Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5161: direct elimination

Qin Shaofeng and Xian Xiaoying didn't bother to pay attention to those people who appeared just to be used by them.

Just a simple glance at those people.

They were too lazy to look at it.

Pulling Xian Xiaoying towards the mountain again.

It's just that no matter how they look at their footsteps, they give people a feeling of swimming in the mountains.

Is it really possible that such a group of people came to participate in the assessment of forces at the level of Shuiyueshan?

But anyone who sees them will have such a feeling in their hearts.

No matter how much doubt and suspicion there is.

Qin Shaofeng and the two are still the same, always moving towards the top of the mountain.

This way of walking, if you say that you are not here to swim in the mountains and water, it is really hard to believe.

But it is in such progress.

Whether Qin Shaofeng or Xian Xiaoying would be surprised, they found out that they were hidden in a certain place on the mountain for the assessment.

Every time the exclamation came out, it would attract a piece of unbelievable gaze.

No wonder they made a fuss.

In fact, they all move forward in a similar way.

Even in the beginning, when Xian Xiaoying found a spar in the place they left out, more and more people began to pay attention to the two of them.

The more you look at it, the more shocked everyone becomes.

They can clearly see that the two did not cheat in any way.

Even in some places, it was clear that the previous person had explored it first, but nothing had happened.

But even if they just picked it up with a stick, they could find the spar from under one of the leaves they had been looking for.

This kind of thing once or twice is really annoying.

Looking at the short period of time, when the others were still empty-handed, they had already gathered their three spar.

Jealousy and anger immediately overwhelmed the rationality of many people.

Seeing that it is getting closer and closer to the direction of the mountain.

The burly man in the middle stage of the True Monarch of Hongmeng who walked in the forefront first set his sights on Qin Shaofeng and the two of them.

They were indeed broken up specially.

But even so, the huge gap in strength, and the unwillingness to go back, made him find the two of them.

Turning around, he deliberately blocked in front of the two of them.

"Boy, hand over all the three crystal stones you found, I can spare your life!" The burly man shouted angrily.

However, without waiting for Qin Shaofeng to answer.

A scene that made people almost stare out their eyes, was presented in front of hundreds of people.

On the treetops not far away, a man dressed in the attire of a disciple of Shuiyueshan had already revealed his figure and shouted loudly: "This is only the elimination stage, no one must fight, otherwise, they will be expelled directly! That Man, you can get out!"

This disciple of Shuiyueshan is really domineering.

They clearly did not explain the rules in advance, which made the burly man's face immediately appear unwilling.

"There's no need to refute, come to our Shuiyue Mountain to participate in the entrance examination, and you didn't even ask about the rules in advance. That's your own mistake, get out!" The disciple shouted again.

The burly man's face suddenly became wonderful.

It's not that he doesn't know the rules.

It is true that this rule is just hearsay. When he came to participate in the assessment, he did not receive any instructions, so he would think that even if there is such a rule, he is not guilty of ignorance.

Where can one think that Shuiyueshan is so domineering?

Without giving him a chance to explain at all, he will be expelled away.

After two rolls, the disciple lurked again.

It is clear.

Not far from the surroundings, there was a disciple of Shuiyueshan hidden, obviously their every move was being supervised.

There's really no chance of a half-point trick!

The faces of the few people who also appeared to **** the idea just now also became very exciting.

In the Shuiyueshan Mountain Gate assessment, you really need to inquire about the rules yourself, really...

Luckily that guy got his hands on me first, otherwise it's probably me who has the problem.

Many people are heartbroken.

Because of the rules, they couldn't **** the spar that Qin Shaofeng and the two of them got, so they could only start frantically searching.

But soon, a scene that made them almost collapse appeared.

The further back you go, the more heavily the ground is excavated.


Not only is it not the first time that something similar to a burly man has happened, but it has happened many times.

Knowing that they can't **** the spar of their companions, they have to keep moving forward to find them. Each group of people can only dig three feet in the ground.

If you try again now, it's obviously too late.

In a short time, they have completely walked out of the mountain.

among a hundred people.

Except for Qin Shaofeng, only three people managed to collect three spar, and the others were ruthlessly expelled.

Qin Shaofeng looked forward again, only to see that the number of people had dropped significantly.

Not to mention the crowded scene, even if there are people waiting for the assessment, there are not many people left.

While the five of them were waiting in line, they saw a group of teams coming out not far away, but the situation was very similar to theirs.

"The first stage is to investigate the martial artist's own situation in an all-round way, and the second stage directly uses the mental unilateral assessment to directly eliminate the ninety percent. It seems that the first few stages are just cleaning up!" Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but sigh. one sound.

Although the three who barely passed the test did not speak, they all nodded subconsciously.

Qin Shaofeng's words were exactly what they thought.

Shuiyue Mountain is indeed very big, but if the formal assessment is really started directly, I am afraid that all the people in Shuiyue Mountain will be exhausted to death.

Now that this is done, although people with backgrounds will definitely be reminded in advance, it may not be the best way to wash people.

As for people with backgrounds, if their cultivation is really insufficient, they will still be unable to pass the next level, and there will be no loss at all.

After a while, it was their turn to enter the next level.

A scene that surprised them all appeared.

Of the hundred people who came not far away, more than 70 people passed the assessment.

Looking at that group of people, there were actually three young people with a clear family atmosphere, two males and one female.

More than 70 people were obviously able to pass the level because of the three of them.

"It seems that the second level is really only used to wash people, otherwise such a situation would not happen, otherwise the people of Shuiyueshan would have to stand up and take care of it." A stranger who was covered in mud and walking said.

His words immediately attracted the nods of the other two in agreement.

Now that they have passed the test on their own skills and luck, they have no envy for those who can pass the test because they are prompted.

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