Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5126: don't scare passersby

"I don't know what else your lord has to do? As long as your lord instructs you to do our best to cultivate the Demon Alliance, you will definitely do it for your lord." Chen Guangyuan turned around obediently.

These words were spoken again, and the person who had just eased some emotions was even more shocked and inexplicable.

Even those who have discovered the consciousness of God have not been able to see Chen Guangyuan's identity at first, but they have already known it from the mouths of acquaintances.

The No. 2 figure in the dignified Xiu Mo League.

The top ten existences in the entire Demon Cultivation Leader Cultivation Demon Realm were actually frightened into this appearance by the casual remarks of that ordinary looking young man.

Really... unimaginable.

"I'm a little interested in this beast tide, go and send me all the news you know, and I won't make it difficult for you to cultivate the demon alliance." Qin Shaofeng said.

"Thank you, sir, I will arrange it. Within half an hour, someone will send it to you."

Chen Guangyuan replied quickly, pulling Chen Xiaoyu away quickly.

Such a rapid escape speed really startled everyone.

Qin Shaofeng then looked towards the other four.

"The siblings can also leave."

"Thank you sir."

Brother was overjoyed.

The previous battle, let him know that this is no longer something he can mix.

Not to mention that the elders of the Cultivation Alliance were so anxious to escape, he was like an ant on a hot pot just now.

until this time.

Qin Shaofeng's eyes turned to the women who had just gotten together.

"As for you..."

As soon as he pointed it out, the moment the attack came to his daughter, he turned into the power of a sage.

"not good!"

Both father and daughter were shocked, and the hidden strength suddenly exploded.

The father, who was originally only in the realm of Hongmeng Zhenjun, actually burst out with the cultivation of the realm of the venerable.

Even more shocking was the daughter.


Their response was really fast.

It's a pity that Qin Shaofeng took the lead in attacking at such a speed, and there was still no chance to fight back.

One hit, after all.

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for killing a sage and obtaining 10 million star points, 100 soul points, and 10 martial arts points."

The system beeps.

Qin Shaofeng's gaze turned towards the old man.

"You guys are indeed very similar. It's a pity that you have cultivated the breath of the ruthless Divine Rune, but you still can't escape my perception of the ruthless Divine Rune."

Qin Shaofeng smiled indifferently, and said again: "But... since you have brought it to the door yourself, just come up with some more news."

The old man's face changed greatly.

As Qin Shaofeng said, the mere venerable.

He didn't need Qin Shaofeng to do it himself.

Zhao Ding had already quietly touched his back, slapped him unconscious with a slap, and dragged him into a wing not far away.

Soon, the shrill screams had already resounded.

The five city masters were stunned by the scene in front of them.

No matter what Qin Shaofeng's cultivation looks like, he can kill sages instantly, even if he is suspected of sneak attack, it still makes them feel scared.

Not to mention.

The three groups of people obviously came over by mistake.

Previously, there was a sage here, and all three groups of people could only stay here. As soon as he appeared, he would solve everyone in a few words.

From this point, you can see who is the real master here.

"Yan Su, stop playing."

Qin Shaofeng's eyes finally turned to the five of them.

His voice was very calm.

The five were still taken aback by his words.

Did I hear it right?

He was actually ordering an eternal powerhouse?

This... how is this possible?

A scene that shocked them even more, saw that Yan Su actually stopped torturing them.

With a backhand wave, the five of them vomited blood, and their dantian burst.

Yan Su made a backhand move and threw the five to Qin Shaofeng.

"This... senior..."

The city lord found them rolling at Qin Shaofeng's feet, and became even more frightened.

"Clarify what you have learned about the cause of this beast tide, and I can give you a good time." Qin Shaofeng said softly.

The five of them knew very well that they would never have the possibility of living again.

Even if the presence in front of him seems to be able to command the eternal powerhouse to speak.

Do not!

He may be able to speak, but he will never speak to himself and others.

Knowing that you will die.

Listening to the screams that kept coming from the wing, they still chose to cooperate obediently.


What they know is too little, which makes Qin Shaofeng disappointed.

Just stop wasting time.

Determined that there is no way to learn more, just backhand harvest the experience points that five people can bring.


Zhao Ding dragged the half-dead old man out.

"Master, these two guys seem to be just scouts sent by the Ruthless Dynasty. They are responsible for monitoring the situation of the Demon Cultivation Territory and the Demon Cultivation Domain at any time. They don't even know the arrival of Jun Tianhong and others." Zhao Ding said.

"So, it's just two trash?"

Qin Shaofeng frowned, he also wanted to know the movements of some ruthless dynasty.

Since it was impossible, he would no longer waste time.

With the palm of your hand, you can harvest the old man's experience points.

Immediately, he waved his hand and waved again, and opened the gate of the ghost mansion: "You go to the ghost mansion first and continue to practice!"


The two bowed and bowed in unison, turned around and walked into the gate of the ghost mansion.

until this moment.

Yan Sucai finally came behind him and asked, "What are we going to do next, do we really want to help those who cultivate the Demon Domain to solve this beast tide?"

"Since I've seen it, it's natural to see what's going on with this beast tide."

Qin Shaofeng smiled lightly and said, "Condense your breath and don't scare the passersby around you."


Yan Suyi restrained her cultivation base.

Qin Shaofeng walked towards the city gate, and Yan Su followed him one step away.

This way of walking has proved a lot of things.

The eternal powerhouses that only appear in the legends actually have masters?

This kind of thing is not a serious blow to the people whose consciousness is investigating the scenes around them.

They finally understood why Chen Guangyuan, the elder of the Xiumo League, was so afraid of Qin Shaofeng.

Regardless of his own strength.

Being able to drive the eternal powerhouse, you can see how terrible he is.

Qin Shaofeng's footsteps are not very fast.

It's not that he has feelings for this city that he hasn't even asked for its name, but is waiting for a message from the Cultivation Alliance.

When he came to the city gate, an eternal powerhouse of the Demon Cultivation Alliance ran over quickly.

"Sir Zi, the first elder is looking for further news, but what we know for the time being is that this beast tide is likely to be related to the Black Cloud Mountains. It is said that there are big figures in the Cultivation Leader and the Northern God Realm rushing towards the Black Cloud Mountains. It's over." The sage said respectfully.

"Black Cloud Mountains?"

Qin Shaofeng had really heard of this mountain range.

Although this mountain is not the largest mountain range in the entire Jiangdong, it is also the most legendary mountain range.

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