Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5165: Goodbye Shuiyue

Although Elder Mountain Monkey’s words were harsh, they calmed everyone down with ease.

If you want to enter the inner door, you must have the strength to be able to come and go freely when attacked by fierce beasts in such a mountain range?

how can that be?

What kind of cultivation is needed, do we really have such a terrifying existence in the outer sect?

All the disciples are constantly thinking.

But no matter what they thought, they obviously couldn't get any answers.

After a short judgment, the mountain monkey elder personally took Qin Shaofeng and other hundreds of people who had just come out and flew to another north.

Fly for a while.

It can be seen that when the distance to a distant mountain range is getting closer and closer, you can see more and more, and similar teams are constantly rushing towards this side.

Obviously, the assessment of the first level will end at the fastest speed.

Qin Shaofeng and others were observing those who were also on their way.

More people's eyes are on their side, after all, being able to let an elder lead the way in person has proved extraordinary.

when they finally reached their destination.

Qin Shaofeng recognized the location at a glance, and this is the place where the mountain behind Shuiyue Mountain was entered.

As an elder, the mountain monkey elder would obviously not always lead them like ordinary disciples.

Just hand them over to the few people who were originally accompanying Yu Sifang, and turned to leave.

The waiting time is not too long.

I saw two people slowly flying into the air at the foot of the mountain.

One of them was the Mountain Monkey Elder who had just brought them here, and the other Qin Shaofeng was also very familiar. Who else could it be if it wasn't the Multifaceted Elder?

"Among all of you, only a thousand people can pass this level at most. There are a thousand of these spar stones in the mountain. If you find a spar, or get one of them by other means, you can enter the next level. ."

"In this pass, there must be no casualties, no serious injuries, otherwise, the person who shoots will be directly expelled from the mountain gate!"

The multi-faceted elder was suspended in mid-air, loudly announcing the rules of this round of hunting.

called hunting.

But when he announced the rules, it made everyone's faces look ugly.

Originally thought it was like before, just hunting beasts.

No one could have imagined.

The name of the hunt is indeed true.

But the target of the hunt has become their own.

Anyone can be a hunter, and anyone can be a prey.

"Go into the mountain!"

After the multi-faceted elder gave an order, the leading troops began to walk towards the back of Shuiyue Mountain.

Most of the people who can come here are old people who are disciples of the outer sect of Shuiyue Mountain. Naturally, they know that the mountain in front of them is obviously not the one they encountered before.

The level of the beasts here is not comparable to before.

What makes them speechless is that.

They have to avoid the hunting of the beasts and the hunting of the brothers. It is really too difficult to increase the difficulty.

gallop all the way.

Everyone is also constantly searching, so that not long after people scattered into the back mountain, they have been completely scattered.

There was only Xian Xiaoying left by Qin Shaofeng's side.

An illusory figure had already come to the two of them.

"Come from here, come with me!"

The person who came was Jun Si Chuan, and the power of the source was used to directly shroud the two of them.

Said to let the two go with her, but in fact, she led the two of them towards the place where the old demon Shuiyue was at a rapid speed.

when you are about to reach your destination.

Jun Si delivered the two to them separately.

With the strength of the two, it is natural to be able to easily obtain spar, but it is obviously better to save some trouble.

Once again, I came to the residence of the old demon Shuiyue.

Jun Sichucai said: "The next thing is left to you, I shouldn't stay by your side for a long time, after this time is over, you can go to the side of the multi-face, and they will give you the most appropriate arrangements. ."

"Yes, Auntie Jun."

Qin Shaofeng nodded.

Jun Sichu glanced at Xian Xiaoying again, and immediately, the figure disappeared.

"It seems that it will be difficult for the old man to calm down in the next period of time. Come in and talk!" The old demon Shuiyue obviously knew of their arrival.

After a helpless sigh.

The black smoke spreads out to the sides, revealing a bright path.

Qin Shaofeng is no stranger to this.

Pulling Laxian Xiaoying's little hand, she took the lead and walked towards the place where the old demon Shuiyue was.

When I saw the old demon Shuiyue again.

Qin Shaofeng was horrified to discover that the old demon Shuiyue seemed to have grown a lot older in the past two years, and the whole person was completely decadent.

"Senior, you are..."

Qin Shaofeng's face suddenly sank.

Before he finished speaking, the old demon Shuiyue shook his head, sighed deeply, and said, "It's nothing, it's just that the old man can't think about it himself, he is no different from others, alas!"

His explanations became weak, as if he had lost the motivation to live.

"What's so hard to think about, are you really tired of living?"

Qin Shaofeng looked at him with an obviously unlovable expression, and the words he wanted to comfort were suddenly a big turning point.

The majestic voice made Xian Xiaoying a little dumbfounded.

She clearly knew that when Qin Shaofeng first contacted the old demon Shuiyue, his strength in any aspect was much worse than that of the old demon Shuiyue.

Although his power now exceeds that of the old demon Shuiyue.

It seems that this way of speaking is still a bit too much, right?


The old demon Shuiyue pulled a long tone, but was unable to say why, and finally could only turn into a long sigh.

When he met Qin Shaofeng, he was full of ambition.

But everything was completely consumed by a few words from the eternal funeral.

"Okay, I'm not here to talk nonsense with you, just to give you a few orders." Qin Shaofeng's voice became more severe.

The old demon Shuiyue trembled, looking at him with complex expressions.

"Shuiyue listens to the order!"

Qin Shaofeng shouted solemnly.

Xian Xiaoying's expression became even more weird. According to her understanding, Qin Shaofeng didn't seem to have the qualifications to hold Shuiyue old demon, right?

"Subordinate... obey orders."

"There are three orders. First, from today onwards, stand in front of this king, and you will stand up to all the things that come out, or things that may reveal the identity of this king, and you must not let the news of this king leak at all."


"Second, from today onwards, you are the strongest guardian of Shuiyue Mountain. When foreign enemies come, you need to fight as the guardian of Shuiyue Mountain."


"Ah what? Do you have any doubts?!"

Qin Shaofeng's attitude can be said to be arrogant and domineering to the extreme.

But it was this attitude that made Old Demon Shuiyue's eyes shine.

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