha, hahaha..."

"How can our ruthless dynasty break the curse?"

"It's impossible, there's no possibility, not to mention the kid you chose, even if the mother still has the ability, and the mother will not be able to complete that thing!"

Under such a change in the quiet woman's mood, her expression turned out to be as quiet as ever.

But in her tightly closed eyes, there were rows of tears that kept falling.

Tears slowly appeared a trace of color.

It was the color of blood, and it turned out to be two lines of blood and tears.

This is the woman's unwillingness to fate, but helpless sad tears.

Magic Mountain.

The emaciated body of the magic mountain wood is like a ten thousand year cold pine, and its straight and proud combat power is at the top of the mountain.

Like ordinary people, he is also looking up at the changes in the sky.

The difference is that there is only endless killing intent in his eyes.

"I didn't expect it!"

"Zi Xiaoyao, the little Shura clan ants, even want to turn the sky upside down."

"The Lord of the World, a qualitative change in the world."

"Yes, you are very good."

"It's a pity that you offended someone who shouldn't have offended you and got something you shouldn't have. If King Wen wants you to die, you must die!"

"The fate that the ruthless emperor cannot change, what qualifications do you have to resist, you little Asura clan ant?"

Magic Mountain Wood's voice was very soft.

But if anyone heard him, they would definitely be startled.

The king of tattoos?

It was a ruthless dynasty, and it was impossible for anyone in 9,999.99/10,000 to know of its existence.

The Ruthless Emperor is the most mysterious and inviolable existence in the hearts of everyone in the Ruthless Dynasty, standing at the pinnacle of all beings.

The Ruthless Emperor was bound by some unspeakable fate.

how can that be?

No one wants to, and no one wants to believe it.

However, such words came from the mouth of this little person who is not even a sage, the head of the Demon Mountain Sect.

"Sect Master, why are you here? Do you know what's going on with the changes in the sky?" The Great Elder of the Demon Mountain Sect did not know when he came to the back of the Demon Mountain Wood.

"Zi Xiaoyao has completed the first change in the small world."


The elder was stunned for a while.

small world?

The first change?

what is that?

Just as doubts emerged from the bottom of his heart, he felt a chill in his chest.

Looking down subconsciously, I saw the position of my heart, and I didn't know when a blood hole appeared.

The only leader who could possibly take action against him has never made the slightest move?

"Master, you, you..."

"You shouldn't be here, you shouldn't hear what this seat has to say."

Moshanmu turned around, and the light flashing in his eyes made the elder feel deeply unfamiliar.

Although the former head is mysterious, there are many things hidden in his heart.

But he was really indifferent to everything.

The person standing in front of him now has only deep hatred in his eyes, as well as hostility towards him, perhaps towards the entire Demon Mountain Sect.

This person is definitely not the boss.

"Who are you?"

The first elder tried his last strength to ask this question.

"You are very smart, you can see the abnormality of this seat so quickly."

Mo Shanmu walked slowly to the Great Elder, patted his shoulder, and said in an inaudible voice: "It's a pity, you know something you shouldn't know, as for this seat... This seat is ruthless Dynasty Eternal Jun Tianhong !"


The Great Elder seemed to finally understand, a look of sadness flashed in his eyes, a touch of relief, and he slowly fell down.

That's right, the current magic mountain wood is indeed Jun Tianhong who escaped from the magic sea magic cave.

Although Jun Tianhong was hit hard by the collapse of space.

But after all, he is an eternal powerhouse. Although he is dying after escaping, he is not fatal.

Half a year ago, the mummy that Moshanmu got was him.

Moshanmu wanted to absorb him, but because of Qin Shaofeng's aura, he completely ran away and took him back.

Although he does not have the combat power of the peak period, his power is far beyond the ordinary half-step eternity.

It is not impossible to say that it is killed at will.

This state seems to be stronger than the current colorful half points.

But he also knows what kind of power Qin Shaofeng has around him, and it is impossible for him to kill Qin Shaofeng by now.

More than half a month ago, after he completely seized the magic mountain tree, he began to arrange the current affairs.

Qin Shaofeng's guess cannot be said to be wrong.

But he didn't know that the real number of eternal powerhouses in the Ruthless Dynasty was as many as seven.

What's more, the tattoo king has long noticed the result that he can get the ruthless divine tattoo.

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