Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5178: My brother is awesome

"Yeah, I'm just here to die."

With laughter, Qin Shaofeng walked to Xian Wutong.

Xian Xiaoying turned around and moved to Xian Wutong's side. She stared at Xian Wutong for a long time, making sure that Xian Wutong was not injured, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

Jiang Xueshan trembled when he saw the actions of the two.

"Xiao Ying, you can't interfere here, so hurry up and step back. Before I die, they can't hurt you!" Jiang Xueshan shouted loudly.

Qin Shaofeng was noncommittal.

Duanmuchi and the others on the opposite side couldn't help but burst into laughter.

But when laugh.

Only then did they all realize that it wasn't just them who were laughing.

The two girls, Xian Wutong and Xian Xiaoying, were also covering their mouths and chuckling at the same time.

"What are you two laughing at?"

Duanmuchi felt more and more that something was not right, and shouted angrily.

Hearing this, Jiang Xueshan looked at the two girls in amazement.

However, seeing that Xian Wutong, who was still full of worry and panic, no longer had the expression of fear before, it was even more fearful. Xian Xiaoying, who had just entered the mountain gate, still couldn't stop smiling.

what happened?

What are they laughing at?

"Of course I'm laughing at a certain fool who is already dying, but is still self-righteous, hee hee hee!" Xian Xiaoying replied.

Her voice immediately stunned Duanmu Chi and Jiang Shanxue, as well as the powerhouses who had crossed the path of sin.

What are you kidding?

Are we dying?

Xian Xiaoying ignored their expressions, and instead asked, "Brother Feng, do you want me to help you get rid of those wastes?"

Brother Feng?

Where did the wind come from?

Isn't that kid named Xiao Ying?

in doubt.

Then they heard Xian Wutong's voice again: "Xiaoying, this is your fault. Since you are back together, why should you accompany others to do activities together?"

Xiao Ying?

No, it seems to be... Xiaoying?

what the hell?

Isn't that girl named Qin Feng?

Everyone was starting to get messy in the wind.

But seeing the girl's face with a thicker smile, she hugged Xian Wutong's arm and said with a smile, "Auntie, don't think that Brother Feng only has the cultivation of a sage, and the sages he killed have long since been counted."

aunt? Xiaoying?

Jiang Xueshan suddenly turned around and exclaimed, "Xiaoying? Are you the little princess Xian Xiaoying?"

"Brother Jiang finally recognized me?"

Xian Xiaoying grimaced and said with a smile, "Don't worry, even if Duanmu Quan comes in person, it's just a death sentence. A small half-step eternity is not qualified to shout in front of my brother Feng."

Jiang Xueshan became even more dizzy.

Is there something wrong with my ears?

Duanmuchi was even more furious: "It turned out to be Xian Xiaoying, so it's just right, I will let your aunt and nephew have a good time together later, hahaha..."

"Humph! What rubbish, dare to tease my woman in front of me?"

When Qin Shaofeng heard this sentence, his expression became even colder, but the corner of his mouth was always hooked with that faint smile, the sword in his hand was horizontal, and countless divine patterns suddenly burst into bright rays of light, illuminating the surrounding world.


Just as Duanmuchi was about to speak, he felt that Qin Shaofeng's aura suddenly reached the realm of a saint.

saint? Just saints.

As soon as the idea appeared, I felt the nirvana breath coming from Qin Shaofeng.

The real sage's realm aura suddenly burst out.

"Heavenly Blade!"

Qin Shaofeng's voice resounded.

Duanmu Chi, who is also in the realm of sages, was shocked to find that Qin Shaofeng's figure suddenly changed into dozens or hundreds of paths, each of which seemed to be true.

"Sage! You are also a sage!"

Duanmuchi exclaimed, and quickly drew out his sword to resist.

But he just took out the blade, and he didn't even have the time to mobilize the power of Nirvana, when he found that the figure of Qin Shaofeng in front of him suddenly disappeared.

The next moment, a feeling of dizziness appeared.

The last scene that appeared in front of him was the end of Qin Shaofeng's sweeping sword.

But in front of Qin Shaofeng was a headless corpse.

That corpse...is mine?

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for killing the enemy in the sage realm, obtaining 10 million × 2 star value, 100 soul value, and 100 martial value."

The voice of experience acquisition resounded from Qin Shaofeng's mind at the same time.

With one knife, kill a sage.

Qin Shaofeng didn't even pause for even half a minute, his figure suddenly turned, and he rushed to the crowd of more than a dozen people brought by Duanmuchi.

From his shot to the last person's head to the ground, he didn't even take a breath.

One second, instant kill.

Xian Wutong, who had already suspected Qin Shaofeng's cultivation for a long time, almost glared his eyes out.

Junsi gave her too few hints.

So much so that she just thought that either Qin Shaofeng or Xian Xiaoying might already have the cultivation level of a sage.

Even if they are really sages, given their age, they can't be too strong.

In any case, she never thought that this could not be too strong, it would be the situation in front of her.

You know, standing opposite is a veteran sage.

Starry sky world, one of the eighty-eight sages!

It was cut down by Qin Shaofeng with such a simple knife, and there was not even a scream of death.

Instant kill at the end.

This kind of battle situation is definitely no longer within the scope of her prediction.

On the road long before he came here, Jiang Xueshan, who kept saying that he wanted to protect Qin Shaofeng and the two, was even more stunned to the extreme.

Under his extreme shock, his jaw was directly dislocated.

"Little Xiao... Xiao Ying, this, this... is too strong!" Xian Wutong's stuttering has reached a peak level.

"of course."

Xian Xiaoying's eyes are full of admiration.

Just when the two of them eased a little because of her words, they were once again shocked by her words.

"Although Duanmuchi is also in the Eternal Realm, he is just the most **** garbage in the Eternal Realm. Even if it is me, three moves are enough to kill him, let alone Brother Feng."


Did we hear it right?

Can you kill a veteran sage in three moves?

Xian Xiaoying sees that they don't believe it, so she no longer hides her cultivation base.

The aura of a sage, who was much stronger than Duanmuchi, immediately shocked the two of them on the spot.

But I heard her say: "Brother Feng has personally killed the eternal powerhouse! A **** that is not much stronger than the venerable one, just a few of Brother Feng's subordinates, anyone can take a shot. He killed."

Halo, completely halo.

The two only felt that they were about to die of shock by Xian Xiaoying's words.

If there is no such a scene in front of them, they must think that Xian Xiaoying is in the air, and Qingren sees Xi Shi in the eyes.

The problem is, the record is here.

And... that kid's subordinates can kill Duanmu Chi in one move?

Is this still the star world we know?

But in the previous sentence, Qin Shaofeng had the precedent of killing the eternal powerhouse, and they almost ignored the latter sentence.

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