Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5113: roll or die

"What happened?"

"Magic Mountain Wood? I seem to have heard this name somewhere."

"Isn't that the head of the Demon Mountain Sect? Why did he come to our Demon Cultivation Alliance to ask for help?"

"What's going on, go and see."

"Looks like something terrible has happened."

"Moshanmu, I have indeed heard of this person, the head of the Moshan faction. He seems to be a strong man in the realm of sages. He is being chased and killed?"

"There is actually someone in the Demon Realm who can hunt down a strong man in the realm of sages?"

"What a great news!"

There was a lot of discussion, and countless people in the Demon Cultivation Alliance were startled by the sound from the distant sky.

It is a rare thing for everyone to have someone who can hunt down a sage's existence.

Everyone wanted to join in the fun.

One of the luxurious mansions.

Elder Xu looked very old, his gray beard was hanging down to his stomach, and he looked very old.

In fact, how can he be really old when his cultivation base has reached the realm of a sage?

Those eyes, which were slightly narrowed at all times, were full of wise brilliance.

If anyone treats him as an old man, he is really wrong.

Elder Xu looks old, but what he enjoys is not what ordinary people dare to think.

Behind him and left, a young girl rubbed her shoulders and arms, and even in front of her, there were two young girls rubbing her legs.

Not far away, several girls were peeling fruit for him.

The most enviable, jealous, and hateful thing is that those girls actually wanted to feed him with their mouths.

Such a luxurious scene, I am afraid that countless young people can't wait to rush up and drown him one by one.

Elder Xu, who was enjoying himself, suddenly jumped up when he heard Jun Tianhong's voice.

The girls in the room were so frightened that they fell to the ground in unison, for fear that Elder Xu would blame him.

As everyone knows.

How can Elder Xu take care of them at this time?

How did the magic mountain wood come to the door?

I have to admit that Moshanmu is indeed the person he covers.

But the problem is, this kind of thing is enough to know behind the scenes, and it must not be announced to the public.

What the magic mountain wood did was to roast him on the fire!

But he couldn't care less.

Although it is an unspoken rule to secretly support some people and profit from it, it is also a well-known thing.

If he dared to deny it, he would never think that anyone would secretly allegiance to him in the future.

A real dilemma.

"Come on, follow the old man out to see, who dares to mess around in the Demon Cultivation Realm, and who is yelling at the site of our Demon Cultivation Alliance!" Elder Xu decided to go out and have a look.

No matter what, he obviously couldn't please him.

Then he will let all those who trouble him die before him.

Thinking hard.

Elder Xu put on his shoes, strode out of the room, and rose into the sky with a few people who had already surrounded him.

sky, far away.

Jun Tianhong, who was escaping in a hurry, found that the battle was not big, but five sages also appeared, and he was relieved.

It didn't stop at all.

Jun Tianhong flew all the way to Elder Xu before he could look back.

When he found that Qin Shaofeng had come behind him, he quickly dodged and hid behind Elder Xu.

"Elder Xu, help, they attacked me while I was in retreat, and chased and killed me for several days. You must help me!" Jun Tianhong shouted loudly, but he was hurriedly healing behind his back. .

Elder Xu?

In his eyes, this old thing was just a flea.

Qin Shaofeng's Emperor Sword can be seriously injured even at his peak. It's not too easy to kill the five Elder Xu.

As for Yan Su.

Half-step Eternal Realm is really nothing to him.

But the problem was that Yan Su wanted to clean up Elder Xu and the others, but he also did it at his fingertips.

At the same time, facing these two people with such cultivation.

If Elder Xu died, he would not be able to attract the help of the Cultivation Alliance, so he could only continue to rely on himself.

"Sneak attack?"

Elder Xu's anger towards him was obviously not small.

But when he turned back, he noticed the aura emanating from Qin Shaofeng, suddenly reaching the realm of a sage, and suddenly becoming the peak of the True Monarch of Hongmeng.

He immediately recognized Qin Shaofeng's true cultivation situation.

The problem was that Yan Su's aura was faintly exuding, but it made him faintly apprehensive.

"Finally willing to stop?"

Qin Shaofeng also did not take Elder Xu seriously.

He didn't even care about the entire Demon Cultivation Alliance.

Although he knew that Jun Tianhong was healing, he also knew that he couldn't be in a hurry.

He looked back at Yan Su.

"Use all the divine marks you know for me. Since this old thing has stopped, let him not run away." Qin Shaofeng ordered domineeringly.

"It's all done. Even if he continues to work hard, my Divine Mark can at least stop him for a while."

Yan Su clearly didn't do anything, but the words he said shocked Elder Xu and others.

Look at Yan Su, then look at Qin Shaofeng.

Elder Xu was a little confused.

He could see Yan Su's strength, but in the current situation, how could it seem that Qin Shaofeng was the master?

This seems a little off, doesn't it?

"Haha, well done!"

Qin Shaofeng laughed twice, then looked at Elder Xu and others, and said coldly: "I don't have time to talk nonsense with you, get out! Immediately! Immediately! Otherwise, die!"

"This little friend..."


Before Elder Xu had finished speaking, Yan Su had already interrupted it and said, "This girl is here today to watch the Eternal War. You **** who are not even fleas should not care about things that you shouldn't care about. It's good, otherwise, hehe..."

Yan Su did not say what would happen otherwise.

But a half-step eternal breath suddenly erupted from her body, but it frightened Elder Xu and the others.

"Half a step... Eternity! Hiss!"

Elder Xu immediately froze.

The Xiu Mo League is not a powerhouse without a half-step eternal realm.

But the problem is, those who exist, any one is also a figure at the level of the ancestors.

If he dares to meddle in his own business, even if he is really killed, it is impossible for such a strong person to take care of him.

Not to mention, still facing an existence of this level.

In particular, what Yan Su said shocked them even more.

Eternal War?

Elder Xu looked at Qin Shaofeng, whose cultivation was still unable to stabilize in the realm of sages, and then looked at Moshanmu, who was in the realm of sages. He didn't believe in any eternal battle.

However, the face of the half-step eternal realm powerhouse must be given.

"Get out of the way, this matter is not our responsibility."

Elder Xu made a decision directly, and said at the same time: "This friend, you can fight, please don't affect the martial arts of our Cultivation Alliance."

"This is unlikely. I dare not give an eternal powerhouse time to heal."

Qin Shaofeng didn't give any face at all.

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