Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5169: do it at will

"Hey! What kind of combat power is this..."

"No, it should be said, what means did he use just now, how did he make himself disappear for such a moment?"

"Those more than 20 people are really stupid. I don't know how many people are left to stare at their original positions!"

"In front of the enemy, you dare to leave everyone's backs to the enemy, it's really self-inflicted!"

There was a steady stream of discussions.

on the battlefield.

The twenty-seven people who were most hostile to Qin Shaofeng and Qin Shaofeng flew out of the battlefield one after another.

From Qin Shaofeng's shot to the present, it only took a second.

Even those who were still on the battlefield were stunned by the scene in front of them.

The strongest people looked at each other, and they could see the vigilance in each other's eyes.

Regardless of whether Qin Shaofeng used any means or not.

He was able to blast twenty-seven people out in the blink of an eye, which was enough to prove his combat prowess.

Luckily we didn't show it.

Otherwise, our cultivation base is indeed much stronger than that kid, and the final result is hard to say!

At this moment.

Xian Xiaoying has also moved.

Her cultivation base was only in the early days of the True Monarch of Hongmeng, and faced with many people whose cultivation base was no less than hers, she seemed to be playing a game.

Every time the iron bar in his hand is swung, it can appear in the most uncomfortable place, and he can easily get out one by one.

The expressions on the strongest people's faces were even more strange.

We can all see how these two guys made their shots, but the combat skills they used were not very strong.

Can be biased.

Just relying on combat skills, they can prove a lot in front of so many people whose cultivation is far higher than them, like a tiger entering a flock.

"Hurry up, or there will be no one in a while."

One person suddenly shouted, and the strongest people also started to move, but they only started to move towards the weaker people.

This battle seems to be the most disorganized.

In fact, it was the simplest one after several consecutive games.

After Qin Shaofeng and Xian Xiaoying showed a little bit of strength, all the powerhouses seemed to have reached the formula at this moment.

There are already more than 30 people who have been eliminated.

The ten strongest players joined forces, and it took almost no effort to blast the rest of the people out.

The battle is over.

It took less than ten breaths before and after.

When Qin Shaofeng and others left the field, there was another uproar resounding.

The result of their battle was really shocking and unimaginable.

They are also outer disciples, how can they be so powerful?

"Next group!"

The multi-faceted elder did not give them too much time to be shocked, and already shouted out.

It's really not that difficult to turn a thousand people into a hundred people.

In just half an hour, all the battles were over.

"The eliminated people immediately leave the inner door area, others follow me to the inner door, and this seat will personally arrange a designated rest area for you."

"In addition, tomorrow will start the final competition between you. The top ten in the competition will each get ten daffodil points, the top five will each get 100 narcissus points, and the top three will each get 1,000 narcissus points. , the 210,000th Narcissus Immortal, and the 100,000th Narcissus Immortal."

"Those who want to participate in the competition tomorrow, after choosing their residence, go to the disciple in charge to sign up."

The multi-faceted elder took them on their way, and began to arrange for them.

Cultivation on Shuiyue Mountain is impossible without the Shuiyue Immortal value.

Suddenly hearing that the first place can get 10,000 Shuiyue Immortal Points directly, more and more people began to get excited.

But when many people's eyes glanced at other people.

Especially when Qin Shaofeng and Xian Xiaoying were here, their expressions began to dim.

Compared with these people who are either strong enough or extremely experienced in combat, are they really qualified to compete for the top three or top ten?

Everyone is thinking.

They have already arrived at a place in the inner gate of Shuiyue Mountain, which is surrounded by mountains and rivers.

"When you come to the inner gate, the mountain gate does not have so many restrictions on you. You can choose by yourself, whether you want to live in the attic or go to the mountain to open up a cave," said the multi-faceted elder.

Many people looked at each other.

There are some people who want to go to the mountains to open up a cave.

It's just that they have just entered the inner door, and they don't know anything about the inner door, so they naturally dare not speak rashly.

The vast majority of people choose to live in the attic.

However, there are three people who have the same choice as Qin Shaofeng and the two, to enter the mountain and open up a cave to live in.

What really surprised Qin Shaofeng was that two of the three were women.

The only man who had been in a group with them during the competition before, and the only one who didn't show any hostility towards him.

This person is obviously the kind of person with an extremely cold personality.

After listening to their choice, the multi-faceted elder shook his hand and gave each person a small bag.

"Here are your clothes for a year, if the attic, the token of the cave. Anyone who opens up the cave needs to integrate the token into it, so that the people of the mountain gate can determine your location at any time."

"Besides, those who don't want to participate in the competition tomorrow can go to Lingyun Cave in Baibao Mountain to receive the sect mission.

"One year later, Inner Sect Xiaobi, Shuiyue Immortal value exceeds one million, and those who have reached the late stage of Hongmeng True Monarch can be exempted from the assessment. You can decide how to arrange the next thing."

After the multi-faceted elder’s explanation, he turned around and flew away into the distance.

Qin Shaofeng took Xian Xiaoying's little hand.

Just as he was about to move, he saw the cold man flying towards the mountain first.

The other two women have no intention of wasting time.

"Let's go too!"

Qin Shaofeng then took Xian Xiaoying's little hand and headed towards the mountain.

There are not many people living in the peaks of the big mountains.

Qin Shaofeng looked for a place to live, not for comfort, but for hiding well enough. Naturally, he chose a very secret place.

Random digging.

The entrance to the cave was directly sealed, and immediately, a loft was moved out of the Void Star Realm and placed in the center of the cave at will.

After some observation.

He even moved out the small eternal tree house.

In the end, with the blessing of the big array, the cave was completely divided. Without his permission, absolutely no one would be able to discover their secrets.

"Let's go, let's go to rest first, and then think about how to go on the next road, I can't practice in the way of a normal martial artist, it's too slow, I can't say we really have to keep running out of the mountain. ." Qin Shaofeng smiled bitterly.

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