Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5114: Today, I will kill eternity

"Eternal powerhouse?"

"What are you kidding, that magic mountain wood is an eternal powerhouse?"

"It can really put gold on the face, a true monarch peak, a waste who is not even a sage, and dare to say anything about eternity."

A series of discussions sounded from the Demon Cultivation Alliance.

It is different from these people's ideas.

There was no breath on the three of them, but before everyone noticed, they suddenly appeared in the air, and the old man who had the feeling of sheltering the Cultivation Alliance appeared.

Elder Xu did not find the three of them, otherwise he would be shocked.

These three people are exactly the half-step eternal ancestors who he believes that even his life and death are not qualified to let anyone take a second look.


The three appeared, and even they themselves could not explain the reason.

At the beginning of the period, he was indeed startled by Yan Su's breath.

But when they really came to the air, they realized that the people who really brought them a sense of crisis were actually two people who seemed to be very weak.

Could it be that... those two are really eternal powerhouses?

It's impossible, right?

"Jun Tianhong, accept your life!"

Qin Shaofeng never considered giving Jun Tianhong the chance to react at all.

Just a few breaths of time to threaten the Xiumo League, for him, it gave Jun Tianhong too many opportunities.


Jun Tianhong was furious.

But in the face of Qin Shaofeng's sword, he did not dare to resist.

With a sudden dodge, he had already gone to Qin Shaofeng's expression, and suddenly he slapped it towards Qin Shaofeng.

"So fast!"

"With the eyesight of the old man, I didn't even see the trajectory of his movement clearly."

"Is he really an eternal powerhouse?"

"Jun Tianhong? Could it be... Ruthless Dynasty Eternal Jun Tianhong?"

The three old men subconsciously exclaimed.

Thinking of that possibility, they felt a panic in their hearts.

As they had guessed, the Cultivation Demon Alliance was really about to be rebuilt.

"If you belong to the Cultivation Alliance, you should escape immediately. Without the order of the old man and others, the pair should not be close to the battlefield!" An ancestor ordered in a timely manner.

But he knew it himself.

If it was an eternal war, his order was still too late.

When they looked towards the battlefield again, killing intent appeared in the eyes of the three elders.

But not at Qin Shaofeng, but Elder Xu.

If it weren't for this **** being blind, how could the Xiumo Alliance lead to a battle between two eternal powerhouses?

This is no joke!

Even if it happened in the sky above the Demon Cultivation Territory, I am afraid that few people dare to control it, right?

When the three were secretly angry.

"One sword world!"

When Qin Shaofeng drew his sword, he had already guessed this possibility.

After chasing and killing all the way, he also really realized how the Emperor Sword was used.

There are two kinds in total. One is to cut with full force. As long as he can hit the target, it is enough for him to kill Jun Tianhong in one move.

The problem is that no one can help him stop Jun Tianhong now.

Another way, as it is now, is to really use it as a sword. Ling Ya’er, the Divine Comedy Sword, can use the power of the Divine Comedy to help him bless it on the Emperor Sword.

These are complicated to say, but they can be summed up in one sentence: He can fight with a sword and use an eternity of combat power.

Under normal circumstances, it is indeed impossible for Yijian Tiandi to block Jun Tianhong's attack.

Not now.

The division of space is the use of eternal power, even Jun Tianhong's attack, the moment it landed on the world, was directly bounced back.


"Jun Tianhong, although you are like this now, you are also an eternal powerhouse. Do you really think that I will fight with you without any precautions?"

Qin Shaofeng laughed loudly, and the emperor sword slashed again towards Jun Tianhong.

"How could this be, you are just a little sage!"

Jun Tianhong was shocked.

He clearly knew the horror of the Emperor Sword, and even if he didn't know why Qin Shaofeng could use it like this, he was quite frightened.

After abruptly retreating more than ten steps, a sword appeared in his hand.

The war sword **** pattern is densely covered, just one **** pattern is enough, it is enough to make hundreds of Demon Mountain Sect go bankrupt.

Seeing this sword, everyone in Xiu Mo League was even more certain.

This guy is really not a magic mountain wood.

It's not that they look down on the magic mountain wood, even if they are cultivating the magic alliance, they are not qualified to have this level of war knives.

"Zi Xiaoyao, since you want to fight the old man, what if the old man will accompany you to fight?"

"Dare to kill and rob the treasure of my dynasty, kill the prince of my dynasty, you must die!"

Jun Tianhong saw that he couldn't put it on anymore, so he simply stopped putting on it.

With a roar, the power of eternity revolved, and the blade of the sword suddenly distorted the surrounding space.

"The power of eternity!"

"Kill the prince of the dynasty? Is he really Jun Tianhong?"

All the people who remained in the same place exclaimed in unison.

Elder Xu's legs even started to tremble.

Fortunately, fortunately!

Fortunately, the half-step eternal powerhouse reminded them, otherwise they really didn't know how to die.

Offend an existence that can compete with the eternal powerhouse.

No matter what Qin Shaofeng's cultivation is, he doesn't need Qin Shaofeng to do it. The strong men of the Xiumo League will naturally take action in person and kill them to make Qin Shaofeng calm down.

"Humph! If the young master can kill you the first time, he will naturally be able to kill you the second time. How arrogant?"

"Heavenly Blade!"

Qin Shaofeng snorted coldly, used the sword as a knife, and slashed towards Jun Tianhong.

With a simple split, the space was suddenly torn apart.

Swords meet.

No sound came out, but the heaven and the earth began to shatter from the position where the two were banging, and the distortion of the space scared everyone away.

Although they escaped in time, there was a big gap in speed.

Yan Su and the three half-step eternal powerhouses of the Demon Cultivation Alliance are fine.

The speed of the five Elder Xu escaping was insufficient, and they were torn apart by the silent space distortion, leaving not even a little bit of flesh and blood.

Seeing this scene, the three eternal powerhouses of the Demon Cultivation Alliance were even more frightened into cold sweats.


Is this the battle between the eternal powerhouses?

There is no earth-shattering battle between ordinary warriors, but it can shatter the world silently.

Just the fluctuations of the battle.

If they were accidentally contaminated, they might even die without knowing how.

fear! horrible!

While they were still panicking in their hearts, the situation on the battlefield suddenly changed.

Swords meet.

Jun Tianhong's sword is really good, and there is no sign of fragmentation in the attack of the emperor sword.

But at the moment of the collision, Ya'er, who was in charge of the power output, did it.

The power of the Emperor Sword erupted in an instant.

The terrifying power directly sent Jun Tianhong's sword flying out, but the power was undiminished, directly splitting Jun Tianhong in half.


Yan Su and the three elders of the Xiumo Alliance managed to escape from the aftermath of the erosion, and were once again shocked by what they saw in front of them.

The dignified and eternal powerhouse was slashed to death by Qin Shaofeng's seemingly simple sword.

This...isn't our old eyes dizzy?

"Yan Su, block the entire space, and then prepare to advance. Today, I will kill the Eternal, and personally create an Eternal Powerhouse!" Qin Shaofeng shouted loudly.

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