Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5166: robbery

"Shuiyue obeys the order, from today, the peace of Shuiyue Mountain will be guarded by this old man."

In Xian Xiaoying's stunned expression, the old demon Shuiyue actually lowered her originally arrogant head because of Qin Shaofeng's majestic voice.

Her expression became more and more incredible.

The more I look, the more I feel, my man seems to be becoming more and more mysterious.

"The third order is also the order you swear to fulfill."

Qin Shaofeng then continued to speak.

As soon as these words came out, the expression of the old demon Shuiyue became solemn.

"At all costs, delaying enough time, at all costs, protect this king until the three dynasties come to the world."

"Three dynasties!?"

The old demon Shuiyue raised her head suddenly, her eyes full of incredible color.

"You are not qualified to know the specifics. You only need to know that the Ruthless Dynasty is about to return, and the Moon Worship Dynasty is about to surface." Qin Shaofeng said sharply.

Ruthless dynasty?

Worshiping the Moon Dynasty?

The old demon Shuiyue suddenly became excited.

Qin Shaofeng never mentioned the Xia Dynasty from beginning to end.

But his words clearly told him that he wanted to protect Qin Shaofeng until the Xia Dynasty came into the world.

Is the dynasty really going to make a comeback?

The last time he heard Qin Shaofeng say this, he thought more that Qin Shaofeng was teasing him.

It sounds like that now, but it's not like that anymore.

In particular, he could feel the faint threat from Qin Shaofeng.

This is true.

"Shuiyue, this king knows that your cultivation has reached a limit, but your cultivation is still insufficient, or it should be said that it is too far."

Qin Shaofeng spoke again, making the old demon Shuiyue's expression more solemn.

"This sentence is not an order, but a request. Find a way to raise your cultivation base to a new level as soon as possible. Otherwise, even if there is really anything, you will only be a cannon fodder." Qin Shaofeng sighed deeply. tone.

The ruthless dynasty and his entourage really made him re-understand the horror of the world.

The Eternal Realm is indeed the pinnacle of this world.

But the problem is, the cultivation base is not in the eternal realm, and in their current situation, it is really possible to die at any time.

How could he be so careless?

There is indeed a Yan Su by his side now, but he feels that it is far from enough.

Or maybe it's too far off.


The old demon Shuiyue bowed and bowed.

"Okay, I won't say much more nonsense. I have to take Xiaoying to improve her current identity as soon as possible, and then I have to arrange a lot of things."

"In the next period of time, the way of transcending sins in the Nine Sages of the Stars is likely to come to trouble. Although I have the confidence to kill them easily, I can't do that. I can only rely on you to come forward."

Qin Shaofeng's voice was a little confused.

Although the starry sky world is very big, it feels more entangled to him than when he was in the ruthless dynasty.

It seems that there is no chance for him to develop secretly at all.

Everywhere seems to be likely to be monitored.

He was just depressed.

The old demon Shuiyue was shocked by his words.

I have the confidence to kill it easily?

He had already said it just now that he was facing the Nine Sages of the Starry Sky. Although he was not afraid, he had to know what kind of cultivation the old man was.

Although your kid is nirvana, this is a bit too big, right?


You have really been in touch with Dynasty, can you ask people from Dynasty for help at any time?

No matter how much he doubts.

Qin Shaofeng knew that he could not stay here.

After all orders are issued.

He took Xian Xiaoying's little hand and said, "Open the door. With our current status, we still need to complete the assessment of Shuiyue Mountain and become an inner disciple of Shuiyue Mountain."

The old demon Shuiyue opened her mouth.

But he didn't say much, just opened the way to leave.

Qin Shaofeng took Xian Xiaoying away.

After leaving the place where the old demon Shuiyue lived, Xian Xiaoying couldn't help but ask, "How could you give her an order like this, and why would he listen to you?"

"Remember the person who helped us when we met your grandmother?"

Qin Shaofeng smiled lightly and asked aloud.

Xian Xiaoying nodded.

"I can only tell you now that it has something to do with that person. You must know that the partition has ears. I can't tell you too much now." Qin Shaofeng continued to explain.

Xian Xiaoying became more and more puzzled.

But she also knew.

This side of the world is not like the ruthless dynasty, maybe their current dialogue, or even everything, is being watched by some people.

Not really the place to talk.

never mind.

Anyway, he is my man, even if he really has any secrets, I believe he will not harm me.

Xian Xiaoying thought about it silently in her heart, and then she turned back into the original little girl who was ignorant of the world.

The two continued to swim in the mountains and waters.

For the vast majority of Shuiyueshan disciples, the back mountain is indeed extremely dangerous.

But in their view, it is really just a place for them to play.

After three full days.

Qin Shaofeng took Xian Xiaoying and walked in the direction where he came.

Next, there is a competition to be held, Qin Shaofeng is really very depressed.

With his current cultivation level, it is really boring to play with a group of children like this!


Before his thoughts were over, he found that the two of them had been surrounded by people.

A female disciple with golden, green, and red eyes pointed at the two of them and said loudly, "There are spar lights on both of them, let's do it!"

More than a dozen outer disciples rushed up and surrounded Qin Shaofeng and the two.

Is this to... rob us?

Qin Shaofeng only felt that what he saw in front of him was really too bloody.

A group of ants whose cultivation base is at most no more than the late stage of True Monarch Hongmeng, actually want to plunder them, this world is really... a mouse is going to be a bride for a cat!

Qin Shaofeng and Xian Xiaoying looked at each other.

"I went to play against them. Since I have been successful in my practice, I have never really done it." Xian Xiaoying chuckled sweetly.

Qin Shaofeng nodded lightly.

Just facing a group of people of this level, he really doesn't worry that Xian Xiaoying will have an accident. Even if it does happen, he will not be able to control his strength and inflict heavy damage on the other party.

His worries were obviously superfluous.

Xian Xiaoying jumped up, broke a branch from a big tree, and even used this branch as a sword to fight against the dozen people.

More than a dozen people were in a collective rage.

What are you kidding?

A dozen or so of us are just one of us, and all of us have the cultivation of the peak of the early stage of the True Monarch of Hongmeng. It is not at all that the two of you can be compared, okay?

Twenty-sixteen, you already have the upper hand, and you even want that little girl to fight against us alone.

It's just a joke about the black sky, okay?

Do you really think that we are that weak?

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