Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5162: help cheat

"Then thirty of you can go in."

A disciple of Shuiyueshan who was in charge of the third pass shouted to them: "You must not speak after entering. If we find someone who deliberately reminded us, we will expel them directly."

Coming to the third level, it seems to be slightly better than before.

At least a general reminder.

But when they walked into a man-made corridor in front of them, they felt that the delicacy in front of them suddenly changed.


Qin Shaofeng opened his mouth in surprise.

Thinking: No wonder there are such strange requirements in this level. It seems that there is no such hard requirement.

With a silent thought in his heart, he spread his consciousness.

With only the consciousness of the saint level, he can clearly see everything in the passage.

At this moment.

Xian Xiaoying has also opened up her consciousness and is looking at him.

Qin Shaofeng raised his chin, indicating that he can go, and took the lead in walking towards the front of the passage.

The third hurdle is obviously a test of strength.

Of course, in the eyes of Qin Shaofeng and the two, this level is only used to wash people.

It seems that 90% of people have been washed away now, but there are still too many.

as predicted.

When they got out of the passage, all they could see was a long canyon.

At the mouth of the canyon, there was no one who came to participate in the assessment.

"Go directly!"

A man dressed as a disciple of Shuiyueshan pointed directly at them.

Qin Shaofeng and Xian Xiaoying looked at each other.

They, who have always been probing with their consciousness, have already seen the situation in the previous level, which is full of various poisonous insects and poisonous mist.

Without a half-point reminder, once you walk in carelessly, even a martial artist in the late stage of the True Monarch of Hongmeng is likely to be in danger.

It is only used to deal with True Monarch Hongmeng.

Qin Shaofeng and the two can even do it, walk over at will, and directly kill those poisonous insects.

But they will not destroy their own assessment level.

Qi Qi used some of the power of the source to cover themselves, and took great strides towards the canyon ahead.

The disciple who was in charge of the guidance couldn't help but be stunned when he saw them walking in the canyon as if walking on the ground.

He is in charge of this level, but he clearly knows that this level is also a trap level. Once poisoned or bitten by poisonous insects, he will be expelled directly.

Not long ago, several martial artists in the middle stage of the True Monarch of Hongmeng suffered.

It's just that the two of them walked here like walking on the ground. Their experience in the rivers and lakes seems to be too rich, right?

Obviously he couldn't get an answer.

Before the thinking was over, Qin Shaofeng and Xian Xiaoying had already walked out of the canyon.

Outside the canyon, there is a ladder similar to the road to the sky. At this time, some people are constantly climbing, obviously it is the next level.

One is temperament, one is soul, one is cautious, and the other is physical quality. It's really amazing.

The sects that Qin Shaofeng has contacted before have never been so rigorous.

Pulling up Xian Xiaoying's little hand, ignoring the disciple standing in front of the steps, she strode towards the steps.

The pressure seems to be picking up a little bit.

For the assessment of the Hongmeng Zhenjun, they really couldn't find the slightest difficulty.

The two tried their best to put on some labored expressions, but when they kept passing over the people who were climbing, they attracted everyone's shocked eyes.

I am the middle stage of True Monarch Hongmeng, and I feel that it is very difficult to climb.

How could these two little guys in the early stage of the True Monarch of Hongmeng be able to walk so casually?

This is too weird, right?

Let him be shocked.

Qin Shaofeng and Qin Shaofeng obviously would not give any answer, and strode over.


The two saw the next level again.

Qin Shaofeng glanced at Xian Xiaoying again, and he became more and more lazy to pretend. He just made a little expression and dragged her through the levels with ease.


Jun Si delivery, who was watching this scene, couldn't help rubbing her forehead.

"Why can't the two of them pretend to be too much? What if someone sees the problem?" Jun Sichu muttered to herself in a choked voice.

Of course she knew that too.

Using this kind of thing to test Hongmeng Zhenjun to test two Nirvana powerhouses is simply a joke.

Especially since this is one level after another, as if there is no end, it is naturally even more speechless.

That's it, that's it.

Jun Si Chuan quickly made a decision, and said through voice transmission: "Multifaceted, let someone move, and everyone who has seen the two of them will be eliminated."

The dignified mountain master's wife was able to personally arrange for someone to cheat during her own mountain gate assessment.

She is afraid that she is also the first person among the major forces in the starry sky world.

In the blink of an eye, a half-day scene.

When the sky was getting darker, Qin Shaofeng finally came to the outer gate of Shuiyue Mountain.

At this time, many places in the outer door have been vacated.

At this time, many people were discussing something.

And when they walked into the outer door, they saw a sign with the next rules written on it.

Anyone who comes here, even if they pass the preliminary assessment of Shuiyue Mountain, everyone can become a temporary disciple of the outer sect of Shuiyue Mountain.

Temporary disciples for a total of one year.

After one year, we will see the progress of various aspects and then decide.

In addition, after the external assessment is over, Shuiyueshan will open the inner door assessment, and the new and old disciples will be conducted together. The top 100 people can enter the inner door, and the top ten people can participate in the core disciple assessment.

Just such a simple reminder.

Qin Shaofeng breathed a sigh of relief. He was very tired of pretending for a long time!

Follow the directions along the way.

Find a room at will, and wait quietly.

This time the number of people to be assessed is less than before, but it can still be described as almost infinite.

A full half a month has passed.

There are dozens of people coming to the outer door every day when there are many, and only ten people when it is small. By the end of the day, there are at least five thousand people who have come in.

Five thousand people is not a huge number for Shuiyueshan.

But the problem is.

Shuiyue Mountain does not have a fixed amount of time to recruit disciples, but very few disciples will have an accident or betray the mountain gate. The increase of 5,000 people is not too small.

After waiting another night.

The next day, early in the morning.

The clamorous voice has already resounded on the martial arts training ground not far away.

When Qin Shaofeng took Xian Xiaoying out, he saw that tens of thousands of people were anxious and waited on the martial arts field.

Not long after, more than a dozen people dressed as inner disciples of Shuiyue Mountain finally came here.

"According to the elder's order, we will be responsible for the promotion assessment in the outer sect area."

"The assessment is divided into two categories. The first is the entry assessment, and the disciples who have just joined the sect can be exempted."

"The second item, area hunting, take the top 100 people who get the prey, follow me to the second hunting area, participate in the second round of hunting, and finally take the top 1,000 people from everyone in the outer door, and enter the inner door by final competition selection. door qualifications."

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