Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5125: frightened elder

In the sky, the black clouds formed by the aura of heaven and earth are getting thicker and thicker.

when a certain critical point is reached.

"Boom!" A loud voice.

Dark clouds exploded.

The spiritual energy did not dissipate at all, but was absorbed by the beam of light connecting Qin Shaofeng in the sky.

The beam of light collapsed along with the black cloud and began to shrink.

From high to low, it shrinks a little bit into the house where Qin Shaofeng is.

The moment when the black cloud exploded.

Qin Shaofeng in the room felt as if an unimaginable power of heaven and earth was gathering towards him.

This strange feeling has just appeared.

He was stunned by the scene in front of him.

The light beam condensed by the ruthless Divine Rune in the sky actually absorbed all the power of heaven and earth and madly merged into his body.

first reaction!


Is this the rhythm that wants to kill me?

Qin Shaofeng did believe that his cultivation and endurance were very strong.

The terrifying aura of heaven and earth in the sky is not what he can bear now.

It is conceivable that before the aura of the earth is fully integrated into the body with the beam of light, he may not be able to bear such a content of the spiritual energy of the world and explode directly.

The panic in my heart just appeared.

He suddenly discovered that the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, which could easily kill him, didn't even have the slightest feeling of hurting him.

Not even a part of his own strength.

Instead, it was still in the divine pattern beam, slowly merging with the ruthless divine pattern he had just cultivated.

Nine ruthless Divine Runes rushed out of his body at this moment.

Only the beam is still connected.

Qin Shaofeng raised his head and could clearly see that with the contraction of the beam, the nine divine patterns were rapidly changing in the direction of unity.

It's too late, it's too soon.

Everything happens between lightning and flint.

The emotion of surprise only existed for a moment, and I saw that the light beam had been completely integrated into the Ruthless Divine Mark.

Maybe not all.

The ruthless Divine Rune and his connected parts have not yet been absorbed by the ruthless Divine Rune.

Rao is so.

The Ruthless Divine Mark has also been completely transformed into one.

As the remaining beams continued to shrink, the Ruthless Divine Mark was imprinted on him again.

All external changes disappear.

Qin Shaofeng finally felt relieved, and cautiously poked out a wisp of divine consciousness towards the ruthless divine pattern.

Do not check do not know.

After he really understood the situation of the Ruthless Divine Mark, he almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

This ruthless Divine Mark is not something he can use now.

If he wants to do whatever he wants, he must truly control the power of the sage.

That is to say.

The bottom line for displaying the Ruthless Divine Mark is the realm of sages.

Think about this.

Qin Shaofeng sighed again.

There are indeed a lot of means he has, but why does he feel that there is no one that he can really exert power now?

This also includes the most basic natal martial skill, the Heavenly Dao Blade.

lamented for a long time.

He put away his depressed mood, opened the door and walked out.

It was true that he was at the most critical moment in cultivating the Ruthless Divine Mark just now, but it didn't mean that he didn't know what was going on outside.

Including Yan Su deliberately torturing five people, in fact, just to leave him to deal with, he knows clearly.

Qin Shaofeng left the room for the first time.

All the people in the courtyard looked at him.

Including the father, daughter and brother and sister who had been awakened and were deliberately pretending to be in a cultivation state, all of them looked at him in unison.

Chen Xiaoyu, the eldest lady of the Xiumo League, was even more suspicious.

Since they came to this courtyard, they have all been aware of the mystery and power of the master here.

Especially Chen Xiaoyu, who knew from the first elder Chen Guangyuan, who had personally killed an eternal powerhouse.

How could this group of people not be curious when they discovered his appearance?

But when they all looked back at the past moment.

Everyone was disappointed.

Only one person came out of the room, a young man.

They really didn't dare to explore the past, but they also knew that there was no one in the room.

So, he is the owner of this yard?

But the problem is...

It seems that his cultivation base is not right?

No matter how you look at it, he is only a small peak cultivation base of True Monarch Hongmeng. Even if he successfully cultivates the Ruthless Divine Rune, it seems that the two sages should not be called masters, right?

Not to mention the ability to kill the eternal powerhouse.

More of a joke, right?

They were suspicious of Qin Shaofeng's identity, and the five people who were being tortured also looked at him.

The five of them wanted to see what kind of existence someone could have with such subordinates.

At a glance, everyone was blinded.

They can be confused.

Chen Guangyuan, the Great Elder of the Cultivation Alliance, did not dare to be stunned.

Chen Guangyuan hurriedly stepped forward a few steps, bowed respectfully towards Qin Shaofeng, and said, "Congratulations to Master Zi on the achievement of the Divine Mark, we have never revealed your whereabouts at all during this period of time. I wonder if we can leave?"

"So afraid that I will implicate you?"

The corners of Qin Shaofeng's mouth twitched slightly, revealing a sinister smile.

He had no malice.

However, Chen Guangyuan was still frightened and took a few steps back, shook his head again and again, and said, "No, dare not, it is our honor to be respected by the adults, how can we, how can we be afraid?"

He was really terrified.

Now, although no one dares to approach, there are also countless spiritual senses to investigate.

If Qin Shaofeng refuses to let him go, at least he, Chen Guangyuan, will inevitably become the enemy of the ruthless dynasty.

But he didn't dare to say anything outrageous.

Once Qin Shaofeng is angry, it is not a long-term concern, but a real worry in the near future.

Qin Shaofeng really wanted to use the identities of Chen Guangyuan and others to hide and kill the most powerful part of the beast tide.

This moment, that moment.

Today, he has completed the cultivation of the Ruthless Divine Mark, and it is not long before the time agreed with the song.

What's more, the successful cultivation of the Ruthless Divine Mark has completely exposed him to others, making the people who cultivate the Demon League useless to him.

"That's it, that's it."

Qin Shaofeng shook his head and said, "You guys and I don't have any grudges at all. It's embarrassing enough that you destroyed the headquarters of your Cultivation Alliance in the last battle. Since you want to leave, then let's go! I'm not too embarrassed. you."

"Thank you sir."

Chen Guangyuan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He who really knows Qin Shaofeng's details is not as indifferent as others.

He clearly knew the terror in front of him.

Even if it is not his unpredictable ghosts and gods, it is enough to completely kill the eternal and create another eternal powerhouse.

Just talking about the two eternal powerhouses around him is enough to destroy the Demon Cultivation Alliance several times.

"Little Rain, hurry up."

Chen Guangyuan ignored the others, called Chen Xiaoyu, turned around and wanted to run away.

"Wait a moment!"

The voice that frightened him the most was still unable to escape.

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