Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5167: go play

"If you want to play, then come!"

Xian Xiaoying held a stick in her hand and even took the initiative to provoke her.

A dozen people looked at each other in dismay, but it was impossible to let Xian Xiaoying be alone. It seemed that only the little girl who had cultivated at the early stage of True Monarch Hongmeng was so provocative.

In the sound of harmony, several people greeted Xian Xiaoying.

Others came directly towards Qin Shaofeng.


Those who were about to deal with Qin Shaofeng, before taking a few steps, responded with screams.

Hastily looked back.

I saw Xian Xiaoying's wooden stick in hand, like an unmatched tiger, rushing directly into the flock.

The wooden stick can be waved at will, and it can always fall directly on someone at the most tricky angle.

Screams sounded.

The person who was hit with a stick flew out in response, and began to vomit blood again and again in the air.

Looking at it like that, it turned out that he lost all combat power in an instant.

"What... what's going on?"

"What's the matter with that girl, who can fly a person with one stick?"

The few people who were about to attack Qin Shaofeng suddenly saw this scene, Qi Qi exclaimed, watching Xian Xiaoying easily and freehand to solve the few people there, and already looked at them, they were still unbelievable. expression.

Xian Xiaoying was not in the mood to waste time with them.

Waving the branches in his hand, he rushed to the front of these people with a vigorous step.


One person reacted suddenly, waved the long stick in his hand and smashed it towards Xian Xiaoying.

But when his strength was getting old, he was shocked to find that Xian Xiaoying had just started to move.

Or it should be said that everything that took the lead just now was just a fake action.

The strength of his stick has already been used up, and it is extremely difficult to change his moves.

Xian Xiaoying's speed is too fast.

As soon as that person reacted, Xian Xiaoying flew away directly from a branch.

He couldn't calm down for a while.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

Xian Xiaoying's speed can be described as extremely fast.

Before they could react, they were easily beaten by Xian Xiaoying.

The battle started quickly and ended just as quickly.

Just a few breaths.

Xian Xiaoying had already threw away the branches in her hand, returned to Qin Shaofeng's side, and held Qin Shaofeng's arm, still the little daughter's attitude just now.

The appearance of this scene made the person who was still screaming and screaming suddenly felt dizzy.

No way?

Could this camouflage ability be too much?

You clearly have such a powerful combat power, why do you still act like an ordinary little girl?

Isn't this cheating?

Everyone looked like they wanted to cry without tears.

"Let's go!"

Qin Shaofeng was too lazy to take a look at them.

Moreover, the people who came to the mountain were only those who were not very well-cultivated and didn't have a space ring, so he didn't bother to rob them.

The two took their steps again, and in just a short while, they had disappeared in front of these people.

Speed ​​is increasing.

With the cultivation base of the two of them, where there is someone to investigate, and where is not, it can be determined by just swiping the consciousness.

Avoid two large groups of looters.

After casually flipping through some people with a small number of people, and the people in front of them are flat, the two talents walked out of the back mountain.

The disciples of Shuiyueshan seem to like watching the fun.

When they came out, they saw a lot of disciples from the inner sect of Shuiyue Mountain gathered in the distance to watch the good show here.

Some people came out before them.

It's just that those people have a lot of scars on their faces. Compared with them, it really makes people feel very emotional.

"Can you get the spar?"

An inner disciple in charge of collecting spar asked.

Among the mountains of Nuoda, there are a thousand spar.

At first glance, it seems that there is a chance that there will be lucky ones, and that a large number of spar will not be found.

Actually it is not.

One thousand spar is divided into ten piles, and each pile is full of one hundred.

This level is not so much a matter of luck, it is better to say that it is a competition of martial arts to cultivate, the combat power is not high enough, and it is impossible to get the spar.

As for Qin Shaofeng and the two.

Fairy couple.

It looks really enviable, but their cultivation base can be seen by everyone.

The people who rushed out before were all people in groups, or people with very good cultivation, like them, almost all of them completely admitted defeat.

That disciple was just doing a routine, and he never thought that they could really get the spar.


Qin Shaofeng turned back.

Xian Xiaoying took out two crystal stones and placed them on the table in front of the questioning disciple.

Shocked expressions suddenly appeared in the eyes of many people who came to watch the fun.

"Go over there and wait!"

The duo who was in charge of this matter had a look of shock on his face, but he didn't get shocked for too long before he said it.

At this moment.

There are really not a few people who have successfully passed the customs, and there are already more than 300 people.

Qin Shaofeng and the two casually found a place to rest.

He started planning what to do next.

The situation of Shuiyueshan has basically been determined. As for the follow-up competition, there is no need for him to worry more, and at most it is just a waste of time.

But what should he do when the competition is over and he really enters the inner door of Shuiyue Mountain?

Shuiyueshan is suitable for most people to cultivate, but it is not suitable for him.

It seems that I have to find someone to ask clearly, and it is better to make arrangements early.

It's a pity that the Ruthless Dynasty can't go.

Other places depend on the chance, otherwise he wouldn't be so depressed.

After thinking for a while.

He began to study his own abilities.

Anyway, he can't waste time, and he doesn't need to meditate and practice.

In the blink of an eye, it's three days.

When the sun was about to set on this day, the number of a thousand people finally came out, and more people were shouted by the elders of the mountain monkey and left the back mountain one after another.


The two elders, Duan Mian and Shan Monkey, came side by side and said, "The promotion of an outer disciple to an inner disciple is not a big deal, and it will be resolved today."

The multi-faceted elder took the initiative to speak, causing many people to have a suspicious expression.

Shouldn't there be a fight next?

Although they don't care too much about the weather, if they start the competition now, at least they have to fight until tomorrow, right?

"I'll draw the numbers immediately, in groups of 100. The remaining ten people in each group can become inner disciples, and the rest can go directly to the outer door." The multi-faceted elder continued to speak.

In an instant, the sound of uproar resounded.

Did I hear it wrong?

Even if we know that you are not so promoted to the inner door in the accident door, it is a bit too much drama, right?

in countless discussions.

A series of different remarks also sounded.

"This is the rule of Shuiyueshan. In the past, the promotion of the outer sect to the inner sect is similar."

"Don't you really think that entering the inner door is really flying into the sky?"

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