Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5182: mutual benefit

"You even know the great power of the star realm?"

Qin Shaofeng felt that he had found a new continent.

I knew for a long time that the ancestors of Tianshen must have lived for a long time, but I didn't expect it to be so long.

Not only does he know the power of the star realm, but he knows it better than he does, and he has personally come into contact with one of them.

"What's so strange about this?"

The ancestor of Tianshen rolled his eyes and said: "When I was born with spiritual wisdom, it was still the age of the last three star realms to shatter the void, but unfortunately I have only met the star who was attacked by the enemy and failed to shatter the void. Jie Da Neng, rather than saying that I know it, I should ask you, you humans have only lived for a few years, and you can actually know the star realm?"

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Qin Shaofeng couldn't help coughing again and again.

Human history also seems to be more than a million years old.

No, it seems that humans existed before the Moon Worship Dynasty, and the Moon Worship Dynasty after that was nearly a million years old, according to what he heard.

Although the years of the ruthless dynasty that followed were short, they were more than 300,000 years ago, and the Xia dynasty reached nearly 700,000 years.

Finally, the Starry Sky Temple is nearly 100,000 years old.

That's two million years.

These long years, in the eyes of this person, are actually only a few years.


It must be too big, isn't it?

"You don't have to doubt, the old man has been born with spiritual wisdom for more than 30 million years. Before your group of human beings, I have witnessed three brilliant periods, known as Xiao, Zhan, and Ling, and they also have three million in each period. life spans ranging from five million years."

"Compared to them, you humans have lived too short a time, and I also feel that you humans seem to have..."

Halfway through his words, he suddenly closed his mouth, as if a little scared that he had said the wrong thing.

Humans too?

Qin Shaofeng's eyelids narrowed slightly.

Of course he could feel what this sentence meant.

But he didn't really care.

Even if other human beings will definitely disappear, he who has a connection with the virtual queen may not really die in some kind of inexplicable genocide crisis.

What's more, the so-called years of this old man can hardly be counted in a hundred or thousand years.

As for thousands of years.

He believes very much that he can definitely raise his cultivation base to above eternity within a thousand years or even a hundred years, and it may not even be impossible for the star realm.

Where is the need to care about this sentence?

"Okay, let's stop talking nonsense, I need to kill a sufficient number of beasts that are powerful enough to strengthen myself."

"No problem, I'm helping you find 300 venerable beasts and 100 sages' beasts." The ancestor of Tianshen didn't blink a single eyelid.

This place is a high-level continent, and naturally it is impossible to only have those beasts killed by him.

The ancestor of Tianshen is obviously not an ordinary intelligent creature.

Having lived for thousands of years, he is probably older than a common old fox.

Qin Shaofeng did not care too much about this figure.

There are already a lot of those beasts. After all, it is impossible for the ancestor of Tianshen to kill all the beasts he can attract.

What he really cares about is...

"Besides that, I won't kill any of your ginseng beards... No, it's better to give me one of them, in case when will it be useful?" Qin Shaofeng chuckled lightly.

The ancestor of Tianshen not only did not feel his kindness, but trembled all over, looking at him, his lips were constantly trembling, as if he was afraid of what kind of conditions he would propose.

"I want to absorb the soul breath of your ginseng whiskers. I wonder if it will cause damage to you?" Qin Shaofeng's face was full of embarrassment.

Killing the ginseng whiskers is at most equivalent to breaking off a whisker of the ancestors of the ginseng.

Although it is damage to the ancestors of Tianshen, it is not an irreversible damage.

But the power of the soul, I am afraid that it is likely to be implicated in the ancestor of Tianshen.

The corner of Tianshen ancestor's mouth twitched fiercely.

He was not in a hurry to answer, instead, after calculating silently for a while, he nodded and said, "Okay, but you can't take away the soul power of the ginseng, and at least 30% must be left for them."

"make a deal!"

Qin Shaofeng was overjoyed, he didn't even want to ask the reason.

The ancestors of Tianshen acted decisively, and immediately began to summon, seventeen old men who looked very similar to the ancestors of Tianshen, but whose cultivation bases were obviously much weaker appeared.

The ancestors of Tianshen did not speak.

I saw seventeen old men transformed by ginseng, already consciously lined up, waiting for Qin Shaofeng to extract the soul power.

"Even though there are as many as seventeen, shouldn't we share some of this king?"

Before Qin Shaofeng could act, he saw the ghostly face turned into a charming face and appeared in front of him.

Qin Shaofeng immediately had a black line on his face.

When dealing with that one ginseng before, she also said that she would help herself find other ginseng.

There is no need for her now.

But when he showed enough strength, and he was about to start getting benefits, this guy ran out again and planned to rob.

"Don't worry, I want to see the soul power of a few ginseng whiskers, which can help me improve my soul level. My current soul level is too low." Qin Shaofeng said.

"Boy, if you are really in such a hurry, you can only absorb half of the soul energy of each ginseng, so that they can return to their peak state in at most ten years, and you can come and collect them again." Did not take the opportunity to escape.

Maybe because of Xiaobai.

Qin Shaofeng can feel that the ancestor of Tianshen seems to be too good to talk, maybe the situation is not as simple as he thought.

Raising his brows, he asked, "Oh? Are you so good at talking?"

"of course not."

The ancestor of Tianshen laughed and said: "Although the old man has his own abilities, compared to taking risks on his own, I still hope to cooperate with the little friend, you help me get what I need, and I will provide you with what you need. Isn't this a good thing for mutual benefit?"

"Then what do you need?"

Qin Shaofeng chuckled and asked.

"Kill a beast in the eternal realm and help me reach the eternal realm. If you don't have a goal, I can provide you with news about the two beasts." The ancestor of Tianshen said directly.

As soon as his eyes turned, it fell on Xiaobai.

"Although this little guy has reached the eternal realm, his growth is too slow. The old man can also provide you with some needs to help you improve his cultivation to a certain level. Not to mention casual shots, at least every time he recovers to When you are at your peak, you can make three shots." said the ancestor of Tianshen.

Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but stunned.

As expected of an old guy who has lived for 30 million years, these words really made me unable to keep my heart moving!

"Don't worry, give me two more years, I have to completely upgrade my cultivation to the realm of a sage." Qin Shaofeng said.

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