Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5115: Send you to Huangquan

"Cut the Eternal? Is the Eternal Powerhouse still alive?"

The feeling of surprise only appeared in the hearts of everyone for a moment, and they were relieved.

That is the eternal powerhouse.

Even according to Qin Shaofeng's statement, the state of the eternal powerhouse is very wrong, but it is not easy to kill.

Think about this.

Their attention was once again focused on the battlefield.

After the body of Moshanmu has been subjected to Qin Shaofeng's knife, it has completely turned into pieces of meat on the ground, and it is impossible to be the eternal powerhouse that Qin Shaofeng said.


Where is the real Jun Tianhong?

Yan Su's current thinking is completely different from the three members of the Cultivation Alliance.

What did the kid just say?

Ready to advance?

No way?

He actually wanted to make himself a vacancy in the eternal realm left by the fall of his successor Jun Tianhong?

In other words, he wants to help me become an eternal powerhouse?

Thinking of this possibility, Yan Su almost jumped up with excitement.

It seems that a lot of people do need to be aware of current affairs.

If Qin Shaofeng followed Yan Heng back to Yan's house, he treated Qin Shaofeng with enough courtesy, how could such a good thing happen?

Excited, so excited.

"Kill me?"

"Zi Xiaoyao, do you take yourself too seriously?"

"Even if the old man died once, the body that was taken from him has been beheaded by you, but I am still the eternal powerhouse, the eternal powerhouse you can only hope for, hahahaha..."

Jun Tianhong's confidence is not groundless.

When Qin Shaofeng chopped off his body with one sword, the power of the Emperor Sword was reduced by more than 80%.

He naturally wouldn't believe that Qin Shaofeng in this state could still kill him.

"Can or can't, it's not what you want it to be!"

Qin Shaofeng didn't care about his arrogance and pride.

With a sudden wave of his left hand, a black crack appeared, which was the gate of the Ghost Mansion.

"Prisoner, Ye'er come out to help!"

A figure rushed out of the crack in an instant, it was Ye Huang, but a small tower was suspended above Ye Huang's head.

Qin Shaofeng waved his hand again and closed the gate of the ghost mansion. Then he said loudly: "Prisoner, the shadow of the moonlight! Ye'er, the flame of the phoenix!"

The reaction speed of the two women can be described as extremely fast.

Especially Ye Huang.

For her, the phoenix flame is a perfect trick, and she can easily make this space blaze with flames.

"Phoenix flame! Are you a member of the Phoenix clan!?"

Jun Tianhong's voice sounded out of nothingness, but without his original arrogance, he roared: "This seat is the eternal Jun Tianhong of the ruthless dynasty, you dare to help this kid deal with this seat, you Phoenix clan must be Want to betray the dynasty?"

His words were not without mercy.

However, Ye Huang's thoughts are very simple. Since he established a three-life relationship with Qin Shaofeng, he has completely given his heart to Qin Shaofeng.

Maybe it's impossible between them.

But what Qin Shaofeng wants to do, she will only support it unconditionally.

"Jun Tianhong, it's not your turn to convince my son, hahaha!"

Qin Shaofeng finally found the location of Jun Tianhong's soul under the burning of the phoenix flame.

The power of the Emperor Sword is indeed not much.

If the volley slashed randomly, there is really no way to help Jun Tianhong.

But he never thought of attacking Jun Tianhong again.

The Emperor Sword is in hand, just to still be able to display the combat power of the eternal realm.

"Moonlight Shadow is ready."

Qin Shaofeng's laughter just ended when he heard Li Naling's voice.

"Yan Su, give me a mark of your soul, and then let the prison master poison you." Qin Shaofeng turned back.

This sound almost made Yan Su's jaw drop.

Under the temptation of the eternal realm.

She didn't say a word of veto. After a moment of hesitation, she separated another soul imprint from her soul and sent it to Qin Shaofeng.

One can control the imprint of the souls of others by virtue of the power of Nirvana.

Qin Shaofeng is not in a hurry now, and naturally he has not used it on Mie Sanxian and others.

In the face of an existence that may reach the realm of eternity at any time, he cannot be careless.

But he was still surprised by Yan Su's approach.

After all, it would take a lot of words or threats to make someone offer their soul imprint, let alone an existence that is about to break through the eternal realm.

Accept Yan Su's soul imprint and integrate it into his nirvana.

Li Naling on the other side also finished poisoning Yan Su.

Qin Shaofeng glanced at Yan Su, but couldn't help but explain: "I didn't do this to control you, but you have also cultivated the divine runes. After you break through, there is a high probability that you will be attacked by the divine runes. I don't want to just kill an Eternal and create an Eternal Realm enemy with my own hands."

"Thank you for your explanation, but it doesn't matter."

A hint of gratitude appeared in Yan Sumei's eyes.

After all, there is no need for Qin Shaofeng to explain to her, whether it is the gap between the two, or Qin Shaofeng helping her break through, they are all qualified to ask for her soul imprint and let her work for him.

But he still chose to explain it to him.

This is completely sufficient.

"Zi Xiaoyao! Yan Su! Do you two think too well? Do you really think that with the help of the phoenix flame of the phoenix clan, you can kill this seat? Hahaha..."

"Eternal powerhouse, if it is so easy to kill, what qualifications can it be called eternity?"

In Jun Tianhong's laughter, there was not the slightest sense of indifference.

The three half-step eternal powerhouses of the Demon Cultivation League also subconsciously felt that what Jun Tianhong said was right.

At least in their consciousness, the eternal powerhouse is an immortal existence.

How could he be killed by Qin Shaofeng so easily?

"Eternal immortality? Hahaha..."

Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but sneer, but he didn't mean to explain at all.

He took out a few spirit fruits with his backhand and stuffed them into his mouth.

As soon as the medicinal power melted, he waved the Emperor Sword towards the sky.

The clear sky suddenly became cloudy.

In the dark clouds, there is a faint whirlpool of Huangquan whirling wildly.

With the appearance of Huang Quan, a road to the sky mapped down towards Jun Tianhong's head.

"Huangquan Road?"

Yan Su had seen him perform Huangquan Road with his own eyes, and recognized it at a glance.

But she was puzzled.

He had seen the power of Huang Quanlu, and he thought that dealing with her might be useful, but it wouldn't be of much use.

Such a martial art can actually kill Eternity?

Before she could understand the reason, she felt a fatal threat from Huangquan Road.

The distance was so far that it made her tremble with fear.

"How is it possible, how can your Huangquan Road be so big... No! The reason for the power of eternity!" Yan Su had already woken up in exclamation.

The original Qin Shaofeng only exerted the power of cultivation of the peak of the True Monarch of Hongmeng.

Now it is using the power of eternity to display such martial arts, how can the power that erupts be whispered on the same day?

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