Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5121: master please

"Your people still have something to tell you, and it's not too late to ask us after listening."

Mie Sanxian still had that indifferent expression, but it was Zhao Ding who spoke.

Zhao Ding heard Ye Huang talk about Qin Shaofeng's battle in the Xiumo League.

Their strength has reached a certain level.

Seeing the person who was almost scared by Qin Shaofeng to come to the door, instead of showing the slightest fear because of the opponent's strength, he couldn't help but look forward to it.

"Have something to say?"

Chen Guangyuan looked at Chen San in astonishment.


Chen San was shocked.

He did discuss with the two of them that he wanted to let the eldest lady come to ask for this courtyard.

But at that time, every word they said was a sound transmission.

How could this servant know?

For a while, he didn't even know if he should say the words he had prepared for a long time.

"This man is so strong!"

Before Chen Guangyuan could ask, he heard the girl who was always behind Chen Guangyuan speak.

This sentence immediately made the atmosphere in the field tense.

Seventeen sages came to the Cultivation Alliance, mainly to protect the girl.

But when they all looked at the two nervously.

The first elder, Chen Guangyuan, noticed that neither Mie Sanxian nor Zhao Ding felt any nervousness.

How is this going?

The two of them are only martial cultivators in the realm of sages, how could they have such great confidence in front of so many of them?

Is it really as I thought, hit the iron plate again?

"Miss, you didn't know when you first arrived, we originally wanted to spend money to requisition this courtyard, and when the eldest lady and others came, there was a place to stay, but this family was very arrogant, not only refused to rent it to us, Let us set up our own shacks in the yard." Chen San gritted his teeth, but still spoke out the remarks he had prepared a long time ago.


The eldest lady was instantly furious.


However, before the eldest lady lost her temper, the eldest elder had already stopped the girl.


The first elder clasped his fists towards Zhao Ding, and said, "This old man has already listened to his words, I don't know if the two of you can do it now... The old man is not strict with discipline, and I also invite two Haihans. Since this person offends you, they should deal with them freely. "

Halfway through his words, Chen Guangyuan felt that something was wrong and forcibly changed the topic.

He had already guessed that he hit the steel plate, but he would not choose to offend the other party when he didn't know the strength of the other party.

"Ah? Is this cowardly?"

Zhao Dingzheng couldn't help but feel disappointed because he could not wait to make things bigger.

Seeing his expression, the first elder Chen Guangyuan felt that he was indeed doing the right thing. If the two did not have certain trump cards, they would never dare to show such an expression.


Since he came here, Mie Sanxian, who has never spoken, suddenly made a sound, which startled the elder Chen Guangyuan.

Zhao Ding shrank his neck even more, and quickly took a half step back.

Mie Sanxian waved his hand towards Chen Guangyuan and said, "My master has a fate, everyone is a guest from afar. Since you are here, it is considered a fate. We will let the two wing rooms out, everyone, please!"

Chen Guangyuan's expression suddenly became ugly.

his master? !

Did I hear it wrong?

It is easy to say that the one who looks like a child, but is obviously an old sage.

The person in front of her is obviously also an intermediate powerhouse, and the Divine Rune she cultivates is probably very powerful.

Such a strong man actually has a master?

How powerful will her master be?

Most importantly, he never felt the voice transmission of the so-called master.

This is already a very abnormal situation.

Not to mention.

If it wasn't for the absolute confidence of the other party's master, it would be impossible to say what he would let them in as a guest.

It seems that they are really in the tiger's den.

Thinking of this, Chen Guangyuan felt depressed and wanted to vomit blood.

As the chief elder of the Demon Cultivation Alliance, he used to walk sideways in the Demon Cultivation Domain without any worries.

Recently, I have been lucky enough to get home.

How can you meet the strong wherever you go?

"Since your master has this idea, then we are disrespectful."

Chen Guangyuan knew that the other party had already made such a request, and obviously he had already made all preparations, and it was impossible for them to leave.

In this case, he naturally has no need to struggle.

make a decision.

Chen Guangyuan took the girl's little hand and walked towards the main entrance of the small courtyard.

Take a few steps forward.

Only then did he see the situation in the courtyard.

In the small courtyard, the layout is elegant.

But under that elegance, it gave him the feeling that something terrible was hiding.

He only had a little feeling, but he couldn't really figure it out.

"No! This is clearly just an ordinary courtyard!"

Chen Guangyuan suddenly woke up.

Just when he wondered if the dangerous feeling just now appeared because he frightened him too much, he felt a familiar aura.

That is…

Chen Guangyuan suddenly widened his eyes.

Although it was only for a short time, he still had a fresh memory.

This breath didn't come from the Yan Su that he had met for a short time, who else could it be?

How could he never have imagined how the trivial matter of coming here to solve the calamity of the beast horde would allow him to meet this existence again.

This one wasn't the one that frightened him the most.

What really frightened him was Qin Shaofeng, who seemed to be mediocre.

Even though he was young, he was the one who had truly killed the eternal powerhouse.

A person with such a record.

I am afraid that in the entire history of the Eternal Dynasty, I am afraid that I will not be able to find a few.

And each of them must be the eternal powerhouse.

"Uncle, what's wrong with you?"

The girl's little hand was pulled by Chen Guangyuan. Naturally, she felt Chen Guangyuan's change immediately, and asked subconsciously.

"No, nothing."

Chen Guangyuan was shocked and said, "Let's go!"

Step back.

However, Chen Guangyuan really began to be afraid.

Although met again.

He is a very measured person. I believe Qin Shaofeng and others have already seen it, but he has to ask them to live in, obviously he is already sending some kind of signal.

Faced with this situation, even if he didn't want to have anything to do with Qin Shaofeng, he didn't have the guts to leave.

Take the crowd into the courtyard.

The father and brother, who also lived in the courtyard, were stunned by the lineup in front of them.

"Elder of the Demon Cultivation Alliance?"

The father was instantly recognizable.

After all, he is a lot older, and he was fortunate enough to see this high-ranking figure once.

Compared to the last time he met, he felt that the Great Elder was not at all airy now.

"The old man lives in the middle room, and the girl lives in the room closest to the side room. My master is in seclusion, and he is usually not allowed to make a big noise. If it affects my master's cultivation, hum!" Mie Sanxian said, explaining the precautions. .

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