Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5116: I'm late

"Huangquan Road? What? Send me into Huangquan?"

Jun Tianhong murmured in surprise, and then he burst out laughing: "Zi Xiaoyao, I have to say, after all, you are only an ant in the realm of the True Monarch of Hongmeng, how could Tangtang Eternal care about such little tricks?"

Before the laughter was over, Jun Tianhong's complexion began to change.

Because he finally realized something was wrong.

After his soul was reflected by Huangquan Road, it was slowly rising into the air.

The rise is not fast, but it is also a dangerous omen.

"Impossible! This is just your Martial Skill of the True Monarch Realm. How could this seat be recruited?" Jun Tianhong exclaimed.


The corners of Qin Shaofeng's mouth twitched slightly, and the power of the source was even more frantically output.

A piece of spiritual fruit was continuously sent into his mouth to maintain the display of Huangquan Road.

Jun Tianhong began to struggle frantically after realizing that something was wrong.

have to say.

The eternal powerhouse is indeed not as simple as it literally is, and it actually resists the suction of Huangquan Road.


Just when he was about to sneer a few more words, he was surprised to find that several figures appeared in Huang Quan, and quickly rushed towards him.

Either pull or push.

The rest of the existence, he doesn't care very much.

But when he saw the last figure that appeared, the aura did not seem to be strong, but he was so shocked that he almost screamed.

"Necromancer? How is that possible?!"

"How come there are still dead spirits in your yellow circle? The real spirit of death?"

He still couldn't hold back, and screamed.

Yan Su was already preparing to make a breakthrough, but he didn't pay much attention to it, but the three half-step eternal powerhouses of the Xiumo League became puzzled.

Necromancer? The spirit of death?

What is that, and why does it frighten an eternal powerhouse so much?

"Naturally, it was the existence that was sent to Huangquan by me, and in my Huangquan, an eternal spirit of an eternal powerhouse will soon be added." Qin Shaofeng watched in panic, making mistakes, and the distance from Huangquan was getting closer and closer. near soul.

"No, I can't die..."

With the action of the undead, Jun Tianhong no longer had the power to resist.

If he was in the realm of Jiangxi's ruthless dynasty, he might still have the opportunity to look forward to saving soldiers.

It's a pity that this is the Demon Cultivation Leader.

He was already feeling hopeless.

And when Qin Shaofeng just started to feel the joy of victory, he heard an old voice that suddenly resounded from a distance.

"Zi Xiaoyao! You dare to kill the eternal powerhouse of my ruthless dynasty. After all, the ruthless dynasty killed you at all costs, and involved the nine clans!"

This person didn't know where he was, but the voice came from far away.

The three eternal powerhouses of the Xiumo League were completely shocked.


What happened recently, how come so many eternal powerhouses suddenly appeared in our Demon Realm?

Really... do you want to scare people to death?

The Demon Cultivator is indeed powerful.

They also know that there is only one eternal powerhouse in the Demon Cultivation Leader.

Even in the face of the battle between Qin Shaofeng and Jun Tianhong, there is a high probability of choosing to sit back and watch, not to mention the sudden appearance of an eternal powerhouse.

When they were panicking, another voice sounded.

"What's it called? I don't know if people are scaring people and they will scare people to death? Thanks to you, you old **** is also an existence in the eternal realm, and you know ghosts cry and wolf howls every day!"

What the hell?

There are still bullies who dare to insult the eternal powerhouse?

Oh my god! O earth!

The emergence of a Qin Shaofeng who can resist the eternity, or even kill the eternal powerhouse, has already subverted their cognition.

How could such a person still exist?

"Bastard! What the **** are you!"

"Still calling?"

"I'll let you call! Do you call the old man another one?"

"The cultivation of the eternal realm is on your old waste, which really insults the word eternity."

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!"

There was a series of screams in the midst of the angry scolding.

The most unbelievable thing is that the screams came from the mouth of the eternal powerhouse who had not yet appeared.

The subversive cognition once again makes people want to vomit blood.

There is an eternal powerhouse here between life and death.

There is another eternal powerhouse being beaten up?

Are you kidding me?

When the three were in shock, they saw a figure approaching quickly.

He approached quickly, as if he was still under attack.

The most speechless thing is that everyone can only see him alone.

"Little guy, don't you want to watch that guy die? The old man has fulfilled you, but you can only get here. Then you just need to watch." Qi Cai's voice full of jokes sounded.

The three old men vomited blood again.

This guy is still an old urchin, and he wants to play the strong man like this.


Jun Tianhong, who was about to be dragged into Huangquan, saw Ji Wuqing, whose cultivation base was similar to his peak, was beaten by Qi Cai and completely lost all hope.

In a moment of decadence, he was completely pulled into Huangquan.

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for killing the Eternal Powerhouse, obtaining 1 billion Starry Sky Points, 100,000 Soul Points, and 10,000 Martial Physique Points."

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for upgrading his martial arts. The current eternal starry sky martial arts cannot be injured without the power of Nirvana, and cannot be killed without the power of eternity."

The resounding sound of the system almost made Qin Shaofeng jump up with excitement.

Eternal martial arts.

The power of non-nirvana cannot be hurt, and the power of non-eternity cannot be killed. Does it mean that even if he stands and lets a powerful person in the venerable realm attack him, he will be harmless?

This is the real Eternal Realm ability!

A breath of eternity appeared at the same time.

Qin Shaofeng hurriedly turned around and saw that Yan Su had reached the eternal realm in such a short period of time.

But she has not been able to fully control the cultivation of the eternal realm, and her gestures even caused the world to tear apart.

"I broke through, eternity! Is this the powerful feeling of the eternal realm?"

Yan Su's heart beat faster, her face was red and her ears were red.

Turning back, he looked towards Qin Shaofeng.

However, he saw Qin Shaofeng's face was extremely solemn, and his eyes were looking at the western sky.

Subconsciously look back.

Only then did I find that in the western sky, a huge projection of the divine pattern appeared at some point in the sky. The divine pattern was so complicated that she couldn't even recognize it.

"King Wen, you are late, you just took over your command of Eternal Jun Tianhong, the soul of the person who broke through eternity is under my control, and there is a peerless poison under my body, even if you can control her, you can't let her be for you. It's done, hahaha..."

Qin Shaofeng laughed wildly as he looked at the distant sky.

Hearing this, both Yan Su and the three elders of the Cultivation Alliance changed their expressions.

Qin Shaofeng's worries came true so quickly.

Practice Divine Runes.

There is actually a tattoo king in the Divine Rune, which can in turn control the body and consciousness of the cultivator!

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