Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5147: Missing

The bells and drums chimed.

The strange thing is that Zhan Tiandi, Jing Hou and others couldn't even hear any sound.

I saw the black cloud quickly drifting towards the room above Qin Shaofeng's head.

Condensed black clouds.

The Shura divine pattern between Qin Shaofeng's eyebrows quickly shot out a black beam of light, which still gave people a dazzling feeling in this hour that was gradually approaching night.

Light beams are mapped into black clouds.

The black clouds collapsed, the bells and drums disappeared, but those black beams became more compact.

Beam converges.

The divine mark between Qin Shaofeng's brows began to draw independently again.

It looks complicated.

The outline of the **** pattern is not long.

When the divine pattern beam quickly merged into the divine pattern between Qin Shaofeng's eyebrows, Jing Hou suddenly stood up.

"Since you can master the Asura God Rune, this grandmother will naturally not disappoint you, go!" Jing Hou casually put a little between her eyebrows.


A golden ray of light went towards Qin Shaofeng, who was merging with the black beam.

A short instant of time.

The two colors of light melted into Qin Shaofeng's body at the same time.

When the Shura Divine Runes were re-integrated into one, a golden light suddenly burst out from the surface of Qin Shaofeng's body.

The light became more and more dazzling, and finally turned into a little strange divine pattern on Qin Shaofeng's body.

"This is... Body Refinement Divine Mark?!"

Zhantiandi stood up abruptly.

Rao is that he has already heard that Qin Shaofeng has practiced the other two kinds of gods, but after witnessing it with his own eyes, he still has a feeling of unspeakable shock.

Just standing up, the scene in front of him once again shocked him.

I saw Qin Shaofeng disappear inexplicably.

The degree of its abruptness is that the eternal powerhouse of his level has not even been able to detect it.

He hurriedly looked towards Jing Hou.

Only then did he realize that Empress Jing didn't even look surprised at the scene in front of her.

As if all of this was as it should have been.

He couldn't help but be even more astonished.

How is this going?

"After Jing, why did that kid suddenly disappear? Did you do something?" Zhan Tiandi asked in confusion.

"There is no such great magical power in this future."

Jing Hou shook his head, but there was still no trace of nervousness on his face, and said: "The secret of that kid is not as simple as you can imagine, if that's the case, how could this queen bring him to find you? "

"He is not a member of our ruthless dynasty. As long as he is sent to the Starry Sky Temple that belongs to him, no matter how powerful King Wen is, there is no way to do it."


Zhantiandi was even more shocked this time.

He really couldn't imagine what kind of existence could be worthy of such an evaluation as Jing Hou.

"Okay, just wait!"

Jing Hou glanced at him coldly, as calm as before.


Zhantiandi still has a lot of questions to ask, but he doesn't know how to speak.

Pacing in place.

Although he had just met Qin Shaofeng, he was also full of goodwill towards Qin Shaofeng, a miraculous young man.

Knowing in my heart that Empress Jing is unlikely to harm Qin Shaofeng, I am still very worried.

At this moment.

Qin Shaofeng has already appeared in the performance field of Snow Demon Palace.

Xia Huangjie and Xue Ji stood beside him one after the other, Yan, Zhong, Qi and Ge were a few steps behind, all holding some kind of weird magic formula in their hands.

"Little brother, although you are not the first time we have merged with the King of Half Patterns, but we lack a lot of medicines to help you, you are likely to suffer a lot, but you have to hold back, can't you hear me!" Xue Ji said. The voice came from behind.

"rest assured!"

Qin Shaofeng answered quickly.

The voice did not fall.

He felt a pain from body to soul.

The pain almost made him scream.

At the beginning, the degree of pain was almost the same as when the body refining **** pattern was merged.

Xia Huangjie and Xue Ji's movements were still the same, and even Ge and others from all sides began to move.

One after another eternal power was penetrated into his body.

The severe pain made his face turn hideous, but he never dared to scream.

Time passes little by little.

The pain Qin Shaofeng could feel became more and more intense.


His consciousness began to blur.

at this time.

An icy eternal power suddenly merged into his soul, causing him to wake up suddenly.

"Little brother, it will pass if you endure it any longer. During this time, you must not fall asleep!" Xue Ji's anxious voice resounded.

Qin Shaofeng wanted to look back.

However, in his line of sight, there is only an endless white fog left. He who has not cultivated to the eternal realm can't see through the white fog created by this eternal powerhouse.

As everyone knows.

In the white fog at this time.

Xia Huangjie, Xue Ji and the others were all stunned.

This method is indeed not the first time they have tried, and it can even be said that they have tried it six times.

The first time he used it was on Xia Huangjie himself.

At that time, the methods were not perfect, but the medicinal materials were extremely sufficient, and the pain to endure was similar to that of Qin Shaofeng now.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng had been tough for three days and three nights.

At that time, Xia Huangjie only carried it for a day and a half.

Under such pain, they can still do such persistence, how can they not be shocked?


After the subsequent methods were perfected, only Xue Ji, relying on her own powerful ability, almost fainted at the last moment.

The four war generals persisted for less time than Qin Shaofeng.

How can you still not be embarrassed?

Time is still flying.

When the complexion of Xia Huangjie, Xue Ji, or the four generals began to turn pale, they saw a strange divine pattern fused with gold, hundred and black three-color divine patterns suddenly appeared in the white fog.

On the divine rune, a powerful suction suddenly erupted.

The endless white mist was sucked into that strange divine rune in a short period of time.

At this moment, the divine pattern turned into milk, white, and color.

"Finally, this kid's endurance is really terrifying."

Yan looked at Qin Shaofeng, who fell to the ground and fell into a deep sleep for the first time after completing the Divine Rune. He couldn't help being shocked and let out a sigh.

Everyone nodded in unison.

Xia Huangjie couldn't help but say: "This kid's endurance is comparable to that of this emperor. It seems that Xue Ji's eyes are still vicious."

"What do you mean by shoulder to shoulder with you?"

Xue Ji rolled his eyes at him bitterly and said, "I remember that someone lasted only a day and a half."

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Xia Huangjie coughed dryly for a while, and then his face turned blue and then white and said: "This emperor said that he was on par with the current emperor, who said it was then? The emperor at that time was too young, how could he be as old as he was then? calculate?"

"But our younger brother seems to be younger than you were..."

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