Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5117: scare away

Qin Shaofeng smiled arrogantly at King Wen.

But he was very nervous.

What he is facing now is the King of Divine Runes, the absolute ruler who has ruled the starry sky world for hundreds of thousands of years.

Even the current situation of the Ruthless Dynasty is also because of King Wen.

Thinking about the current situation of the Xia Dynasty with only a few hundred people left, and looking at the grand occasion of the Ruthless Dynasty, it is not difficult to imagine the horror of King Wen.

It now seems that what comes is just the projection of the king of tattoos.

If he really wanted to shoot at him, he probably wouldn't have the ability to resist at all.

The power of the Emperor Sword is basically exhausted.

When the battle really starts, I'm afraid it can only see if Xia Huangjie is willing to bring someone to help.

After all, this is the realm of the ruthless dynasty.

That kind of possibility, he didn't dare to hope casually.

Between thoughts and electricity.

The shadow of King Wen in the air in the distance disappeared.

I don't know if it's because Jun Tianhong has fallen, or it's really because Yan Su in his current state is not worthy of his control.

Seeing this scene, Qin Shaofeng was truly relieved.

"Wan, King Wen? How could this exist?"

Ji Wuqing was completely stunned by what he saw in front of him.

As the eternal powerhouse of the ruthless dynasty, he was so sad that he didn't know that there was such a behind-the-scenes manipulator behind the ruthlessness.

Empress Jing's madness, I am afraid, has an absolute relationship with this tattoo king.

No wonder he felt that the recent events were not normal.


Since this King of Patterns has already appeared, why didn't he take down Yan Su, who had just broken through, and didn't kill Qin Shaofeng directly.

Qin Shaofeng was also puzzled by this question.

But he is not sentimental.

Since King Wen didn't take action, obviously there is a reason for King Wen, and now is not the time for him to think about these things.

The long sword swung horizontally, and his eyes turned to the battlefield over there.

The three elders of the Cultivation Alliance were even more shocked.

Qin Shaofeng has already killed an eternal powerhouse, but it is not enough, it seems that he has to do something to this eternal powerhouse.

"Old guy, since you've already found it, let's leave something behind before leaving!"

Qin Shaofeng laughed loudly and said loudly, "Yan Su, help me and restrain him!"

"it is good!"

Yan Su did not indulge in the violent force that suddenly rose up, soaring into the sky.

This time, Ji Wuqing was really afraid.

He came a little late and didn't see how Qin Shaofeng killed Jun Tianhong.

But no matter what.

It is a fact that Qin Shaofeng has such strength.

His state was indeed better than Jun Tianhong when Qin Shaofeng was chasing him, but he had to face the containment of two eternal powerhouses.

Even if Yan Su is just the eternity that has just broken through, he is still a powerhouse of eternity!

Next to him was Qin Shaofeng, who was staring at him.

Just thinking about this made his scalp tingle.

Can you really beat them?

When Ji Wuqing was still frightened, Yan Su's attack had already reached Ji Wuqing's face.

She couldn't see Qi Cai, but she never thought that his attack would hurt Qi Cai.

Under the joint efforts of the two eternal powerhouses, Ji Wuqing fell into a complete disadvantage.

Qin Shaofeng was in no hurry to take action.

After waiting for half a cup of tea, he suddenly rose into the sky.

The longer he waits, the more serious Ji Wuqing's injury will be, making him a better chance to succeed.

But he couldn't keep waiting.


Now he is still maintaining the Emperor Sword, and every breath needs one or two spiritual fruits to support.

For too long, he can't afford it.

Although Ji Wuqing was fighting against the two Eternals, his attention was always on Qin Shaofeng.

Qin Shaofeng is indeed the true monarch of Hongmeng.

But it was a fact that he single-handedly killed Jun Tianhong, and he didn't want to show off his body.

In his opinion.

Qin Shaofeng, who dared to rush to the battlefield of the eternal powerhouse with the cultivation of the real monarch of Hongmeng, was far more terrifying than Yan Su and Qi Cai.

When the strong fight, the most fearful thing is wandering.

Not to mention among the eternal powerhouses.

Ji Wuqing lost his mind for a moment, let Qi Cai succeed again, and directly tore off his legs by the roots.

The severe pain made Ji Wuqing scream.

But he didn't care about the injury on his body at all, and the golden divine pattern flickered from his body.

The intensity of the light made people dare not stare at it for a long time.

"Humph! Boy, the old man admits that you're weird, but you want to kill the old man, but it's impossible!" Ji Wuqing said a cruel sentence.

A golden divine rune emitting a dazzling light suddenly enveloped him.

next moment.

Ji Wuqing's figure, driven by the divine rune, quickly fled into the distance.

Its speed is so fast that Qi Cai is discouraged.

"This... is it too anxious to escape?"

Qicai did not expect that his dignified and eternal powerhouse was not even more terrifying than Qin Shaofeng.

It was just a debut that was not considered a shining one, but it actually scared off a real Yang Yongheng powerhouse.

this this this...

He couldn't believe it was a fact.

When did the eternal powerhouse lose face so much?

"Is this escape?"

Qin Shaofeng just wanted to sneer, but his expression changed, and he said loudly: "Qicai, you go to Xiuxincheng first, and control the auction of Xiuxincheng!"

"it is good!"

Qi Cai naturally knew what he was worried about.

The airflow around him fluctuated for a while, and he was really gone.

The battle finally came to an end.

Qin Shaofeng breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately dissipated the Emperor Sword.

The fighting intensity during this period was not high.

But he was always using the power that didn't belong to him, which made his state also extremely poor, and the feeling of extreme tiredness made him want to find a place to sleep soundly.

He clearly knew, at least not now.

"Come back!"

Qin Shaofeng greeted him, and Li Naling and Ye Huang came to him one after another.

Even Yan Su is no exception.

It's just that compared to the former, Yan Su's expression is obviously a bit more bizarre.

Originally, she only regarded Qin Shaofeng as a junior.

But she never imagined that Qin Shaofeng could have such abilities, not to mention calling out two eternal powerhouses one after another, even she broke through eternity because of his relationship.

Now it is more restricted by him.

The change of identity was too fast, which caught her off guard.

"Yan Su, you don't need to look at me like this. The reason why I want to control you must be that you already know. If I can find a solution, I will return your freedom." Qin Shaofeng explained.


Yan Su was noncommittal.

After all, it is because of Qin Shaofeng that she has the current cultivation base, so it is not impossible to help him do something.

Finish the internal affairs.

Qin Shaofeng glanced behind him again.

The originally gorgeous Cultivation Alliance had completely turned into ruins because of the battle between him and Jun Tianhong.

Looking back slightly embarrassed, he clasped his fists towards the three elders and said, "I didn't expect that in the previous battle, such a loss would be caused by your alliance."

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