Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5173: shot

"Xueshan, what do you think about this?"

Xian Wutong looked towards Jiang Xueshan.

Hearing that snow mountain, Jiang Xueshan seemed to have reached the peak of his life directly.

His face turned red.

Turning back, he said, "Since the peak master has made it clear about the dangers of this trip, since they still dare to come, and they are still traveling together, they obviously have a certain degree of confidence, and Xueshan thinks that they can give it a try."

"In that case, let the two of them follow you for the time being."

Xian Wutong nodded, immediately arranged a task for Jiang Xueshan, and said, "You guys should go out first, this seat is tired and I have to rest."


Jiang Xueshan was as excited as a chicken blood.

"Come with me, the two of you. I want to explain to you the precautions after entering the Advanced Continent." Jiang Xueshan took the initiative to greet them.

There is no more silence than before.

The many powerhouses on the deck finally understood why Xian Wutong asked the three of them to enter.

Go to the deck.

Jiang Xueshan found a corner at random, and after taking them there, he began to explain.

In Huayu, he never forgot to remind: "You two must pay attention after you go to the high-level continent, and always follow me behind me. If you encounter danger, don't run around and wait for me to rescue you. ."

"The Peak Master asked me to take care of you. If there is any danger because of your reasons, let alone if you die, I will not let you go even if you die."

good guy!

This is really going to go crazy for Xian Wutong's words!

Many strong people listened with laughter.

On the contrary, just like Qin Shaofeng, the five disciples who signed up were all envious.

These two lucky ones were actually taken care of by the Peak Master.

If the peak master finds someone else, that's all.

But he found Senior Brother Jiang.

Who doesn't know that Senior Brother Jiang is the one who can cut off his head for the sake of the Peak Master's words.

These two lucky people are really lucky.

The warship flew in the starry sky for seven days before finally arriving at a crack in the starry sky.

Guangzhiyuan exists in this space crack.

When Qin Shaofeng was still observing the huge space crack, he heard Jiang Xueshan's words: "The Peak Master is here."

Several people turned back together.

Xian Wutong's eyes swept across the crowd and said, "Elder Han, you take someone to guard the warship, and the others follow me into the Guangzhiyuan!"

When the order was given, she was already flying.

Hundreds of elders took off one after another and followed behind Xian Wutong.


Jiang Xueshan greeted them and flew behind Xian Wutong.

Entering the space crack, you will soon see a huge abyss.

Not so much the mainland.

This is really a bottomless abyss.

In the abyss, after flying for more than half an hour, he saw a continent illuminated by a dim sky.

The mainland is really not small.

The pressure of banning weapons is equally terrifying.

Xian Wutong took out hundreds of rings with his backhand and threw them away, causing many rings to fly in front of everyone.

"This ring can help you resist Guangzhiyuan's 70% of the forbidden martial power. It is what this seat has specially refined for Guangzhiyuan over the years. It must not be lost. It needs to be returned when you return." Xian Wutong said.


Everyone took the lead.

Although Qin Shaofeng is not afraid of the power of forbidden martial arts, he is not willing to expose too much, and also wears the ring on his hand.

Really came to the sky above Guangzhiyuan.

Xian Wutong began to issue orders to divide the many powerhouses she brought into teams, each with as many as ten or as few as seven or eight.

Give each team a direction.

When there were only a dozen people left, Xian Wutong frowned and glanced at them.

He said again: "Elder Xian, you take someone in that direction, and the others follow me."

The last remaining white-bearded elder gathered a dozen people and headed off into the distance.

In the end, there were quite a few people left, and there were still as many as thirteen people, and each of them had a combat power above the peak of the True Monarch of Hongmeng.

"Everyone spreads out, once you find the breath of the ancestors of Tianshen, send a signal to this seat immediately!" Xian Wutong ordered, and already moved forward.

Seeing this, Jiang Xueshan hurriedly greeted Qin Shaofeng and the two to follow.

Searching only takes a moment.

One after another beast roars began to sound one after another.


Their appearance has begun to arouse the beast's awareness.

Xian Wutong is nothing.

Jiang Xueshan's expression became more cautious, and his eyes were constantly looking around, as if he was always on guard against possible dangers.


A white tiger suddenly jumped out of the shadows.

Guangzhiyuan is not just a name similar to the abyss.

The darkness here is also like a huge abyss, which greatly hinders people's sight, and even the consciousness cannot clearly detect everything.

The beasts living here know too much about this place.

The white tiger that suddenly appeared was only at the realm of the emperor level, but it also shocked them.

It has only just begun to appear, and it turns out to be the beast of the emperor realm.

Yes, it's really a good place!

Qin Shaofeng was very happy.

A sword suddenly started.

"Cloud Hand!"

Jiang Xueshan was the first to react, and a huge palm suddenly moved under the hood of the white tiger.


Although the realm of the white tiger is a little worse than that of Jiang Xueshan.

But it still roared, and suddenly dodged to the side.

Dangerous and dangerous, dodging Jiang Xueshan's palm.


Before the white tiger could make another move, a cold front suddenly provoked from under the neck of the white tiger.

White Tiger had just dodged Jiang Xueshan's attack, how could he notice this sneak attack.

No time to react.

One shot.

The white tiger's head rolled up.

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for killing the white tiger, the beast in the emperor realm, and obtaining 500,000×2 star value, 50 soul value, and 50 martial value."

Directly, one million starry sky value is entered into the account.

The corners of Qin Shaofeng's mouth twitched slightly.

Jiang Xueshan looked back suddenly, his eyes full of shock.

"How did you do it? This is a fierce beast in the realm of the emperor. Even if it didn't think about defending against your attack, you couldn't kill it with one knife, right?" Jiang Xueshan asked in shock.

Just after the questioning ended, he noticed the sword in Qin Shaofeng's hand, which gave him a very strange feeling.

The entire body of the sword was pitch black, as if there was nothing wrong with it.

But he could faintly feel that just such a sword made him feel creepy.

It seems that as long as Qin Shaofeng has the heart, he can be cut down with a knife.

how is this possible? !

What kind of sword is this?

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