Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5160: teenage couple

"Getting married or not is the girl's own business, can you manage it?"

Xian Xiaoying looked like a little hen protecting her cubs, her irritable roar really made everyone look dumb.


What kind of ecstasy soup did that kid pour into this girl, how could she let her protect that beast like this!

After a little delay, the next group of people who came to test the bone age had already come up.

Many people with sharp ears have already heard Xian Xiaoying's words.

Shocked expressions appeared one after another.

That girl doesn't seem too big, doesn't she?

How could she say such a thing?

It's really tough.

This girl is forty-seven years old. Some time ago, I told my mother that she was going to get married before she came to the examination, and she was scolded severely by my mother.

He also asked me not to get married until I was 100 years old.

This girl seems to be much, much, much, much younger than me, right?

"The person who will be tested has come. I said have you recorded it? Should we continue to go?" Qin Shaofeng asked loudly when he saw the person who came.

If such a delay is allowed to continue, he believes that it will not be long before he and Xian Xiaoying will become celebrities.

"Don't be in a hurry, don't be in a hurry, and it's not that there hasn't been a delay, so it doesn't matter if there are three or five groups of people." The disciple who reported the number quickly explained.

Do not! This can no longer be said to be an explanation, but to forcibly keep Qin Shaofeng behind and ridicule a few more words before he can be reconciled.

"Is it your responsibility to delay without reason?"

Xian Xiaoying snorted coldly and said, "Hurry up and record it, and then continue walking, or else, when I see the elder in charge, I must sue you!"


The two Shuiyueshan disciples were speechless.

They are indeed not qualified to forcibly keep Qin Shaofeng and the two.

"let's go!"

The number-reporting disciple waved his hand to signal release, but the corner of his mouth moved towards Zhang Sanbai, and said through a voice transmission: "Remember to tell the story of the two of them at every assessment site, hum! How dare you threaten me? , since they don't want to be famous, then I must make them famous, if I can't do it... hum! You'd better not pass the final assessment."


Zhang Sanbai did not have the confidence of Qin Shaofeng and the two of them, so he hurriedly sent a voice transmission to the disciple who reported the number.

The team then continued to move forward.


The number-reporting disciples who already held a grudge against Qin Shaofeng and the two seemed to have something wrong with his mouth. Whenever someone came over to participate in the assessment, he would always accidentally say something: It seems that this group is normal, no There are people who get married before the age of 20.

Not too long.

Among those who participated in the assessment, there was a couple who got married under the age of 20.

The news spread like wildfire.

When the news reached the ears of Qin Shaofeng and the two, they had already completed all the assessments and stood on the huge square on the side of the mountain just like everyone else.

"10372, 9987, 12599, 21330... Pass, go up the mountain, get three assessment spar, cross the mountain to enter the next level! The others will leave on their own!" The high-pitched voice resounded.

Consciousness probes the past.

I saw the disciple put on a piece of paper and continued to read.

Just after completing the first round of the test, looking at the numbers written on the paper, nearly half of the people were eliminated.

It seems that Shuiyueshan's test, even if it is due to the reason of crossing the path of sin, the number of people is less, and the difficulty has not been reduced.

However, thinking about it relieved.

This time, Shuiyueshan recruited disciples mainly for him and Xian Xiaoying to be able to successfully enter the school with another identity. Obviously, there is not much requirement for how many people can be recruited in the end.

The above numbers are still there.

But among the waiting crowd, a gossip quietly spread.

"I heard no, there is a couple coming to participate in the assessment."

"What couple?"

"The two of them are crazy, they are so old, how could Shui Yueshan accept it?"

"Big ass, I don't know not to talk nonsense, those two are only in their early twenties, and they got married before they were twenty."



"Do you know they are there? I really want to see who can be so awesome!"

The voice of the discussion quickly reached the ears of Qin Shaofeng and the two.

The expressions of both of them changed slightly.

The news was passed so quickly that he quickly realized that this matter was probably related to the two people who first quarreled with Xian Xiaoying.

It seems that after entering the mountain gate, Aunt Jun really wants to take good care of Shuiyue Mountain.

While thinking so.

He has also seen the opposite of what can be said to be a big bad thing.

Now they are in need of a real identity. Although such a speed of spreading makes them appear in front of people quickly, it is not necessarily a bad thing.

As soon as he thought about it, he was relieved.


They have already moved from the last row of the square to the front row.

The disciple who was in charge of the reading on the stage had already changed to the third one, took a piece of paper and started reading.

"10083, 10998, 21034..."

Just after reading about them, the disciple's voice suddenly stopped, looked towards the two of them, and exclaimed: "You are the young couple who grew up in the small world? Tsk tsk tsk... Admire! Admire!"

Qin Shaofeng and Xian Xiaoying's faces suddenly turned black.

Available soon.

Qin Shaofeng felt that something was not right.

Growing up in a small world?

What does it mean?

The power of nirvana is fully exerted, and the consciousness that has been promoted to the realm of sages in a short time spreads in all directions.

Soon, he detected the figure of Jun Si delivery in the sky.

Jun Si Chuan obviously found his probe, and nodded lightly at him.

It turned out that it wasn't just me who felt that there was something that could be used behind this negative news, but Aunt Jun had already begun to use it.

Withdrawn the power of consciousness and nirvana, he sent a sound transmission to Xian Xiaoying.

And on stage.

The disciple who was in charge of the reading had already restarted his mission. After a dozen breaths, he finished reading and said, "Pass, go up the mountain, get three assessment spar, and pass the mountain range to enter the next level! Others Leave on your own!"

Hearing these words, fifty people including Qin Shaofeng and the other two, strode towards the road into the mountain.

Compared to before, they attracted more attention this time.

Obviously, everyone really realized this time that they were a young couple.

Even the forty-eight people in the same group would turn their attention to them from time to time.

"Marrying such a beautiful little beauty when you were a teenager, your brother is really blessed! Tsk tsk tsk!" A short fat man took the initiative to come over.

The few people who originally accompanied Qin Shaofeng and successfully passed the first stage of the assessment, but tried to distance themselves from them as much as possible, and almost wanted to go to a place where they couldn't find it.

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