Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5157: soft

"That senior asked you to take care of us just now, but you just took care of us like this?" Qin Shaofeng looked at Xian Xiaoying's slump and took the initiative to speak.

He wouldn't let these people run out and bully the people he cared about.

He took the initiative to speak, and immediately attracted the glaring eyes of several people.

Qin Shaofeng seemed to have seen nothing, squinted his eyes slightly, and said angrily: "You actually bullied us like this after that senior brother left, that senior brother really saw the wrong person, after seeing him, I must tell that senior brother."

When he spoke, no matter how he looked at it, he had a simple and honest expression.

But it was just such a sentence that the expressions of more than a dozen people suddenly changed.

What they must worry about is that the arrival of Qin Shaofeng and the two will have an impact on them.

If they really get a piece of the pie, then they will really lose a lot.

But if Qin Shaofeng is really asked to say something, for them, the trouble is also not small at all.

The faces of several people became more and more ugly.

Deliberately doing nothing, he directly beheaded Qin Shaofeng and the two on the spot.

But soon after such an idea appeared, they completely dismissed it again and again.

This is Shuiyue Mountain after all.

And it was still on the day when the Shuiyue Mountain Apprentice Ceremony opened.

Once it is really done to kill the people who came to the assessment, it will definitely make them suffer even more seriously.

As for completely covering up the past.

If it wasn't Xia Yu who handed Qin Shaofeng to them, it would be easy.

But the difficulty is here.

What kind of person Xia Yu is, they are all too clear.

They really believed that Qin Shaofeng and the two of them had an accident here. They believed that Xia Yu, who had already said that he would come to ask about it, would definitely ask why it was going to be a big deal.

There is indeed a cute side to such a stunner.

But at the same time, it makes people angry, but it is really too irritating.

Xia Yu used to be able to create a big incident for you in order to help fellow students, and it is obviously the same situation now.

A few people hated their teeth, but they really didn't dare to say anything too serious threatening words.

For a long time.

A female disciple spoke unwillingly and said, "When did we bully you, you two just came here, and you don't understand the rules of the sect at all, we are just teaching you the rules, do you understand?"

"I don't understand, do you really think we are fools?"

Qin Shaofeng did not expect that among these people, the first answer to him was such a sentence.

Still understand?

Is it true that he had to act as a fool just because he deliberately acted simple and honest just now?

Only people who think like this are truly stupid.

Smile coldly.

"Since you took the initiative to trouble us, don't blame me for not giving face."

Qin Shaofeng snorted coldly: "Go, free up the best room for us here, and then you guys will cook, and you guys will show us when we can get our assessment, you guys..."

Now that he can see what these people think, Qin Shaofeng has no scruples.

He really didn't have any idea of ​​taking advantage of Xia Yu.

It's not that he has any idea.

But Xia Yu didn't have the qualification to let him take advantage at all.

Even the hidden Xia family behind Xia Yu is the same.

Since these guys are worried that they will come to take advantage, and they dare not do anything to them, they still have the courage to ask for trouble.

Don't be angry with these people, it's really too much to say.

More than a dozen people were so angry that their faces turned blue and purple, and some people had already clenched their fists, as if they were about to shoot at them.

Qin Shaofeng looked at the different expressions of more than a dozen people, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, revealing a smile, and said: "Do things honestly, and then go to your senior brother to complain, or you can feel free, we will complain, you decide for yourself. Bar!"

The faces of more than a dozen people suddenly became more exciting.

No one thought that Qin Shaofeng would say such a thing.


There were also two shrewd people who immediately heard the meaning of Qin Shaofeng's words.

I'm not as shameless as you are.

And you are shameless, and you dare to threaten me, either kneel obediently for me, and we will enter the mountain gate to stay away, or we will file a complaint.

It's a big deal.

But these people have taken too much advantage in recent years, and they are simply reluctant to give up casually.

Rao was so angry that his teeth were itching, but he didn't dare to take any extreme actions.

"The rooms are all here, you can choose your own food. As for the food... it's not yet time for dinner, wait, and someone will bring it to you!" Someone who thought clearly shouted out.

He is also the one who is about to be blown away by Qin Shaofeng.

However, compared to continuing to follow, they would rather be aggrieved for a while if they were able to obtain resources from both sides from the family's mountain gate, and generously could give them all to their senior brothers.

Qin Shaofeng smiled coldly, dragged Xian Xiaoying and walked towards the master bedroom.


Where to use selection?

Wait until the two enter the room.

The man who just took the initiative to bow his head said to a few people: "You two go to Senior Brother Chen immediately, and let Senior Brother Chen walk away. Be sure to let them both participate in the assessment today."

"Doesn't it cost such a big price?" The two were shocked.

"Do you want to continue to serve these two uncles?"

The man gave him a vicious look, took out a memory spar, and said, "I have already recorded his arrogant behavior just now, Junior Sister Hong, you can find a way to lead people to play tricks on the screen."


Junior Sister Hong is the girl who just said something that Qin Shaofeng thought was stupid.

Then the man shouted: "Hurry up and move."

Everyone moved.

The scenes here are naturally impossible to escape from Qin Shaofeng and Xian Xiaoying's spiritual exploration.

In the face of this small gesture they made in public, the two of them didn't even have the idea of ​​raising their eyelids.

More than a dozen people are all inner disciples.

But so what?

This is Shuiyue Mountain, which was originally Xian Xiaoying's home. Even if they came here in hiding, others might not be able to feel anything from it. Jun Siku, who was in charge of arranging their affairs, or even a core elder, must know about them. thing.

In your own home, do you still need to care about the frame-up of a few servants?

That's the weird stuff.

More than a dozen people didn't want to stay with them, and Qin Shaofeng was too lazy to stay here.

With those people doing little things, they are even more happy.

Have to admit.

After these dozen people clasped their fists, their strength was really not small.

It was just after noon.

The two of them hurried back and shouted deliberately: "The relationship over there has been cleared up, and the two of them can participate in the assessment in an hour."

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