Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5122: seniors

When Mie Sanxian said this, he was stunned by all the five people who had come before.

Chen San, who had just finished speaking ill of people here, almost waited for his eyes to come out.

"What the hell?"

"I didn't hear it wrong, did I?"

"A very ordinary courtyard owner, has the courage to set rules for the elders of our Demon Cultivation Alliance?"

"This, this..."

"What a joke!"

Not to mention that Chen San couldn't believe it, the father and the elder brother were also stunned by the scene in front of them.

They all wondered if there was something wrong with Mie Sanxian's head.

Inviting people into the door, but not letting the master come out to see them, instead, they have to set rules for them.

It's okay to face ordinary people.

This person in front of him is not an ordinary person, a dignified elder of the Demon Cultivation Alliance.

Xiu Mo lead can not be born.

He can be said to be the number two figure in the entire Demon Cultivation Domain.

Such a big man, when did Lun get their hands on a small man like them?

"Don't worry, girl, since we are guests, we naturally won't disturb your master's cultivation. I just hope that when your master is free, we can get to know you." Chen Guangyuan is so sophisticated.

Mie Sanxian nodded lightly, turned around and took Zhao Ding to the living room.

The implementation of this hospital is not large.

In addition to the main room and side room where Qin Shaofeng retreats, only the living room can barely let them rest.

There are also two rooms to the east.

It's a pity that when they arrived, it was already dilapidated, and there were countless debris piled up, so naturally no one paid attention.

As martial cultivators, especially the two who were born as killers, they would not waste time tidying up those two rooms.

Chen Guangyuan made a simple investigation.

There was no one to clean up, and even the effort to ask a question was saved, and the order was directly issued.

For all warriors in the sage realm, men can go to his room to rest, while women are directly arranged with the eldest lady of the Chen family.

These sages are usually high-ranking figures, and naturally there are still many dissatisfaction with this.

The problem is that the elders have recognized it, what else can they do?

In this way, it is pitiful for the group of Venerables who followed, and can only find a place to rest in the courtyard, or be in charge of duty.

Of course, Chen Guangyuan knows best, but the so-called duty is just an excuse to give these people an excuse not to bask in the yard.

Will something happen to this courtyard?

What are you kidding?

An eternal powerhouse, an existence that can kill the eternal powerhouse...

wrong! I seem to be missing something.

Chen Guangyuan suddenly remembered that when Ji Wuqing rushed over, he seemed to be chased and killed by some invisible existence, and that invisible existence also uttered words.

After all, doesn't it mean that in this humble courtyard, there are actually three powerhouses that are comparable to the eternal realm? !


Just thinking about it made him feel astonished.

As for the last command.

It is the most straightforward way to completely suppress the dissatisfaction in everyone's heart.

Chen San was killed on the spot, the blood was not allowed to contaminate the courtyard, and the head was placed in the courtyard for three hours before it was allowed to be buried.

Even if she is young, the eldest lady who is known as the witch in the Xiumo League can understand the meaning of the elder's words.

This is an apology to the courtyard owner who has never appeared.

The group quickly found their respective positions.

An hour later.

Squeak! sounded.

Therefore, everyone is aware of the problems in this courtyard, and they are trying their best to restrain everything that will make a noise.

Speaking is all voice transmission.

Under such circumstances, it can really be said that the needle is dropped.

The sound of the door was not very loud, but it attracted everyone's attention.

Could it be that the master has left?

The eldest lady and many sages also ran out quickly, all wanting to see who the master of this place is.

First Elder Chen Guangyuan left the room immediately.

He did know who it might be.

The problem is, no matter which one appears, he also needs to greet him in person.

Simple to find.

They saw who came out.

It was a woman who looked to be in her thirties. The woman's expression was as calm as water. She didn't seem to feel the slightest bit about the sudden arrival of the guests.

She took the tea set by herself and walked to the stone pavilion.

"Chen Guangyuan, the great elder of the Cultivation Alliance, has met his predecessors."

Chen Guangyuan quickly clasped his fists and bowed to Yan Su who came out.

With a sound of senior, everyone almost dropped their jaws.

"He's cultivating, and he hasn't had time to see you in a short time."

Yan Su's voice was indifferent.

If it weren't for Chen Guangyuan's attitude, it might have caused dissatisfaction long ago, but now it won't make anyone uncomfortable.

Especially the existence of the group of sages, their legs are shaking with fright by the people in front of them.

Hold the grass! Hold the grass!

No wonder the elders were so frightened that the masters of this courtyard turned out to be these few.


How can we be so unlucky, it's not good to bump into someone, why did we bump into them?

Chen San!

right! Blame Chen San, that bastard!

If it weren't for him, would we see this group of existences that are more terrifying than encountering the Ruthless Emperor?

At the time of the first battle of the Demon Xiu League, the eldest lady of the Xiu Mo League was not present, but her cultivation base was also not low, and she had already felt the reactions of the people around her, so she couldn't help but feel suspicious.

Who is that woman?

How could she let her uncle call her senior?

How can you scare these guys with eyes above the top like this?

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, we also have to solve the scourge of the beast tide. Because we don't know where the source of the beast tide is at this time, we waited for a few days in the precious place, and we will never disturb the seniors too much." Chen Guangyuan said Attitude is as low as ever.

But that senior 'men' almost scared the uninformed to death.

what happened?

Are there still many old monsters living here?

O heaven!

Not so unlucky, right?

"He is also very interested in the source of the beast tide. You will be responsible for investigating things outside the city. If he is interested, he will take action. When you arrange it, he does not want anyone to know about him." Yan As Su spoke, he sat on the stone bench in the stone pavilion in the garden and brewed tea on his own.

"Thank you seniors, seniors, please rest assured, the juniors will definitely arrange these things."

Chen Guangyuan bowed respectfully, and then his eyes fell on the father and the elder brother, frowning.

Yan Su didn't look back, but seemed to be watching Chen Guangyuan's psychological changes all the time, and said, "They don't know who we are, and they won't talk nonsense, just take care of your own affairs."

"What the senior said is that the junior thinks too much."

Chen Guangyuan clasped his fists and bowed again, and immediately called out the two sages through voice transmission, and gave the order to everyone: "The three of you will immediately take ten venerables to investigate the situation of the beast tide, and the other sages, the warriors with the following cultivation level, go immediately. Keep an eye on the movements of all parties, if you dare to reveal the slightest thing about this matter, you will be punished by the Nine Clan!"

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