Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5183: sub-eternal soul

"There is no problem at all, not to mention two years, even 20 years is nothing, and I believe that 20 years is enough for you to use the soul power of my ginseng to help you raise your soul level to the realm of eternity. Degree."

The ancestor of Tianshen laughed very unscrupulously, and it made people wonder how much of his remarks were true or false.

Up to now, Qin Shaofeng has only allowed Xiaobai to show some of his strength.

He is not worried about being attacked by the ancestors of Tianshen.

"Since this is the case, then I will start to absorb it first, ghost face, what should I do?" Qin Shaofeng asked.

Gui Yan rolled his eyes wide.

But she had said before that as long as Qin Shaofeng let her absorb the soul power of that ginseng beard, she would help Qin Shaofeng, and now there is no way to say refusal.

A teaching of the method of devouring.

Qin Shaofeng called out the character page, and then, using the method of absorption, he began to **** at a baleen whale.

The system sound was just as he guessed, and did not give any prompting sound.

But he can clearly see the crazy beating of the soul power numbers through the system page, although only the last three are beating wildly.

The problem is that all the numbers are constantly changing under the drive of the last four digits.

Half a million souls.

When he beheaded beasts or enemies, he really didn't get much.

Under such absorption, in just a short period of time, the first digit has been increased once.

"This is more than 200,000?"

Qin Shaofeng's heart beat fiercely.

You know, he hasn't been able to absorb the first ginseng right now.

Shocked for a moment, the absorption remains the same.

After a while.

When his soul value reached about 240,000, he felt the struggle of the ginseng, obviously reaching the level that the ancestor of Tianshen said.

End the absorption of this ginseng.

I glanced at the ancestor of Tianshen at will, but saw that the ancestor of Tianshen's own Tianshen breath was quickly escaping, and was swallowed by Xiaobai.

Apparently he's doing what he promised earlier.

After Qin Shaofeng glanced at it, he absorbed it towards the next ginseng.

The fourth ginseng must be absorbed more than half.

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng's soul level upgrade, the current time is the eternal level."

Time eternity, but speed.

Qin Shaofeng's surprise emotion in his heart has not yet come to vent, but he was shocked by the scene in front of him for a long time and could not be relieved.

True Monarch of the Starry Sky: Qin Shaofeng

Companion: Blue Sky Snow

Level: Saint Quadruple (0/3.8 billion)

Void Starry World: Starry Sky Period (0/100 billion)

Soul: Starry Sky Soul (Secondary Eternal)

Soul Points: 14,000/5,000,000

Star Position: Star King

Life: True Monarch of the Starry Sky

Martial Art: Starry Sky Martial Art (Eternal)

Physical value: 5434/100000

Ghost Mark: Star Emperor Mark

Martial arts: colorful, ghost fire, tai chi seal, Tibetan star chaos, star movement

Natasha: Blade of Heaven, Heaven and Earth with a Sword, Shrinking Earth into an Inch, Fingers of Qingfeng, Huangquan Road, Emperor Sword

Inheritance: colorful, ghost fire, life is nothingness

Starry Sky Origin: 1 million/1 million

Star value: 3.1 billion

Innate Skill: Tome of Gods and Demons

Contract Beast: Suan

five million?

What an international joke?

Qin Shaofeng was about to curse.

He has long thought that after this upgrade, there will definitely be a substantial increase in the required experience value.

But the problem is, to let his martial body hit the eternal level, the experience value required is only 100,000.

But the soul level has just reached the second eternity, and it has soared to the number of five million.

The jumping of numbers like this is too scary, right?

If he really calculated according to this rhythm, if he wanted to raise the soul level to the eternal realm, wouldn't he need fifty million soul points?

this this this...

A single ginseng can give him about 120,000 soul points, doesn't it mean that he has to absorb more than 500 ginseng?

wrong! wrong!

Qin Shaofeng quickly reacted, he was only frightened by the sudden tenfold increase.

His current soul level is already sub-eternal.

The next promotion will be the eternal level moving towards a higher level. Maybe after 50 million soul points, he will be able to directly achieve the soul level of the astral world.

If he really hit that level, even if his body was blasted into nothingness, his soul would not be destroyed, right?

Thinking for a while.

He felt the struggle of Ginseng.

Consciousness returns.

Exchange again for a ginseng whisker and continue to absorb it.

Absorption continues.

In the blink of an eye, it was more than half an hour.

Qin Shaofeng took the initiative to stop after raising his soul value to 1.5 million.

Seventeen ginseng, but only the last one.

"Ghost face, the rest of the ginseng must be absorbed by you. I will discuss something with the ancestor of Tianshen." Qin Shaofeng said actively.

The ghost face is a look that wants to cry but has no tears.

It did leave some for her.

But the problem is, you really eat meat yourself, just let me drink a sip of soup?

There are seventeen ginseng whiskers in total, but you actually absorbed the soul power of sixteen ginseng whiskers, leaving only the last one for me.

"Little friend, are you going to keep that ginseng to die or to live?" The voice of the ancestor of Tianshen suddenly came.

"Dead or alive?"

Qin Shaofeng did not wrinkle slightly.

He could naturally understand what this sentence meant.

Living ginseng whiskers are obviously more useful than dead ones.

But his trust in the ancestor of Tianshen is very limited. There are too many secrets in him, but he dare not leave an eyeliner of the ancestor of Tianshen by his side.

"It takes ten years to restore the soul power. It's too long. There is no difference between life and death. Let the ghost face absorb all the soul power of the ginseng!" Qin Shaofeng said.

"it is good."

The ancestors of Tianshen did not refute.

The conversation between the two was all overheard by Gui Yan, which made Gui Yan's face slightly calmer.

Qin Shaofeng absorbed only half of it.

In this way, she also absorbed half of the soul power of the four ginseng whiskers.

That's more or less.

She thought to herself, but she never stopped absorbing.

Qin Shaofeng naturally felt the change in her mood, but he didn't care too much, instead his eyes fell on Xiaobai.

The ancestors of Tianshen are completely nourishing with elixir.

Xiaobai is now looking drowsy, but the medicinal power contained in his body is enormous.

I believe that after it completely absorbs the medicinal power, even if it still cannot reach the level that the ancestor of Tianshen said, it should be not far behind.

"Thank you."

Qin Shaofeng reported his fist, and immediately took out a spar and threw it to the ancestor of Tianshen: "Since we have established a cooperative relationship, you'd better not die, if you feel danger, you can crush this spar. , if I'm nearby, I'll come over as soon as possible."

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