Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5106: The runaway Jun Tianhong

"Okay, I know you are well-intentioned, but I still have things to do that I'm afraid of. If it's all right, you can just hide it. When I should go and see the ruthless dynasty, I will naturally pass."

Qin Shaofeng stood up, stretched out, took out the sword again, and rushed out towards the distant sky.

Although he is the peak cultivation base of True Monarch Hongmeng today.

But his true combat power is not comparable to that of ordinary emperors.

Even if you meet some Venerables, you will be planted in his hands if you are not careful.

When you are alone, you don't need to worry about any danger as you hurry on the road.

But his free and easy behavior made Yan Su feel even more speechless.

"What an unreasonable kid."

Yan Su shook her head, but her eyes turned towards Qin Shaofeng's departure again.

With her cultivation, there is no need to worry about Qin Shaofeng throwing her away.

But also because of Qin Shaofeng's words, she was even more curious about what kind of person he was.

The peak cultivation realm of True Monarch Hongmeng.

Even if he has completed Nirvana, he is still not a true sage, so he dares to offend the ruthless dynasty to such an extent.

You know, she never dared to do this back then!

Feeling for a while.

Only then did she hide her figure again and follow her up again.

She wanted to see what Qin Shaofeng wanted to do.

He has been rushing wildly in various deep mountains, but he has not even glanced at the crystal core of the beast and most of the spiritual medicines and fruits that appeared on the road.

Could it be that he still thinks that with this kind of slaughter, he can find another spiritual fruit?

If the Spirit Heart Fruit was really that easy to find, it wouldn't be regarded as a legend.

Another big mountain.

Qin Shaofeng once again launched a ruthless killing.

at the same time.

Repair the city.

The auction has already started.

"Why not?"

"That kid clearly came to Xiu Moyu, and we spread the news about Ling Xingguo long ago. Why hasn't he appeared until now?"

"It doesn't make sense at all!"

The thin figure in a black robe roared loudly.

If Qin Shaofeng or some familiar people saw it, they would definitely be shocked by his appearance.

This person turned out to be Moshanmu, who used to be the head of the Moshan faction.

After half a year, he has completely integrated with Jun Tianhong, and he has been completely taken over by Jun Tianhong.

Although Jun Tianhong is the skin of a pair of magic mountain wood.

At least in front of these ruthless dynasty powerhouses, it is still the former Jun Tianhong.

More than a dozen sages of the ruthless dynasty were scolded by him, but no one dared to make a sound.

The scolding went on for a long time.

Only an old man who seemed to be in his waning years walked over slowly.

"Old Jun, you've been staring at them and scolding them. It's not their fault that the kid doesn't show up. Could it be that you feel wrong?" The old man obviously thought it was Jun Tianhong's mistake.


Jun Tianhong was furious and roared: "Ji Wuqing, stop using your official style to talk nonsense in front of the old man, the old man was indeed dying at that time, but the old man is not as old as you, so you can't tell what it is. Not the breath of that **** king, eight, egg!"

The old man smiled faintly, as if he didn't hear his scolding at all.

Jun Tianhong's scolding continued for a long while again.

"Okay, this old man is not interested in scolding you, an old ghost who doesn't understand human language. That kid has already completed the cultivation of several ruthless divine patterns half a year ago. Now, even if he doesn't go to the last one, he is almost done. It is impossible not to care about the spiritual fruit."

"He didn't show up, it's just a very serious possibility."

"Either he saw through our conspiracy, or he was at a critical stage of cultivation."

"No matter what the reason is, when he calms down completely, he will know that if he wants to get the spiritual fruit of more than 20,000 years, he can only come here to take an adventure."

"If he still doesn't show up, then there will be an accident in today's auction, and I order it to go down and let the people of the Thousand Blood Society act for me, and let's talk about this auction first!"

Jun Tianhong's roar came down, making everyone quiet down.

I haven't even glanced at the eight characters yet.

The auction has just started, and according to their plan, the finale item, Spirit Heart Fruit, will not appear until tomorrow evening.

He was about to prepare to spoil the auction right now.

I have never seen someone so anxious.

The old man Ji Wuqing just smiled faintly, without answering his words at all, turned around and walked away.

He appeared as if to be scolded.

If it wasn't for everyone present who knew about their relationship, I'm afraid they would really doubt whether this Ji Wuqing had a problem with his head.

Or, will Ji Wuqing really be an old man with an empty identity?

But what they couldn't possibly know was.

It is true that Ji Wuqing and Jun Tianhong had a deadly friendship. It was indeed to shut up Jun Tianhong, but not because Jun Tianhong continued to scold Qin Shaofeng not to appear.

But because only Ji Wuqing and Jun Tianhong knew.

An eternal powerhouse.

Regardless of status or cultivation base, they are far above the two of them.

It is also the most hidden eternal powerhouse.

The auction is still going on.

Jun Tianhong's anger grew more and more.

If he doesn't see Qin Shaofeng's appearance, there may be problems with his arrangement.

He definitely didn't want to see a scene like that.

Pacing back and forth in place for a while.

Jun Tianhong stopped abruptly and said solemnly: "No, I can't wait like this any longer. Isn't the person that the kid turned into often wandering between various deep mountains and old forests?"

"Since he doesn't come to the condom, the old man will go to him."

"Humph! Eternity, so what?"

"Although the old man's combat power has only recovered 70%, he still has enough ability to support him for a while."

"There's a moment long enough for that old **** to come to the rescue."

Jun Tianhong muttered to himself and shouted loudly: "Everyone, listen, continue what you need to do, if you notice someone who suddenly came to the city, let Ji Laogui go to investigate in person, Once that kid appears, let Ji Laogui call me back immediately!"

Before he finished speaking, he had already risen into the sky.

As long as Qin Shaofeng's situation cannot be determined, he can't be completely relieved.

Qin Shaofeng doesn't come to him, then he goes to Qin Shaofeng.

have to say.

Such a simple idea really made everyone who heard it speechless.

I thought to myself: This Lord Jun Tianhong is really... unbelievable!

If he was not an eternal powerhouse, he might have been betrayed long ago.


With such a simple thought, I am afraid that he was sold and still counting money for others, right?

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