Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5141: Come mountain

The right and wrong mountains of the Shura tribe are not like Qin Shaofeng imagined, they should exist in a certain corner of the underworld.

On the contrary, it appeared so openly and aboveboard in the center of the entire God Realm.

Right and wrong mountains.

It seems to be just an ordinary mountain, and there is not even a gathering of heaven and earth aura.

If it weren't for the underworld powerhouse who was half a step into the eternal realm.

He couldn't believe it at all, that this place would be the place where the strongest of the Shura clan, whose strength was second only to the Ruthless Dynasty, could be called the legend of the entire Ruthless Dynasty.

What left him speechless the most was the fact that at the foot of the mountain, or even halfway up the mountain, there were countless palaces and buildings, and it looked so lively.

Qin Shaofeng's mouth grew big again.

He couldn't imagine that the retreat of an eternal powerhouse would allow so many people to come and go.

Its lively level is almost able to catch up with the downtown.

No wonder it is called right and wrong mountain.

On such a mountain, it is conceivable that right and wrong must be indispensable.

The shocking thought in his mind didn't last long.

I saw a figure that quickly flew out of the main building.

"In the next Shura war, I met the queen."

The visitor looked like he was in his thirties, and he was wearing a blue gown. If he didn't observe it carefully, he would feel like an ordinary person.

But when Qin Shaofeng heard the name, he was even more shocked.

War is not war!

Isn't he the one from the Shura tribe who gave him the ruthless Divine Mark and asked him to look for it?

"It is infinitely close to eternity, no wonder Zhantiandi will give you the position of Shura."

Jing Hou's voice was still cold, and she said, "Since Zhantiandi asked you to come over to greet him, don't waste your time. After the things here are over, there are still a lot of things to do in the future."

"Yes, Empress Jing, please."

Zhanfeizhan did not have the toughness of the king of the Shura tribe.

Even his appearance, which caused countless glances and discussions, didn't seem to make him feel that something was wrong.

The chariot continued to gallop towards the top of the mountain.

The only difference is that the person in charge of leading has changed.


When the chariot approached the top of the mountain, Qin Shaofeng faintly felt that there seemed to be some strange isolation barrier ahead.

That isolation barrier didn't stop them.

But after crossing the barrier, all the noise under the mountain disappeared completely.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, it would have been hard for him to imagine it.

Some people would use their own cultivation strength to forcefully create such a boundary.


If such a phenomenon really occurs, it should be moved to a place with excellent mountains and rivers for intensive repair.

The ancestor of the Shura clan did things differently from ordinary people.

"After Jing, we are here."

Zhan Feizhan, who led the way ahead, took them on for a while, and when they came to a strange dome building, they turned around and opened their mouths in the direction of the chariot.

While he was talking, someone came out of the dome.

"Queen Jing came to visit our Shura tribe. I don't know what to teach you. Please get out of the chariot and talk." Standing in the sky looked very similar to Zhan Feizhan.

Not to mention the inheritance of appearance, even the age that seems to be very similar.

It's just that his cultivation is here, and he is someone who can talk to Empress Jing. Naturally, Qin Shaofeng and others will not doubt anything.

"Let's go!"

Jinghou stood up for the first time, pulled up Xian Xiaoying, who was using her divine sense to probe the outside, and took the initiative to walk towards the chariot door.

Qin Shaofeng and the others naturally didn't wait any longer, and quickly got up and followed out.

Zhan Feizhan had already received the news from the half-step eternal powerhouse.

But when he saw you in the chariot and so many people came out all at once, he was still shocked.

The heart that Zhantiandi was hanging on suddenly let go.

Out of respect for Empress Jing, he did not use any means to probe them.

"Empress Jing, this way please."

Zhantiandi took the initiative to lead the way ahead.

He is indeed afraid of the power of the queen, but if the queen is really looking for trouble, he will naturally not be afraid of a battle.

But, since Empress Jing brought so many young people with her.

Seeing that Xian Xiaoying, who she was pulling, didn't look like a tyrannical person, he naturally didn't have so many grudges.

As long as you are not looking for trouble, you will be treated as an honored guest, and there will be nothing wrong with it.

Under the leadership of Zhantiandi himself.

They came to a garden pavilion full of fragrant flowers and plants. What surprised Qin Shaofeng most was that there was a small stream not far from the pavilion.

This is clearly the top of the mountain.

When I looked at it before, there was not much of a place at all, but I never thought that Zhantiandi would even make such a place.

The ability of a person with a high level of cultivation is something he can't imagine.

"Empress Jing, please come here."

Zhantiandi took the initiative to let Queen Jing go to the guest seat.

Zhan Feizhan, who always followed Zhantiandi, even tapped the space ring lightly, and brought out a few wonderful maids.

The maids were holding trays in their hands.

Food and wine are placed on the tray, which looks very tempting.

But after seeing the faces of the maids, the delicious food and wine changed completely.

These maids are beautiful and graceful.

But the problem is that their complexions are all ashen, and faint black hairs can still be seen.

Black Zombie!

The unique product of the underworld is a means of turning the dead into the living dead with a special breath of death.

At first glance, these are indeed beautiful maids, but in reality they are just a few corpses.

At least Qin Shaofeng didn't have the appetite to swallow the food and drink served by the corpse.

Look at the maid's actions.

It was only when he understood why the half-step eternal powerhouse before intercepted their chariot without a single person.

He is not afraid of the situation where two fists are invincible to four hands.

But in his space ring, there may be many zombies similar to these four maids.

If you really thought you were dealing with a person, you were wrong.

Until Qin Shaofeng and the others calmed down and sat down.

Zhan Fei Zhancai once again stood behind Zhantiandi.

Zhan Tiandi asked: "It's obviously not because of the Magic Sea Devil Cave that Jing came here, but what advice do you have?"

What happened to Qin Shaofeng, Zhantiandi has already learned the news through the spies outside.

But thinking about it is relieved.

With so many spies outside the Asura tribe, they naturally have a way to send messages back.

Otherwise, how could the Shura clan become the first clan under the Ruthless Dynasty?

"I need the last two cultivation methods of the Asura Divine Mark."

Jing Hou speaks very simply.

But her words shocked both Zhan Tiandi and Zhan Feizhan.

The empress of the ruthless dynasty, came to them to ask for the cultivation method of the Asura Divine Mark?

Others don't know.

As the former king and the current king of the Shura clan, they are not very clear about what will happen to the combination of the three divine patterns.

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