Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5155: under Xiaoying

three days later.

A flying boat came from afar.

The flying boat looks very simple, and the speed is not fast, giving people the feeling of a countryman.


The direction of this flying boat's flight has attracted the attention of countless people.

"This is... the person who went to Shuiyue Mountain?"

"What happened to Shuiyueshan these years, how can even ants of this level be qualified to go?"

"What's the matter with Shuiyueshan? I think they are clearly over their heads."

"Don't talk about it. I heard that Shuiyueshan seems to be suppressed by some forces. I heard from a friend that they originally planned to go to Shuiyueshan to participate in the assessment, but they were all scared off."

"What? How is this possible?"

"Shuiyueshan is an existence standing at the peak of the starry sky world. How could anyone dare to threaten them like this?"

"Who can say this clearly?"

"In recent years, too many things have happened. Three top forces have been destroyed. Who knows if Shuiyueshan will be the next?"

"You mean... Luohu?"

"I didn't say anything, I didn't know anything."

There are only two people in this flying boat, a man and a woman. The man is handsome and the girl is pretty.

Especially if you only use a flying boat of this level, once you meet someone with bad intentions, you are afraid that it will be more fortunate than for luck.

Can be biased.

Along the way, there are basically only some gossip.

Similar sounds, they have heard too much, and have already formed physical immunity.

The flying boat passed through directly, still galloping in the direction of Shuiyue Mountain.

Most of the people who saw Feizhou just glanced at it casually, but there were also some people who directly explored the consciousness.

When those people noticed the two people in the flying boat, they were all surprised.

how come……

More and more expressions of surprise continued to appear.

Those who noticed the difference were also thoughtful people, and almost no one dared to say what they thought.

But they had already set off a storm in their hearts.

How could there be only two young people with such weak cultivation in that flying boat?

Two Hongmeng True Monarchs were martial cultivators in the early stage.

And the appearance is still so outstanding, how dare you not go to Shuiyue Mountain under the leadership of the elders?

There have been no accidents along the way?

There are thoughtful people, and naturally there are also some big-brained people.

It is a perfect contrast.

Those with big brains either don't want anything, or they have a strange look to the girl in the flying boat.

Most of the latter followed quietly one after another.


What no one knows is that there are too many people like this following along the way, but they can't bring any influence to Feizhou.

And when the flying boat came to a no-man's land.

More than a dozen loose cultivators rushed out one after another, directly blocking the front of the flying boat.

The young men and women in the flying boat still seem to have not noticed anything, and the flying boat is still moving slowly.

Just when it was about to collide with those people.

A sky-shattering sword light will flash out of the flying boat.

In an instant.

More than a dozen people have already turned into the debris of the starry sky, and they can't cause a little bit of waves.

The people in this flying boat are naturally Qin Shaofeng and Xian Xiaoying.

Even if Qin Shaofeng didn't want Yan Su to meet people, he wouldn't care about the younger generation.

The flying boat is moving forward.

I have also met a few strong ones.

The starry sky world is too big, and most of the so-called strong people can only barely step into the realm of the venerable. In the face of Xian Xiaoying, who has truly reached the eternal realm, there is no way to fight back.

It was Qin Shaofeng who really made the knife.

Xian Xiaoying has also begun to play the role of Li Naling.

She only needs a moment of control, Qin Shaofeng is completely enough to use the knife to kill all the enemies in the future.

In the blink of an eye, it's another two days.

Feizhou finally came to the site of Shuiyueshan.

come here.

The trouble they encountered disappeared in an instant.

After all, they are not ordinary people. Even if Jun Sikuo pays a little attention to a word when he gives the order, it will make people pay special attention to the people who come here to participate in the assessment.

This is the case at this time.

Qin Shaofeng saw this scene, although he was somewhat unhappy in his heart, without the people following him, he would have no source of starry sky value.

But he still wasn't too confused.

After all, such leisure time is extremely rare for both of them.

When they finally came to the outside of Shuiyue Mountain, it was already two days later.

As soon as they approached Shuiyue Mountain, they could see countless flying boats outside Shuiyue Mountain, and even more people had chosen to put away the flying boats.

Rao is so, it still gives people a feeling of a sea of ​​people.

There are too many people in the star world.

Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but sigh again, and at the same time, he saw a man in the clothes of a disciple of Shuiyueshan flying towards them quickly.

"The flying boat in front has stopped. It is no longer possible to dock the flying boat near Shuiyue Mountain. Please put away the flying boat and go to the outside of Shuiyue Mountain to wait for the assessment."

The one who came to intercept was a young man who looked to be in his twenties. His cultivation base had already reached the middle stage of the True Monarch of Hongmeng. Obviously, he was already a good disciple in Shuiyue Mountain.

Qin Shaofeng and Xian Xiaoying looked at each other.


He dragged Xian Xiaoying out of the flying boat and took away the flying boat.

He then clasped his fist towards the young man and said, "This senior brother, didn't he say that it is not difficult for Shuiyueshan to recruit disciples for the assessment? Why are so many people still coming?"

When the young disciple saw that only the two of them flew out, his eyes were already fixed on Xian Xiaoying's face and he was stunned.

Have to admit.

Xian Xiaoying's beauty, even when Jun Sizhu used a secret method to help her change her face, made her a little more ordinary and a little darker, but she still couldn't completely cover up her beauty.

Young disciples have seen a lot of beautiful women in Shuiyue Mountain.

But when he saw Xian Xiaoying, he stayed for a while.

It was not until Xian Xiaoying "subconsciously" hid behind Qin Shaofeng that she finally woke up.

Quickly return to the soul.

What he saw was Qin Shaofeng's unhappy expression.

"Ah! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, that girl is really too beautiful. I couldn't help but watch it for a while. Pure love of beauty, please don't take offense to this friend." The young man hurriedly Apologize.

Seeing his expression, Qin Shaofeng's expression softened a little, and said: "Xiao Ying, this is my wife Qin Feng, we have been married for some years, and please don't use this kind of eyes again in the future."

Qin Shaofeng's voice was still warm, but this sentence was extremely rude.

If it were someone else, I'm afraid it would explode on the spot.

Not to mention that he is still carrying such a beautiful girl, which is a major fuse that triggers conflicts.

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