Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5177: cover the sky


Jiang Xueshan's complexion changed suddenly, and he walked to Xian Wutong with a quick stride, with the sword in his hand, his expression was very nervous.

"Duanmu Chi!"

Xian Wutong's face was extremely gloomy, and he said the person's name word by word.

But in the small hand in her sleeve, there is already a spar.

Sudden force.


The spar turned into a mass of powder.

"Huh? Ask for help?"

When Duanmuchi heard the sound of the spar breaking, he frowned at first, and then burst into laughter: "Little beauty, the situation of your group is clear to me, don't you think that you crushed it? Ask for help spar, someone can really come to save you, right? Hahaha…”

Xian Wutong's face turned blue and purple.

The reason why she chose to crush the spar is just in case of an emergency.

But she didn't expect that Duanmu Chi in front of her had clearly decided on them, but she still had such attention, and the panic in her heart suddenly reached its peak.

She had felt the aftermath of the battle over there before.

In case Qin Shaofeng's side is insufficient in combat power, or has other problems, so that he can't come to the rescue, or is entangled, it is also a great crisis for her!

The more she thought about it, the more worried she became.

Once it fell into Duanmuchi's hands, she could imagine what kind of result would be ushered in.

Jiang Xueshan did not have her cognition.

Looking at Duanmu Chi's fierce expression, the flames of hatred almost appeared in his eyes.

The mouth full of silver teeth is even more crunching.

If it wasn't for knowing that the gap in cultivation was too great, he would not have been able to kill Duanmu Chi at all, and he might have rushed over in a while.

Rao is like this, he is also clenching his teeth fiercely.

"Do you really think that there are no strong men in Shuiyueshan?"

Xian Wutong has calmed down now, no matter what Qin Shaofeng is like, she has to try to buy as much time as possible.

Even if she already hated Duanmu Chi to the extreme.

While thinking about the countermeasures in his heart, he delayed the time as much as possible, and said: "Duanmuchi, it's really not an unexpected thing to know that we are here, but do you really think that you have already passed the sin. After the battle post is down, are we really going to send it to the door so casually?"

"Oh? Then you tell me, what other strong people are there in Shuiyueshan, I would really like to hear, hahaha..."

Duanmuchi couldn't help laughing loudly.

Although I already knew it in my heart, after Xian Wutong informed Shuiyueshan, Shuiyueshan would definitely move.

But he didn't believe that there were still people around Shuiyue Mountain.

As long as it's not nearby.

What if the ancestor of Shuiyueshan and Jun Siku got the news together?

so far away.

Even if the two of them are desperately rushing, it will take two or three days to travel, and he is really not in a hurry.

Just as Duanmuchi's words ended, the sky turned completely dark.

It was pitch black as ink, as if something suddenly covered the sky.

Whether it was Duanmuchi, or Xianwutong and Jiang Xueshan, who were worried, all of them had a big change in their expressions.

What's going on here?

Why does this change happen?

Guang Zhiyuan was actually covered by some inexplicable existence?

Could it be that Shuiyueshan really has a strong person nearby?

Duanmuchi just thought of this, he interrupted his own thoughts.

how is this possible?

This kind of handwriting is not something that little Shui Yueshan can do, and even if it is his reliance, Duanmu Quan, one of the nine sages in the starry sky, who he regards as a god, has absolutely no such means.


No way?

Could it be that Guangzhiyuan still has eternal powerhouses?

"Little human, dare to cut off my spirit beard, I want you all to die, all of you!"


A voice full of vicissitudes suddenly resounded from the sky.

Just listening to that voice, all hearts were shaking violently.

Even Duanmuchi's is no exception.

As a sage, his feeling for that breath is extremely obvious.

It is true that it has not reached the eternal realm, but it is extremely close, at least much stronger than his eldest brother Duanmu Quan.

Especially when he could hear it from the other person's words.

The opponent is not human.

Doesn't that mean that the people who have the killing intent on this place are the beasts of this world?

Duanmuchi's eyes suddenly turned red, and he roared: "Xian Wutong, what did you do, why did you arouse the anger of such a terrifying existence?"

He was almost mad at him.

In the face of such a terrifying existence, he did not even have the slightest idea of ​​resisting.

It's just that they came to deal with Shuiyueshan. It is impossible for anyone to act indiscriminately, so it can only prove that Xian Wutong and others did it.

"Of course my people did it."

Xian Wutong burst into laughter and said, "There are indeed no sages in our Shuiyue Mountain, but the existence of sages surpasses the existence of sages. The communication jade I just crushed was just to arouse his anger, you Just wait and be buried with us, hahaha…”

Of course she didn't know anything.

But she knew that Duanmu Quan was a coward who was extremely afraid of death.

If she didn't get the voice of vicissitudes, she really had to find a way to buy time to delay.

It's different now.

As long as you can prove it yourself, you know what's going on here.

Duanmu Quan, at least, will never mess with her before asking how to get out of here, let alone killing people.

Hearing her words, Duanmu Quan was really furious.

Jiang Xueshan also looked back in amazement.

What kind of existence is that?

Why don't I even know?

"Since you want to die, then instead of letting you die so early, I want you to live a little longer. If I don't torture you well today, I won't be called Duanmuchi!" Duanmuchi was really angry.

Especially when I feel the terror of the one blocking the sky.

He didn't dare to delay at all, and roared: "However, if you want me to let you go, it's not impossible, tell me how to get out of here!"

"The way to leave here is very simple, as long as you can kill it."

A voice answered him.

The person who answered was not Xian Wutong, but two people who were walking from not far away.

Only two people, a man and a woman.

But before he got the male voice to speak, even Duanmuchi didn't notice the slightest.

abruptly turned back.

Seeing that there were only two young people who had cultivated at the early stage of the True Monarch of Hongmeng, they were stunned for a moment, and then they laughed: "Who am I, it turned out to be an ant who has just entered Shuiyue Mountain, and whose cultivation is not even the last chapter. , since you two ants know what's going on here, you dare to run over here, it's really courting death!"

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