Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5140: Underworld

Qin Shaofeng's explanation is very simple.

But it is this simple explanation that is most easily understood.

Xian Xiaoying nodded repeatedly.

Even the way Jing Hou looked at him has changed a little.

It's no wonder that this kid can bring so many people to Sanxian Pavilion's pursuit and kill, causing Sanxian Pavilion to be frustrated again and again.

At the same time, the number of strong people around him is increasing.

He even snatched all the treasures in the Magic Sea Devil Cave.

This kid's brain is really good.

In the direction of Empress Jing's thinking, there was no such thing as the Third Prince at all.

The third prince is indeed the prince of the ruthless dynasty.

But it didn't have much to do with her, so she didn't bother to help the so-called third prince find his way back.

Qin Shaofeng didn't know this.

He always believed that Empress Jing's attitude towards him was due to the third prince, maybe it was just for Song or Xian Xiaoying, and she didn't take action against her, so her attitude was so bad.

If he could know that Empress Jing had only one daughter from beginning to end, it would be Jun Si who was sent out of the ruthless dynasty by her early.

After that, it was completely closed.

As for the many ruthless royal princes in the future, she not only did not have a half-point favor.

If possible, she would like to kill them all.

It was unpleasant to see him, just because he didn't even give Xian Xiaoying a credit, he took Xian Xiaoying's body, I really don't know what the same expression would be.

Qin Shaofeng has never been to the so-called God Realm of the Ruthless Dynasty, and he does not know if the God Realm is as he thought.

But this underworld is exactly the same as you think.

As soon as he entered the underworld area, he was able to detect a lot of beasts, sea clan, tree people, and even some zombie-like beings, walking aimlessly.

Such a scene really made him feel like stepping into the underworld.

Compared to the realm of the gods, where strong men appear in the ruthless dynasty from time to time, the underworld is too low-key.

What they occupy is only the corner of the Ruthless Dynasty Continent.

It's even more unlike the Demon Cultivator, who also uses the power of Yuwei to control a land.

It is said that it is self-proclaimed as a monk, but in fact, it is still mixing with the outside world.

The underworld is the real ignorance.

For hundreds of thousands of years in the underworld, except for a few necessary scouts, no one has left at all.

Similarly, the power captured in the underworld.

In addition, the underworld hates outsiders very much, so that there are few outsiders in the underworld.

If not.

The Sanxian Pavilion and the Heartless Club did not dare to block the underworld so blatantly.

Regardless of whether passers-by are willing, even the powerhouses of the underworld will be furious.

That is not an existence where two superpowers can compete.

The sudden appearance of the chariot immediately attracted the attention of all races, especially in every bay where it intersected with the ocean, one could feel the appearance of many divine senses.

Sea clan!

Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but probe his consciousness towards the water bay.

Strangely, apart from some small fish and shrimps who have no cultivation base at all, there is no sea clan at all.

"The sea people are the best at using the sea water and the breath of the ocean to hide themselves, and the detection of spiritual sense is of no use to them." Jing later found his exploration.

"Then what should I do?"

Qin Shaofeng asked curiously.

This is all experience. Knowing this, he will have enough countermeasures when he encounters the sea clan alone in the future.

Even if he thought that it would be difficult for him to meet other sea clan again.

"Use your soul to observe." Jing Hou said.

Soul to observe?

Not to mention that Qin Shaofeng was fooled by her words, even Yan Suna and other eternal powerhouses were puzzled.

"Everyone's soul observation direction is different. I can't tell you too much in the future. Whether you can find out where the situation is, it all depends on you." Queen Jing looked at Xian Xiaoying next to her.

Her explanation is obviously not to explain the confusion to Qin Shaofeng and others.

Anyway, along the way, there are queens who call the shots. Qin Shaofeng has nothing to do, so he just started to try in the direction given by the queens.

Soul observation?

Soul power?

His soul has reached the level of a starry sky, and in the past, he felt very powerful.

But until now, he has only noticed the weakness of his soul power, which has completely failed to keep up with his cultivation level.

It seems that there will be a good opportunity to find a way to raise the soul in the future.

As he thought about it, he continued to try.


The advance of the chariot met the first interception.

The strange thing is that there is only one person blocking the road, and the half-step eternal cultivation base is tyrannical enough.

However, he dared to use an unknown chariot by himself, which still caused Qin Shaofeng to interrupt his practice curiously.

"Stop outsiders! The underworld is not a paradise for you outsiders. Follow me to the underworld trial immediately." The man shouted loudly.

"Hundreds of thousands of years have not seen, the underworld is still as domineering as ever, interesting! Interesting!"

Empress Jing's voice resounded from the sky, like streaks of heavenly might.

The underworld martial cultivator who was half a step into the eternal realm suddenly turned pale.

Similar to Tianwei, he was fortunate enough to witness it with his own eyes.

But it was the most powerful ancestor in the underworld who used such heavenly power back then.

I never thought that I would see a powerhouse of this level again today.


"I don't have time to hear your name in the future."

Jing Hou's voice continued to resound in the sky: "Lead the way ahead, let Zhantiandi go out first and wait!"

Battle world! ?

The half-step eternal powerhouse trembled again with fright.

It is impossible for a general martial cultivator in the underworld to know this name, but he has some understanding of it.

That was the eternal powerhouse he had the honor to meet once.

He was still guessing who was in the chariot.

Another voice resounded from the sky.

"It turned out that Empress Jing came to visit, and Zhantiandi was far away to welcome."

"There's no need to be polite with Ben, Ben has something to do with you."

"Dare to ask why Jing is here? Our two clans had an agreement back then that, unless there was an accident in the direct line, we would not set foot on each other's territory. Jing Jing seems to have crossed the line?"

"This is going to cross the line, what can you do?"

Jing Hou raised his brows slightly and said angrily, "If you dare to talk nonsense with Ben Hou again, Ben Hou will not be in the mood to talk nonsense with you any more, and just kill him all the way. Do you believe it or not?"

"Of course."

Zhan Tiandi was obviously cowardly, and said, "That kid from the Ming clan, please tell Jing to tell the story later. Anyone who dares to stop him will kill him without mercy!"


The underworld powerhouse was frightened to the point of being clever.

He didn't expect that there would be two eternal powerhouses confronting him in front of him.

What was even more unexpected was that the person who came was the famous one who had made the ancestors of the Asura clan have to bow their heads for hundreds of thousands of years - Empress Jing!

For all the clans in the underworld, Empress Jing's fame is far above that of the ruthless ancestor.

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