Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5172: Eyukiyama


Xian Xiaoying nodded, then, leaned towards Qin Shaofeng's side, her whole body was attached to Qin Shaofeng's arm, as if she was frightened.

The Senior Brother Jiang stared at her strangely for a while, then found a place to sit at random.

After confirming that Senior Brother Jiang no longer pays attention to them, Qin Shaofeng asked through voice transmission, "Who is that Senior Brother Jiang?"

"Are you jealous?"

Xian Xiaoying looked at him, her beautiful eyes were full of teasing.

Qin Shaofeng couldn't help rolling his eyes and asked, "What do you think?"

"Even if you're jealous, it's all for nothing. He always has only one woman in his heart, and that's my aunt Xian Wutong."

"Cough cough! Cough cough cough..."

Qin Shaofeng was really choked by her words.

Even if Xian Xiaoying came to say a word, it doesn't matter if it was her childhood sweetheart.

But...but but...

Xian Wutong's suitor?

This is really... Silent plus three!

"Don't look at me calling him senior brother, his life aura is also very young, so I really thought he was from the same generation as us. He is the only son of the last peak master on Xianyun Peak. After the previous peak master disappeared, He should have taken over the position of Peak Master, but at that time my aunt had just had an accident, and he had been in love with my aunt for a long time, and directly asked to give up the position of Peak Master to my aunt."


"Later, I heard people say that he is called "Jianshuiloutai first get the moon, but I don't know if it is this kind of thinking."

"I just heard that although he didn't want any elder status, he guarded my aunt in all aspects. He almost died in a high-level continent in order to get a beast gall for Xiaoyi."

Qin Shaofeng never thought that this young man who looks like a turbid Shijia, is a guy who wants to be sloppy, but he is still a seed of infatuation, and he is the kind who can die for the one he loves.

"I can tell you, although your cultivation is stronger than Senior Brother Jiang, don't argue with him, this guy is a guy comparable to a snake and scorpion in the small half of the star world, especially his poisonous tricks. It's chilling, and he's the kind of guy who will do anything to get his way."


Qin Shaofeng was confused again, how could Xian Xiaoying not be talking about a person?

"Can you tell me in detail, the more I listen, the more I don't understand." Qin Shaofeng asked through voice transmission.

"I can't tell. He is very contradictory anyway. It is said that he saw my aunt more than once or twice before. At that time, he was very flirtatious. Later, when my aunt had an accident, he changed his temper and did things without knowing why. It's gotten even more vicious."

"Xingxing people said that Jade-faced Snake Jiang Xueshan was him, but I didn't expect him to come. It seems that Auntie is bound to win this trip." Xian Xiaoying explained.

Hearing the name Jiang Xueshan, Qin Shaofeng finally understood.

He used to mention this name with Luo Yan, but he didn't expect to see it here, and it would be seen in such a situation.

Although the communication between the two of them is always carried out by means of sound transmission.

But Qin Shaofeng's previous cough and the changing expressions of the two still attracted a lot of attention from Jiang Xueshan.

Since the implementation, Jiang Xueshan didn't even mean to ask at all.

Not too long to wait.

A female disciple walked in and shouted loudly: "The time is almost up, the risk factor of this trip is extremely high, whoever wants to back down now has a chance, once they board the warship, they will have no chance."

No one spoke.

"Then come with me!"

The female disciple flew at the front to lead the way.

Qin Shaofeng and others followed closely, and soon they saw a huge warship listening in the air.

Upon boarding the warship, Qin Shaofeng was shocked by what he saw in front of him.

There are at least hundreds of people on the warship, and even those who really seem to be participating in this operation are actually dozens of people.

Those dozens of people, the cultivation base also has the realm of emperor for the first time.

Among them, there are as many as 14 Venerables.

No, I forgot that brother Jiang Xueshan.

Jiang Xueshan is also a Venerable, and he is still at the peak of Venerable cultivation, and his combat power is probably no less than that of Zhao Ding.

At the front of the crowd was a woman in palace dress with a stern face.

The face of the woman is very similar to Xian Xiaoying, especially the cold color on her face, which is almost exactly the same as the original Xian Xiaoying.

This person is the head of Xianyun Peak, Xian Xiaoying's aunt Xian Wutong.

When Xian Wutong saw them coming, the expression on his face did not change at all. He nodded lightly and said, "Since you have come here, you have no chance to turn back, so let's all get on the warship!"

After boarding the warship, Qin Shaofeng noticed that Xian Wutong gave them a strange look.

Immediately, his eyes fell on Jiang Xueshan.

"You three, come with me."

Xian Wutong turned around and walked towards the warship living room.

And her words attracted the curious eyes of countless people.

Due to identity, no one asked.

It's just that Jiang Xueshan looked at the two of them, and it became even more strange.

He has been waiting by Xian Wutong's side all the time. He has been around for twenty years. He already knows about Xian Wutong's many personalities. This is the first time he has seen such a thing.

The three came to the cabin living room one after another.

Don't stay close.

Xian Wutong looked towards Qin Shaofeng and Xian Xiaoying.

"Although this mission announced by me is for the whole mountain, I didn't expect that my disciples from outside Xianyun Peak would actually come. Why do you two take this mission? Purely courting death?" Xian Wutong was not polite.

As soon as these words came out, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

It turned out to be just curious about these two people with extremely poor cultivation.

"Peak Lord, although we are going to the high-level continent this time, our husband and wife's cultivation may be a little lacking, but we have been traveling in various continents since we were young, and we think that even if we can't help the Peak Lord, at least there are The ability to protect yourself." Qin Shaofeng replied respectfully.

Jiang Xueshan looked at them even more strangely.

Although no one on the deck looked back, they could all imagine what their expressions would be.

Qin Shaofeng did not wait for anyone to continue to ask questions, and added: "What's more, although this trip is dangerous and unusual, it may not be an opportunity for us, an opportunity to explore the advanced continent. , will no longer be dangerous for us."

This sentence is really too arrogant.

Jiang Xueshan's expression became even more bizarre when he saw them.

Does this kid have real skills, or is he just bragging?

Should not!

If he really wants to court death, he shouldn't take his wife with him. This is not something a normal man can do at all.

In this way, doesn't he really have this confidence?

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