Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5159: Beast!

"It turned out to be a random call? It seems that our luck is really good!"

When Qin Shaofeng heard the man's explanation, there was some joy on his face, and then he explained: "Thank you, Xiongtai, if Xiongtai didn't say anything, I thought we should take part in the assessment together when we came together. Originally we saw the numbers. When the distance is far away, I am still worried!"

"That's really good luck."

The man laughed dryly.

He was muttering in his heart: We were a group of more than a dozen, and the numbers were very similar, but we couldn't participate in the assessment together. It was really depressing that the two of them could be so lucky!

After thinking about it, his eyes still swept across Xian Xiaoying from time to time.

No matter how you look at this kid, he is a stunned young man.

His female companion is really... tsk tsk, this boy is really lucky, otherwise, such a beautiful little girl, maybe someone else will squeeze her back and she will be hooked away by others?

"Zhang Sanbai at No. 10700, I don't know who the two are?" The man took the initiative to sign up and asked.

It's just that this question is a little bit of really wanting to know Qin Shaofeng, so it's up to the benevolent to see the difference.

"Xiao Ying, this is my wife Qin Feng."

Qin Shaofeng, with an expression that didn't see anything, said his previous rhetoric.

Hearing this, several people were stunned.

All the young people who dared to come to Shuiyueshan to sign up for the assessment are true young people, but their cultivation bases are not weak. Naturally, it can be seen that Qin Shaofeng and the two are very young.

I am afraid that the real age is no more than twenty-five years old, and it is difficult to say whether it is even twenty years old.

Originally thought that they should be brother and sister or a couple relationship.

Never thought it would be like this.



Is this couple too young?

We are all existences in the realm of the real monarch of Hongmeng, so we can't live for thousands of years casually?

Before the age of three or five hundred, it seems that no one would choose to get married, right?

But they got married at such a young age.

This... this is really a beast!

Even a few girls looked strange at Qin Shaofeng.

Qin Shaofeng could see clearly, but he was too lazy to explain anything.


They have already come to the table for the first assessment.

Next to the table is a huge stone pillar. The stone pillar is hollow and scales appear, and there seems to be mercury flowing in it.

"Report the number, report the name, and go one by one to test your bone age."

Such a stone platform was actually used to test bone age, and Qin Shaofeng was stunned again.

Although there are some differences in age for a martial artist like them, it is the first time he sees a bone age test.

When Zhang Sanbai heard the words, he was the first to report the number representing him, and then he glanced at the token in his hand to the disciple who was in charge of reporting the results before stepping forward.

The palm of the hand is lightly imprinted in a hole in the stone pillar through which the palm can be inserted.

"10700, Zhang Sanbai, age 77."


The disciple sitting in front of the desk quickly recorded Zhang Sanbai's situation.

One person after another stepped forward to test their respective bone age.

Not long after, only Qin Shaofeng was left.

Only then did Qin Shaofeng pull Xian Xiaoying over and stretched his hand in first in the eyes of everyone.

He only felt a little bit of spiritual energy seeping into his palm, and the watermark in the stone pillar stopped when it reached the second mark.

To be honest, he wasn't even sure what his bone age would be.

After all, he was not a normal human being.

He wouldn't be surprised if the test showed him in his teens.

"10998, Xiao Ying, 22 years old."

The disciple in charge of reporting the number shouted this sentence out, which immediately caused an uproar.

Although Zhang Sanbai and the others could tell that it was very difficult for Qin Shaofeng and Qin Shaofeng to be both less than twenty-five years old.

But the question is, there is a big gap between twenty-five and twenty-two years old, okay?

In the small world, there may still be marriages in the teenage years.

But in the starry sky world, there are very few people who get married under the age of 30.

They can also hear from Qin Shaofeng's previous self-report that they are not just married.

However, his bone age is only 22 years old, doesn't it mean that he was married before he was 20 years old?

Even if you are very precocious, you don't need to be so anxious, right?

Immediately, Xian Xiaoying reported her number and went forward.

The mercury scale also stopped when it just reached the second scale.

"21034, Qin Feng, 21 years old."

The first time the disciple in charge of reporting the number shouted this sentence, he was surprised to hear the group of people who came with Qin Shaofeng shouting in unison: "Beast!"

The disciples of Shuiyueshan who had just written half of the writing couldn't help but look up.

His eyes fell on those people, frowning unhappily, and said: "Pay attention to your words, people can cultivate to this level at the age of 19, it is their talent, and you will not tolerate slander."

When Zhang Sanbai heard the words, his face suddenly became miserable, he turned around, clasped his fists, and said, "Report to this senior brother, we are not insulting Miss Qin Feng, but, but..."

But after a long time, he said with a smile, "This senior brother, the two of them are husband and wife, and it seems that they have been married for several years."

The two disciples looked at Qin Shaofeng in unison.

"You, you... beasts!"

The two spoke in unison.

Normal warriors are less than fifty years old, and almost no one is in love, and no one is married.

Getting married before the age of 50 already gives people the feeling of being married as a minor.

As for Qin Shaofeng and Xian Xiaoying.

According to the eyes of ordinary people, it is completely two teenage dolls getting married.

Although they are all fully developed, at least in the concept of the starry sky, this is really the case.

Especially Xian Xiaoying is so beautiful.

Almost no one cares whether they are in love or not, but they simply think that Qin Shaofeng is a beast.

What a beast!

Such a small little girl, how did you get down there?


Xian Xiaoying listened to them making such voices again and again, she couldn't bear it anymore, she shouted to make everyone return to their souls, and then said: "According to the small world we have been to, eighteen years old is the age of marriage. Okay? You need to scold people like this?"

Bang bang bang!

All the standing people sat on the ground in unison, and the disciple in charge of writing was indeed sitting, but his head kept hitting the table.

For a long time.

The disciple who was in charge of reporting the numbers retorted: "Girl, you also said that it is a small world. How old are people in a small world? Let's just live them for a hundred lifetimes, okay?"

"so what?"

Xian Xiaoying is even more resentful. Once her parents said her, she didn't recognize her, how could she tolerate these people's nonsense?

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