Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5179: clay figurines


In a deep canyon.

He was soaked in the mud, and he could faintly see people with some poisonous snakes circling around him, suddenly spewing out a mouthful of blood.

The man suddenly took off from the mud.

Rao was covered in mud, but he could clearly feel the terrifying killing intent emanating from his body, causing the poisonous snakes in the mud to flee quickly.

"The second child was actually killed!"

The clay figurine roared, and his eyes instantly turned red.

"No matter who it is, if he kills my brother, he will die!"

The muddy figure roared.

The figure suddenly shot into the sky, rushed out of this side of the world, turned around and galloped away in one direction.

If someone observes according to the star map, they will definitely find that the direction he is flying in is exactly where Qin Shaofeng and others are.

"Don't listen to Xiaoying's nonsense, how can I have such great ability?"

Qin Shaofeng saw the almost stunned expressions of the two of them, so he couldn't help touching his nose and smiled bitterly.

It's not that he doesn't want people to know his combat power.

But the problem is.

If you really use this to scare them, it's not good.

Besides, it is not so easy for him to use the Emperor Sword, and he would rather not explain anything than make people believe it.

When Xian Xiaoying heard the words, she stuck out her tongue and said no more.

Instead, he whispered: "Auntie, the affairs of the two of us are still a secret. It's up to you to rescue the rest of you. Let's clean up the ancestors."

"Ancestor Tianshen? Where is he?"

When Xian Wutong heard the name, he immediately asked.

Xian Xiaoying had already guessed this result.

He directly stuffed a dark yellow ginseng whisker into her hand and said, "This is the beard of the ancestor of Tianshen that is needed to save Xiaoyi, and the ancestor of the ancestor of Tianshen is a little more powerful than we imagined. There's still a tough fight to be fought."

Xian Wutong held the yellow ginseng whisker, and his excitement eased.

He looked at the ginseng in his hand.

She suddenly realized where is the ancestor of Tianshen mentioned by Xian Xiaoying.

Didn't you hear what Xian Xiaoying just said, is there another 'bad battle' going to be fought?

With Qin Shaofeng's record of killing sages with one knife, what kind of existence can be regarded as a fierce battle for him?

"It is the ancestor of Tianshen who is covering the sky now?" Xian Wutong asked in shock.

Thinking of this possibility, she felt a deep sense of fear.

Fortunately, Qin Shaofeng, whose cultivation is far beyond imagination, went with Xian Xiaoying, otherwise, she would not have been spared at all.

Not to mention the terrifying ancestor of Tianshen, even Duanmuchi is enough to take them all in one pot.

Seeing Xian Xiaoying nodded.

She gasped once.

Looking back at the dim sky behind, she said, "Okay, then I'll take Snow Mountain to rescue others. Be careful. After the battle, go to the three highest mountains over there to meet."

The mountain she mentioned is the most conspicuous existence in Guangzhiyuan.

When they came to Guangzhiyuan, they all saw the three peaks.

With their cultivation base reaching their level, even in such terrifying mountains, there is no need to worry about finding no one.

"it is good."

Xian Xiaoying nodded before returning to Qin Shaofeng.

"Over there, go!"

Qin Shaofeng handed over all communication to Xian Xiaoying, not because he thought he was an outsider, but to greet everyone who was searching for the location of the ancestors of Tianshen.

Clear skies seem to have the worst ability to explore.

Qin Shaofeng can feel it. She is still half asleep and half awake, so it would be very good to be able to help.

Although Xiaobai is also working very hard.

But it is only in its infancy now. Although its exploration ability far exceeds that of a sage, it cannot be compared with a true eternal powerhouse.

In contrast, it was the weakest ghost face. With his unique talent, he took the lead in finding the direction of the ancestors of Tianshen.

Immediately, the two of them rushed in that direction.

The ancestors of Tianshen, who are half a step into the eternal realm, are really not a great existence for their evil words.

At the very least, if you call out Yan Su, you can easily kill him.

Not to mention, he himself has the trump card of eternal combat power, and there is a Xiaobai who has reached the eternal realm beside him. He really has no fear at all.

Rush out not far.

Xian Xiaoying couldn't help but ask: "Brother Tian, ​​are you a little unhappy when I told you about your record just now?"

Although Xian Xiaoying is young, her intuition as a woman is very useful.

Especially when she was facing the man to whom she gave all her heart, the feeling was even more obvious.

"Not too unhappy."

Qin Shaofeng gave a wry smile and said, "I did kill Jun Tianhong, but I took up too many prerequisites. If I were to fight an eternal powerhouse directly, I have no confidence."

"What's more, I don't dare to fully trust many people now, and even the high-level core of Shuiyueshan may not be able to fully trust them."

"Should my aunt be alright?"

When Xian Xiaoying heard the words, she immediately became worried.

"It should be fine, be careful, and even if they really know, it's fine. I am a person who can't even fully control the power of a sage. I am afraid that no one will believe in killing the eternal powerhouse." Qin Shaofeng faintly smile.

When Xian Xiaoying heard him say this, she breathed a sigh of relief.

It was not easy to speak to her relatives with her real identity. She almost subconsciously wanted to show off her man, but she forgot about it.

"It's okay, you will learn something like Jianghu experience in the future, so don't worry about it at this time." Qin Shaofeng smiled lightly.

Before he left Shuiyue Mountain with Xian Xiaoying, Xian Xiaoying was a blank piece of paper.

Even after she went to the Ruthless Dynasty, she could only stay in the ghost house most of the time, and the lack of experience in the arena was nothing.

At least compared to that time, her caution has been seen.

While the two were talking, they saw an old, hunched figure.

Around him, there were mourning people all over the place.

A long whip in the old man's hand, as if to vent his anger, he was still whipping the whip on those people, making the screams more and more shrill.

Qin Shaofeng had already identified the identity of the person lying on the ground the first time he explored the past.

They were all people who followed Duanmuchi.

for these people.

Qin Shaofeng didn't have the slightest affection, even if he was actually beaten to death, it wouldn't be a big deal.

He really wasn't in a hurry.

The old man had already sensed their arrival, and there was only hatred in those eyes that should have been full of vicissitudes.

Suddenly, he turned around, his hatred was so strong that he seemed to want to swallow Qin Shaofeng alive, but he couldn't solve the hatred.

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