Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5180: Ancestor of Tianshen

"Humans! You finally appeared, the old man is going to kill you!"

The old man is the real body of the ancestor of Tianshen.

In the roar, at least hundreds of beasts suddenly appeared from all directions.

What really shocked Qin Shaofeng was.

The beasts that are being surrounded, any one of them has the strength of the cultivation base that is comparable to the realm of the Venerable.

And that's only the weakest.

There are at least fifty or sixty beasts in the realm of sages, and there are even a few that are comparable to the realm of advanced sages.

If such a battle were not aimed at them, they would definitely have achieved a terrifying record.

Just a pity.

After the beasts entered Qin Shaofeng's spiritual exploration range one after another, not only did he fail to make Qin Shaofeng feel the slightest fear, but he almost jumped up with excitement.

Experience points are all rich experience points!

This guy is simply a rich boy!

"Xiao Bai, go and help Xiaoying."

Qin Shaofeng gave an order, and Xiaobai jumped from his shoulder to Xian Xiaoying's shoulder, curled up again, but his eyes were fixed on the ancestor of Tianshen not far away.

"Brother Feng, shall I help you stop that ancestor of the ginseng?"

Xian Xiaoying heard Xiange and knew Yayi, and asked directly.

"Just block it for a while as much as possible, and slaughter those scumbags who have crossed the path for me by the way. They can improve my cultivation too little." Qin Shaofeng said.

"it is good."

Xian Xiaoying nodded, Sanyueyu had already started, and looked at the ancestors of Tianshen with burning eyes.

Although she already exists in the realm of sages.

But she is very clear that even in terms of cultivation level, she is absolutely impossible to be the opponent of the ancestors of Tianshen.

Not to mention the huge gap in combat experience.


This is the first time she has faced a battle like the one in front of her. This is a real opportunity for actual combat.

Although the ancestors of Tianshen are terrifying.

Since Qin Shaofeng asked Xiaobai to help her, she no longer had any worries.

No matter how powerful the ancestor of Tianshen is, he is only a half-step eternal existence, and it is impossible to block Xiaobai's claws.


The battle in front of them is easier for them than when dealing with the ancestors of Tianshen.

Xiaobai takes a shot with all his strength, and at least takes two or three days to rest.

It was confirmed that Keshenxu was not the ancestor of Tianshen himself, Xiaobai was reluctant to waste his energy, but now they were facing the ancestor of Tianshen himself.

Xiaobai will no longer have any thoughts of unwillingness to use his hands and feet.

"I'll leave it to you here. I'll eat the spoils that I took the initiative to bring to my mouth first!" Qin Shaofeng chuckled and jumped up.

The divine pattern on the blade of the battle sword shone brightly.

Qin Shaofeng held the saber in his hand, as if he was really with the battle saber, turning into a blade of light.

The knife flashed.

He carried the sharp knife light and rushed to the nearest fierce beast.

"Heavenly Blade!"

The sword light flickered, and the fierce beast fell to the ground.

The strength of the beast is indeed tyrannical, and it is much stronger than the martial arts of the same realm.

But the problem is that Qin Shaofeng's move is too ruthless and too tricky.

Coupled with the speed that makes the beasts feel dazzled.

When the beast sensed danger, his blade had already reached a deadly position.

The position is too tricky, so that the beast has no time to make any resistance response, and the blade has already come to the neck.

Such a knife, if it can't kill even a beast in the realm of the Venerable, it is a strange thing.

It's too late, it's too soon.

Qin Shaofeng shot with a knife, and he would never waste time again.

The power of Nirvana is exerted.

Every movement of his is like a flash of lightning, and the blade is hoarse, and it does not delay his movements at all.

This resulted in just a dozen or so breathing time, and there were only dozens of sage realm beasts around.

The battle started too quickly and ended too quickly.

Rao is that a few beasts who have discovered the problem started to move, but they failed to catch up with him, and it was already discovered that all the beasts in the Venerable realm had all fallen.

Dozens of beasts in the realm of Venerables roared again and again when they saw this.

So angry.

How can this human be so fast, so fast that I can't see his figure clearly?

When dozens of fierce beasts roared again and again, Qin Shaofeng's face became extremely pale.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for upgrading, the current 4th sage."

After going through the battles before and now, Qin Shaofeng's starry sky value is about to reach the level required for two upgrades.

Of course he wouldn't waste such a good opportunity.

If he really went in front of people, it would be impossible for him to casually improve his cultivation.

not to mention.

Now that he is in a place where such beasts gather, Qin Shaofeng will not waste any opportunity at all, and he has not even thought about what kind of cultivation level he will reach when he leaves.

The recovery of the source of the starry sky and his physical and mental state made him energized in Zaidu.

He glanced coldly at the fierce beast rushing over, and a slightly disdainful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Fifty or sixty sages are surrounded by fierce beasts.

As an ordinary person, even a powerhouse whose cultivation base reaches the half-step eternity level will feel enormous psychological pressure.

But it couldn't bring any fear to Qin Shaofeng.

The power of the source operates.

There was a sharp sword light shining on the sword, and as he slashed down with one sword, it seemed as if the world was directly divided into two halves.

Qin Shaofeng took one step and was already in that space.

Dozens of beasts attacked one after another.

boom boom boom…

The continuous sound of space explosions made Qin Shaofeng slap his tongue.

The attack of these beasts is indeed terrifying.

Even if the cultivation level reaches his level, unless it is able to display the power of the pseudo-king pattern, it will definitely be unstoppable even if it is a body that has been tempered by the divine pattern, and it can even be weakened by 30%. Power is hard to say.

That is the injury of being disemboweled at every turn.

"You are indeed very strong, but the stronger the better, no matter how strong you are, you are obviously going to die." Qin Shaofeng smiled indifferently.

The right sword swung again, but the left hand stretched out an index finger.

Tiandao Blade shot again, but what it attacked was a fierce beast in the space of Heaven and Earth.

As soon as the knife fell, the fierce beast was immediately slashed and flew out by the knife, but was not injured.


It's true that it didn't hurt much.

Qin Shaofeng's figure flashed suddenly. When a fierce beast opened its mouth and wanted to roar, a finger force followed the big mouth of the beast and shot directly into the belly of the beast.

Fingers are like a breeze,

Ferocious beasts are not intelligent, they didn't notice anything at all. When they raised their claws again to attack Yijian Tiandi, they suddenly fell to the ground.

Fresh blood continued to flow out from its mouth and nose.

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