Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5146: morning bell and twilight drum

After Jing Hou heard Zhan Feizhan's feelings, she nodded subconsciously.

"Don't worry about it so much. If he can't really grow up, even if he suffers twice as much hardship and his mind is twice as high, it will be useless." Jing Hou stood up again proudly.

Not to mention that Zhantiandi couldn't take it anymore.

Zhan Feizhan almost fell, if it wasn't for his lack of cultivation, he would probably point at Queen Jing's nose and curse.

What is useless?

Do you know that after I knew about that kid's abilities, I couldn't wait to ask him for advice.

How could you be so disdainful?

After all, they are also your grandson-in-law, okay?

Why are you targeting people so much?

Zhan Feizhan is not stupid, and naturally he won't ask it seriously.

Otherwise, even his father Zhantiandi would never be able to keep him.

Empress Jing's reputation and terror, he has grown up since he was a child, and has long been afraid to the core.

"It's okay if Empress Jing doesn't approve."

Zhan Tiandi knew Empress Jing's temper, this strong woman would only bow her head to someone stronger than her.

As for Qin Shaofeng, it is absolutely impossible to get a positive look from the queen, at least before she grows to surpass the queen.

"However, the old man has something to put here first. As long as this kid doesn't die, his future achievements will definitely surpass the old man, and even surpass you, the queen!" Zhan Tian said.

This sentence is not light.

Jing Hou's eyelids twitched slightly.

The reason why she doesn't recognize Zhantiandi's words is because she knows very well what kind of existence and power is standing behind Qin Shaofeng.

As tyrannical as her, she had to bow her head in front of a warrior who walked out at will.

Let alone other people?

With such a powerful background, it is not difficult for Qin Shaofeng to have his current achievements.

But when she heard Zhan Tiandi's words, she was even more surprised.

Because she knows better than anyone else.

Wanting to kill Qin Shaofeng is much more difficult than killing her.

The protection of the first guardian general of the Xia Dynasty.

Even if the situation is really bad to the extreme, maybe those legendary characters will show up.

I am afraid that apart from the current Starry Sky Temple, there is no force at all that can kill him, right?

Including the king of tattoos.

Doesn't that mean that Qin Shaofeng's future achievements will definitely surpass himself?

But... what is he capable of?

After Jing, it became more and more difficult to understand.

the other side.

Qin Shaofeng has also arrived at the mouth of the canyon, where the gust of wind is the most violent.

Rao is that he has a complete ruthless Divine Rune, and the body-refining Divine Rune that is about to be completed is not able to resist the terrifying wind at all.

Every moment, he seemed to be hovering on the edge of life and death.

It seemed like a long time, and it seemed like a blink of an eye.

As night fell, he seemed to hear some kind of strange drum sound resounding.

In the sound of the twilight drums, he seemed to have suddenly been reborn, and his ability to withstand Shura's gust of wind once again reached its peak.

Time goes by little by little.

The sun disappeared completely, and he seemed to be caught in an endless battle again.

It is completely close to the battle with Shura Gale.


Exhausted, he seemed to hear a strange bell ringing.

Morning bells and twilight drums.

Qin Shaofeng's state once again soared towards the peak.

Time is constantly passing in the symphony of the morning bell and the twilight drum. Qin Shaofeng is exhausted to the extreme again and again, and then instantly rejuvenated. He is really in the battle all the time.

In the blink of an eye, it's three months.

Although the people in the pavilion will use their spiritual sense to check Qin Shaofeng's situation from time to time, they are still cultivating on their own more often.

Among them, Xian Xiaoying has the fastest cultivation speed.

Empress Jing was about to initiate her empowerment, and Qin Shaofeng and Empress Jing had provided countless treasures of heaven and earth to practice. It would be strange if the speed slowed down.

Jun Sisi and Ding Yuxin also came with Qin Shaofeng and Xian Xiaoying.

A few words of teaching from Empress Aiwu and Wuxia actually enabled them to break through to the realm of sages in just three months.

It's just that their sage realm is a bit too weak, even Xian Xiaoying can't compare.

compared to their timidity.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng seemed to be insane, his eyes were red.

Naturally, he wouldn't really just passively endure it in Shura's gust of wind. He has been constantly comprehending the things contained in the Divine Runes for the past three months.

But no matter how he felt, he didn't gain anything.

Another week in the blink of an eye.

The promised ninety-nine days are only the last half of the day left.

Watching the sky gradually darken.

Qin Shaofeng's state can be described as reaching an extreme.

Extreme madness.

Feeling... where is it?

Shura fighting intent?


If it were just that simple, there would definitely be countless Asura clansmen comprehending it.


What is the reason?

Not fighting intent? It's not a battle, and it's not even a gust of wind...

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

When Qin Shaofeng's thoughts were the most chaotic, he faintly heard the strange twilight drum sound again.


Morning bells and twilight drums!

He suddenly woke up.

But before he could make a move, everything around him quickly converged towards him.

no! I haven't realized the morning bell and the twilight drum!

Qin Shaofeng became more anxious.

He finally remembered that the morning bell and the twilight drum did not exist, and should even exist only in myths and legends.

It happens that he hears it every day.

But why didn't he think of it before, the real mystery of the Shura Divine Rune is to attract the Shura Road Morning Bells and Evening Drums that shouldn't have appeared?

In the midst of his constant regret.

Everything is in his body.

The Shura Divine Mark spontaneously emerged from between his eyebrows, and continued to outline little by little.

In a blink of an eye, it has become the state of the eighth pattern.

At this moment.

Qin Shaofeng seemed to hear the words of the morning bell and the twilight drum again.

The morning bell and the evening drum sounded together?

He couldn't help being astonished.

I wanted to look around to see what happened, but the sound of the morning bell and the twilight drum actually made the Shura Divine Rune continue to move in the direction of Consummation.

"It's done!"

Zhantiandi and Zhanfeizhan jumped up suddenly.

After Jing saw their performance, she was very disapproving: "Is there anything wrong with it?"

"Of course not!"

The two said in unison: "If you want to truly achieve Shura with the help of the Shura Divine Mark, it's not about absorbing and understanding Shura's gusts, but... How could he find out? This shouldn't be!"

Jing Hou couldn't help but become curious.

She knew that the Shura **** pattern of the Shura tribe was very strange, and even after attaining Shura, even if the cultivation base had to fight for half a step of eternity, it was still capable of wrestling with ordinary eternal powerhouses.

But she still didn't know where the true magic of the Shura Divine Mark was.

Looking at the expressions of the two, that seems to be the biggest secret of the Shura tribe.

Curiously, he looked at Qin Shaofeng.

However, he saw a dark cloud rising above Qin Shaofeng's head.

In the dark cloud, a small black bell and a golden battle drum loomed.

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