Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5107: abnormal

"It seems that the one acquiesced."

Jun Tianhong flew all the way out of Xiuxin City a hundred miles away before pausing for a moment.

The 100-mile radius of Xiu Xin City is not a forbidden area.

He is very clear that the scope of that person's attention is only so large.

Because of his own reasons, that person came in person, which was something that he didn't even think of.

But no matter what.

It is a fact that he was injured by Qin Shaofeng like that.

Half a year ago, he also felt Qin Shaofeng's breath.

After he seized the Demon Mountain Wood, although he got some information that the Demon Mountain Wood had learned.

The problem is that Moshanmu doesn't know Qin Shaofeng's situation, and it is even more impossible for him to know where to look for Qin Shaofeng.

As for the resources needed for cultivation.

The Demon Cultivation Domain is really too big, and various clan forces are frantically rushing to buy all kinds of resources.

This piece of land is indeed a ruthless dynasty in name, but it is under the jurisdiction of the Demon Cultivator.

He wants to check carefully here, the difficulty is much greater than it is now.

All kinds of helplessness add up to the reason why he is always on the verge of running out.

once Upon a time.

He is still the supreme existence of the Ruthless Dynasty.

If it weren't for the fact that he was in front of him, he would not have believed that he would have such a day.

Things have already happened, and he naturally has to work hard to make up for it.

Take a deep breath.

He galloped aimlessly in the distance, and his spiritual sense no longer explored every deep mountain and river all the time, trying to find some clues.

One day in a blink of an eye.

Jun Tianhong himself didn't know how far he flew out, how many famous mountains and rivers he had experienced, but he didn't even feel the slightest breath of Qin Shaofeng.

Perhaps it should be said that even a human being could not detect it.

"It seems that I am still too eager for quick success. That kid is not a simple character. How could he leave his breath everywhere?"

After another two hours of searching, Jun Tianhong couldn't help sighing deeply.

To find a person in such a vast land is simply unimaginable.

With a sigh, he was about to turn around and leave.

A strange emotion came to mind.

It seems... something is not quite right.

Jun Tianhong subconsciously searched for his consciousness towards the mountain below.

Not to mention Qin Shaofeng's figure, it doesn't even have the breath of a human being.

Even, he didn't even feel the aura of the beast.


He suddenly realized something.

"There aren't even beasts in this mountain?!"

Jun Tianhong was suddenly startled, and he finally realized that something was wrong.

In the entire ruthless dynasty, there is no place where the beasts gather, and there is no place where there are no beasts.

But unfortunately, in such a deep mountain and old forest, there are not even a few fierce beasts to be seen.

Especially in the deepest part of the mountain range, even a vicious beast is owed.

This is completely out of line.

How can he not be surprised?

In his astonished mood, he began to explore deeper into the mountain forest, and it was not until he was about to walk out of the mountain that he finally noticed the aura of the beast.

It's just that the vicious beast aura in this area is extremely weak.

"How could such a situation occur, is there a strong man who specifically slaughtered all the murderers in this mountain range?"

"Seems like... something like this has been seen somewhere."

Thinking back, it really made him think of something.

It seems that not long after he left Xiuxin City, he began to notice that many mountain ranges had become like this.

It's just that his attention was focused on finding Qin Shaofeng's injury, and he didn't pay too much attention to this plot.

It wasn't until now that he was completely awake that he realized the problem.

This scene shouldn't have happened at all.


He didn't believe this would be any ordinary thing.

If it is combined with the auction they arranged, it is very likely that this matter has something to do with Qin Shaofeng.

Thinking of this, his emotions began to become agitated.

All of a sudden, the speed is fully open, and it is looking in all directions.

A full half an hour.

He finally determined the direction he was looking for, and continued to gallop into the distance.

The emperor pays off.

Jun Tianhong's search only lasted for half a day, and he could already feel the faint battle fluctuations in the distant mountains.

The breath of those who are fighting is so familiar to him.

"somebody is coming!"

"somebody is coming!"

Two voices entered Qin Shaofeng's ears at the same time.

One of them is naturally Qi Cai, who is always helping him to explore the surrounding situation, and the other is actually Yan Su, the ancestor of the Yan family who is hiding in the dark.

Unexpectedly, Yan Su was also helping him to guard against the surrounding situation.

Qin Shaofeng stopped subconsciously.

He turned back and looked in the direction from which Divine Consciousness came from.

I saw a thin figure appear in the distance in the air.

"Purple! Happy! Away!"

The voice sounded word by word, and the anger in the words made Qin Shaofeng's heart skip a beat.

Not right!

He naturally recognized that the person who came was also his acquaintance, the head of the Moshan faction, Moshanmu.

But it is impossible for Moshanmu to know his identity.

After all, when he appeared in the Demon Mountain Sect, he was a hidden figure.

Even if Moshanmu can recognize his own breath, it is impossible to call out the name Zi Xiaoyao.

He still vaguely remembered that the original pseudonym was not this.

"That senior, do we know each other?"

Qin Shaofeng clasped his fists towards the distant sky, and at the same time he asked the question, but at the same time he voiced: "Who of you has a way to help me trap him, at least not let him call for help?"

Qi Cai and Yan Su in the dark were stunned.

Obviously they did not expect that Qin Shaofeng would make such a request.

The person here seems to be weird, but he is just a sage, someone who can be killed at will, do you need to make him care so much?

"Of course I do, have you forgotten about me, Moshanmu?"

Jun Tianhong laughed, but at the same time he opened his mouth, he quietly took out a jade pendant.

Others don't know Qin Shaofeng's means, but he clearly knows that if he really dares to fight Qin Shaofeng directly, he will surely die.

An eternal helper, a helper whose combat power is almost the same as that of the eternal powerhouse.

Even if it is not the existence of Qin Shaofeng himself, it is not something he can deal with now.

However, just when he was about to crush the jade pendant to ask for help, he felt an invisible breath enveloped him, making him unable to connect with the world around him.

It was as if he had been separated from this world.

"This is... Jiuli Divine Rune?!"

Jun Tianhong's face was horrified.

Although Jiuli Divine Rune is not the most top Divine Rune, the attack power it can burst out can be called nothing.

However, the Jiuli Divine Rune is still one of the top ten Divine Runes in the Ruthless Dynasty.

It is also one of the Divine Runes controlled by the Ruthless Dynasty.

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