Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5154: makeover

"Brother Xiaoyao, why did you arrange for the prisoner to go out?"

When Xian Xiaoying saw him doing this, she couldn't help but ask in doubt.

Then listen to her shout out that Xiaoyao brother.

Qin Shaofeng shook his head again and said, "Obviously the name Zi Xiaoyao can't be used anymore, I'll call it..."

Qin Shaofeng hesitated for a moment.

Looking at Xian Xiaoying who was looking at him quietly, she smiled and said, "In the future, I'll be called Xiao Ying."

"Xiao Ying!?"

Xian Xiaoying widened her eyes in shock.

How could she not have thought that the name Qin Shaofeng came up with temporarily was all because of her?

Her pretty face suddenly turned red.

After a long while, she lowered her head and said, "Okay, Brother Xiao Ying, cough, cough!"

She obviously had a strange feeling about Qin Shaofeng's new name.

No matter what.

Xiaoying is the name given to her by the people closest to her.

"Brother Xiao Ying will stay with me, then I will enter the mountain gate with brother Xiao Ying. My mother has a lot of secret techniques. I believe she can help me cover up my cultivation status." Xian Xiaoying smiled sweetly.

"Okay, then you're called..."

"Qin Feng."

Xian Xiaoying took a step ahead of him and reported a name.

The names are exchanged, and they are only two words of the other party's name, so obviously they will no longer be recognized.

Qin Shaofeng nodded lightly, and then looked towards Yan Su.

"I want to change my name too? No need?" Yan Su was stunned.

After all, she needs to hide completely. If she wants to come, she should hide in Qin Shaofeng's cave and wait for orders at any time.

But now it was his turn to change the name.

"You really need to change your name, and it's not just in Shuiyueshan, you need to change your name in the entire starry sky world, including Mie Sanxian and others, you need to change it, go back and inform them for me, and take a look at them. Hidden situation." Qin Shaofeng said.


Yan Su completely understood what he meant.

Those of them who came out of the ruthless dynasty, although the breath of the gods on their bodies was suppressed by Qin Shaofeng, they were all people who knew the details of the ruthless dynasty after all.

Calling them by a name is likely to get them targeted by unknown people.

Although she is not afraid.

It is better to save the trouble that can be avoided.

"Then I'll be Su Yan!"

Yan Su directly changed her name.

Qin Shaofeng just wanted them to change their faces, but he didn't care much about what they would be called in the future.

Nod lightly.

Yan Su then disappeared.

The speed of the eternal powerhouse is not understandable to Qin Shaofeng at all.

After a full half a day.

Yan Sucai came back and said, "They are hiding pretty well now. I gave some pointers along the way. As long as there is no strong man fighting in their hiding place, I believe they will not be found out."

Qin Shaofeng was very convinced of her ability to hide.

"As for the name, they have already changed it. Mie Sanxian changed it back to his real name, Duan Shanyao. Few people know this name in the ruthless dynasty. Those who do know are either dead or they are with us."

"Zhao Ding changed his name to Duan Shan, it seems that he came because of Duan Shanyao."

"Ye Huang is now called Zi Ye'er, and Long Zhui has changed his name to Zilong."


Qin Shaofeng's mouth twitched fiercely.

Hearing this name made him involuntarily think of a certain anime in the past.

Yan Su and Xian Xiaoying didn't know anything about this, and they looked surprised when they saw his expression.


Qin Shaofeng coughed a few times and said.

"The prisoner's name was changed to Li Xian'er, and Bamu's name was changed to Zirou."


Qin Shaofeng was speechless again, why do you feel that many people changed their names because of themselves?

Forget it, don't want that much anymore.

He carefully memorized the names of these people before opening the gate of the ghost house.

Yan Su turned around and stepped into the ghost house, directly entering the state of cultivation.

Qin Shaofeng would not waste this martial arts field.

He took Xian Xiaoying to start training on the spot, and even taught her his life martial arts Tiandao Blade.

After such a long time, I have personally experienced the tyranny of the eternal realm.

He can only barely understand most of the attack methods of the Tiandao Blade.

Other attacks are not because he is unwilling to teach, but because he simply can't pay.

Xian Xiaoying is a person who uses a knife.

March Rain started, and after a while, she danced in a similar fashion.

Seeing this, Qin Shaofeng stopped wasting time.

Cultivation has no time.

Forty-three days passed in a flash.

When Jun Sidu came to the world of the martial arts field again, she was stunned by the scene in front of her.

How strange Qin Shaofeng's martial skills are, she already knows.

What she didn't expect was that Xian Xiaoying took such a short time to completely integrate the cultivation of the sage's realm, and even used Qin Shaofeng's most commonly used Tiandao blade with three points of power.

Just three points of power is already extremely tyrannical.

You must know that the current Qin Shaofeng can only use 50% of his power at most, and the gap in cultivation makes him less powerful than Xian Xiaoying when he uses the Heavenly Dao Blade now.

Qin Shaofeng and Xian Xiaoying noticed her arrival at the same time.

Qi Qi stopped practicing and looked at her.

"I didn't expect that your progress could be so great. If I knew this earlier, I should have given you more time." Jun Sidan flew over with emotion.

"Aunt Jun is joking. What I need now is to improve my cultivation, and Xiaoying has almost completed the cultivation of the Heavenly Dao Blade. If I want to go further, I need to be able to fully understand the Heavenly Dao Blade." Qin Shaofeng said with a smile.

"That's good."

Jun Sidu nodded and said, "Let Xiaoying also go to your cave world, I'm going to take you to the place where Shuiyue Mountain is."

"Mother, I want to sign up for the mountain with him." Xian Xiaoying flew over and shook the arm that protected Jun Si delivery.

The corners of Jun Si's mouth twitched slightly, and her complexion became ugly.

Thinking for a while.

She sighed and said, "Well, since that's the case, let Sisi come out too. I'll help you hide it, and then you can go into the mountain together."

Xian Xiaoying looked at Qin Shaofeng subconsciously.

At this time, Jun Sisi and Ding Yuxin were both arranged by Qin Shaofeng.

"Aunt Jun, the two of them have been stationed near the Shuiyue Mountain with the few people I brought from the Ruthless Dynasty. On the one hand, it is to give them a training place that will not be as oppressive as the Dongfu world. Help garrison, if something happens, even if they report back to the mountain, you can say that it was an early arrangement." Qin Shaofeng said.

Jun Si Chu frowned slightly.

She didn't continue to refute anything, but she still had a lot of doubts about what Qin Shaofeng said.

After all, when Qin Shaofeng told her more than a month ago, he didn't say what kind of people he brought out or what kind of cultivation.

This **** is still deliberately hiding it from me.

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