Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5168: provocative

"The inner door has a quiz every year, and thousands of people will be eliminated in each quiz."

"There is a big test every ten years, and at least tens of thousands of people will be eliminated in each big test."

"If you want to really develop in the inner sect, the real inner sect assessment is the real big thing."

"Even if a hundred people compete together, don't you think that there will be moisture in such a competition?"

The voices of discussion continued one after another.

Those who didn't know about it at first, soon realized it completely, and they all began to show bitter expressions.

Why does it feel so difficult to cultivate peacefully in Shuiyue Mountain?

You have to participate in all kinds of competitions all the time.

It's so... so hard.

The discussion here continues.

The elders on the opposite side have already started shouting numbers one by one.

The names of Qin Shaofeng and Qin Shaofeng were not named in the competition of the first group.

Perhaps it was because of the first competition that attracted the most attention, Qin Shaofeng didn't pay much attention to it.

The battle was soon in full swing.

The melee of hundreds of people is the number that the multi-faceted elder immediately called, although many of them also cooperated with them when they were in the mountains.

But after the real breakup, it is too difficult to cooperate in such a melee.

As soon as the melee started, more and more people were blasted out of the battlefield.

The battle is changing so fast.

The outer sect disciples who had been eliminated a long time ago could really see how difficult this kind of assessment was.

Among the hundred people named by the multi-faceted elders, there will always be a few real strong people.

Under the attack of those real powerhouses, no one can resist a few times.

After a series of battles.

They also began to see each other's situation.

Anyway, they have already qualified, and those real powerhouses will naturally not fight again.

Short tea time.

The first battle has already come to an end.


It's not that the battle is really over, but that it has grown to the point of waiting for the number of people in the field, and when there are only the last dozen or so people left, they immediately come forward to stop it.

The strongest people naturally passed the test smoothly.

The last people were screened according to the situation in the battle just now.

There are naturally voices of dissatisfaction, but they will only appear in everyone's heart.

After all, they are all in battle, and they can all see why the few people who are about to be unable to hold on to the elders of the multi-faceted point are winning.

That's not a star and a half better than them.

The second round of battles began without a single delay.

Qin Shaofeng and the two are still waiting.

Then, the third round, the fourth round.

Until the fifth round, Qin Shaofeng and Xian Xiaoying were both named.

When they got up, they immediately attracted a lot of curious eyes.

In terms of cultivation, they are not the weakest, but they are the only ones without any organization.

There are also many outer disciples, and they have confirmed in the sound of discussions that they are not the most powerful people.

The puzzled look grew more and more.

When Qin Shaofeng and the two walked to the open space, other people who were named had already walked over.

You can see it at a glance.

Many people looked at them with eyes full of ill will.


Immortal couples like Qin Shaofeng and Xian Xiaoying really attracted a lot of beauties.

Too many people look bad at them.

Before the battle even started, they turned into a highly anticipated situation.

"It seems that this game seems to be a bit unexpected!"

Qin Shaofeng chuckled lightly.

Xian Xiaoying also began to play with his hands on his arms.

He wiped the space ring he had brought back, and two iron rods over one meter long appeared in his hands.

Give one to Xian Xiaoying and hold the other in her hand.

"Since these people want to come to us to try it out, let us use our strength to tell them how absurd their ideas are."

"Okay, okay! I'm going to see Brother Xiao Ying show off his skills again. I'd like to see how many times this group of jealous trash can dodge, hehe!"

The communication between the two of them as if no one else was there, immediately attracted more anger.

Especially those people whose cultivation base is clearly the strongest, their expressions began to show a little bit of badness.

However, there are not many people who are really hostile to them.

There are ten people left in each group.

Qin Shaofeng and Qin Shaofeng did look weak, and they were also very arrogant to make them uncomfortable.

But the fact that the two of them were able to come back without contact with anyone and bring two spar stones has already explained a lot of problems.

If there is a chance, of course they will not let Qin Shaofeng and the two go.

If so.

If the two are really capable, they won't be boring themselves.

"Don't talk nonsense, start quickly, the people behind are still waiting!"

Seeing that they were still facing each other, the multi-faceted elders urged them very unhappily.

In an instant, more than 20 people rushed towards Qin Shaofeng.

"Boy, I want to see what qualifications you have to talk big."

"You still have to show great power, but I want to see if you have the qualifications."

"Boy, get out of here!"

One after another, shouts full of deep hostility continued to sound.

Qin Shaofeng's mouth curved involuntarily.

Even on his shoulders, the small ball that looked like an ornament on his clothes slowly showed a head.

His eyes glanced at those people, and then, it became the original spherical shape again.

A group of **** who are not qualified to connect with me in one breath, dare to have such hostility to their master, it is really amazing.

Forget it.

It's easy for the master to clean them up, so I won't waste my energy.

That's exactly what the little ball was thinking.

It's a pity that no one can understand it, otherwise it will definitely vomit blood.

The cultivation base of more than 20 people is indeed not too high, but they are all about the strength of the middle stage of the Hongmeng True Monarch, and they are despised by a fierce beast cub.

Really... depressing!

Of course, they didn't see anything.

Qin Shaofeng's attack had already taken action at this time.

The iron rod in his hand was really like a sharp blade.

Between his sprints.

The iron rod shone with a strong source of light.

More than 20 people came together in an encirclement.

But just as they were about to approach, Qin Shaofeng's figure disappeared in a flash.

Everyone was shocked and hurriedly looked for all the people before and after.

They turned back for a moment.

Those who watched the excitement found that Qin Shaofeng's figure reappeared, still in the original position.

If those people were not so shocked, naturally there would be nothing different.

But the hearts of those people have been completely chaotic.

The iron rod in Qin Shaofeng's hand smashed it towards the person in front.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The iron rod seemed to have no weight in his hand.

In a short blink of an eye, he was swung out a dozen times, and a dozen people blocking him flew out in response.

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