Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5156: Inner door first

"Brother, don't blame it, don't blame it."

This young man is not like many arrogant people Qin Shaofeng has seen, and he is still so polite when facing a person whose cultivation is not as good as himself.

He took a deep breath and seemed to force him to calm down.

Corrected again.

Returning to his original expression, he clasped his fists and said, "I'm Xia Yu, the inner disciple of Shui Yueshan who is in charge of receiving and leading, do you dare to ask if you two came by yourself?"


Qin Shaofeng nodded.

Xia Yu frowned slightly and said, "If that's the case, then the two of you will come with me from this side!"

He waved to Qin Shaofeng.

Seeing that Qin Shaofeng has pulled Xian Xiaoying to follow.

He then said softly: "You two, it's really abrupt that you came here. Even if your cultivation base reaches the realm of the True Monarch of Hongmeng, you still need to let your elders take it with you, or cover up that girl's appearance."

While talking, Xia Yu even took the initiative to take out a bamboo hat and quietly hand it over to Qin Shaofeng.

Qin Shaofeng looked at the bamboo hat he brought over, and people couldn't help being stunned.

How could this kid be so kind?

"Brother Xiao Ying, don't have any doubts. Although I rarely go out, I have heard of this Xiao Ying. He is considered a very famous person in the inner circle." Xian Xiaoying took the initiative to transmit the voice.

"Oh why?"

Qin Shaofeng asked without protecting the sound transmission.

"Xia Yu was a disciple who was recommended to enter the inner sect because of his outstanding talent when he was tested seven years ago, but soon after entering the inner sect, many names came out."

"The first bad person in the inner sect, the first good person in the inner sect, the first genius in the inner sect, the first senior brother in the inner sect, the first in the inner sect..."

Xian Xiaoying even said more than a dozen inner sect number one in a row, which shocked Qin Shaofeng for a long time and was speechless.

Qin Shaofeng can naturally hear that none of these inner sect firsts is a real compliment.

"With his talent, it should have been very easy to improve his cultivation base, but he is a bad person to the extreme, not only in the former new entry disciple assessment, because the opponent was injured in the last match, the opponent just begged After a few words, he voluntarily conceded defeat.”

"The subsequent legendary deeds are even more unimaginable, but whenever he receives the inner door cultivation resources for the first time, there will definitely be many 'poor' juniors and brothers who come to the door to beg, and I even heard that there are many cultivation bases. The core disciples who are close to the peak of the True Monarch of Hongmeng will go to him to sell miserably, but as long as they meet those who need help, he will help at any cost."

"Over time, his cultivation base is clearly extremely poor, but he has an unimaginable popularity in the inner sect. Countless people whose cultivation base is much higher than him will call him senior brother when they see him."


Qin Shaofeng was completely shocked by the young man who showed them the way.

No way?

Is there really such a bad and good person in the world?

He subconsciously began to guess whether this kid was deliberately disguising.

"Afterwards, a disciple who really needed help appeared, and his story spread completely. After that incident, I heard my mother say that this Xia Yu is the only descendant of a hidden family, it is because His temperament will specially send him to Shuiyue Mountain."

"But no one thought that after he encountered that incident, he would take the initiative to go to his family to ask for resources, and then be carried by the elders of the Xia family to the mountain gate."

"Cough, cough, cough!"

When Qin Shaofeng heard this, he already understood it completely.

But he couldn't help but cough again and again.

This guy really deserves his name.


Before the two of them communicated all the way, Xia Yu took the two of them to bypass the chaotic crowd and landed directly in a small town on the outskirts of Shuiyue Mountain.

Take them personally to a temporary courtyard in Shuiyue Mountain.

"Senior Brother Xia Yu."

"Senior brother, what are these two?"

"Why did senior brother bring two strangers?"

As soon as they arrived at the gate of the other courtyard, the conversation between Qin Shaofeng and Xian Xiaoying was startled by one voice after another.

He looked back in amazement.

Only then did he understand Xia Yu's energy in the hearts of Shuiyueshan disciples.

No matter what these disciples talk about him behind his back.

In front of him, they were really more obedient than each other, but the eyes that stared at him and Xian Xiaoying were full of resentment.

"These two are the people who came to participate in the assessment. They were not brought by their elders. I was worried that something would happen to them, so I brought them here. I hope that the juniors and juniors can take care of one or two for me." Xia Yu took the initiative to speak.

The people in the other courtyard seemed to have heard that Senior Brother Xia Yu and ran out of the room one after another. There were as many as a dozen people.

There are men and women, and the gap in cultivation is also extremely large.

After listening to Xia Yu's request, when everyone looked at Qin Shaofeng and the two again, there was only a perfunctory expression left in their expressions, and even Xian Xiaoying's peerless appearance did not let them appear any bit that shouldn't appear. look.

"Senior Brother Xia Yu has explained it, we will naturally try our best to complete it."

"Senior Brother Xia Yu, just leave them to us."

"Senior brother, you must be busy, right? Hurry up, drink some water first."

More than a dozen people even started to serve them.

hard to imagine.

A person who should have been subjected to all kinds of oppression can actually get such a position.

"I won't drink the water. I have to pick up and attract people, so I won't stay any more. You can arrange for them to participate in the assessment." Xia Yu ordered again, and then flew out of Shuiyue Mountain.

until his figure was gone.

Only then did Qin Shaofeng realize that there were more than a dozen people with well-behaved faces just now, and their expressions suddenly became gloomy.

"You two, we don't care who you are, why you came to participate in the assessment, and what you plan to do in the future, let us remember it clearly, stay away from Xia Yu in the future, otherwise even if you can enter Shuiyueshan, we will definitely guarantee. , your life is not easy!" A young man from the late stage of the True Monarch Hongmeng came up.

Perhaps it was from the ambiguous heart that Xia Yu said, and his eyes stayed on Xian Xiaoying for a while.

But only for a moment.

Obviously, Xia Yu's role in them is obviously above a little beauty who may be able to get it.

This made Qin Shaofeng dumbfounded.

"Is it really okay for you to use people like this?"

Xian Xiaoying knew enough about Xia Yu's affairs that she couldn't help but change her expression.

"Girl, you better not talk nonsense, or even if you are a beautiful woman, we will not be polite to you!"

"Where is the dead girl from, what are you chewing on the tongue here?"

The adult filmmakers went berserk.

When he looked at Xian Xiaoying again, where there was still half of the original appreciation and admiration, there was only full hostility left.

Seeing this change, Xian Xiaoying couldn't help opening her mouth.

As for?

I've only just started, and I've become a public enemy?

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