Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5197: you dare to touch me?

"I heard no, someone has provoked our dynasty."


"What's the matter, who dares to provoke us?"

"I heard that it is a young man, and his cultivation base seems to have reached the realm of a sage.

"Bah! What do you know?"

"What did you say?"

"I said you didn't know where to hear it, so you came over and talked nonsense."

"Then what are you talking about?"

"That kid is a high-level figure in the starry sky messenger organization, Xian Wutong, who loves Shuiyue Mountain, ran into Duanmu Quan when he accompanied Xian Wutong out some time ago, and they started fighting. Where did the ancestor pass by at that time? , In the end, because that kid lost the fight, even our Heavenly Star Dynasty held a grudge together."

"What? How could it be like this?"

"You can't be so shameless!"

When Qin Shaofeng walked into the city of the Tianxing Dynasty, he had heard no less than thirty versions.

But no matter which one it is, they all say that Tian Xingcheng is a person who is purely suffering.

Some walk down.

If it was replaced by someone with a weaker mind, I am afraid that he would be furious on the spot.

We can be shameless, but we can't be so shameless.

After all, Qin Shaofeng is a person who has experienced many things, but he will not be serious with a group of ordinary people.

However, through the voices of the vast majority of people, he also heard a lot about the more private places of the Tianxing Dynasty.

After turning around for a long time, he finally walked out of the city.

At the same time as he moved, he heard the words that a mineral in the Tianxing Dynasty was attacked, and the strong men of the Tianxing Dynasty had rushed over.

Just some strong ones?

Qin Shaofeng sneered in his heart, but he was not in a hurry and continued to go in the expected direction.

His trip was to kill Tian Xingcheng, who was half a step into the eternal realm.

It's just because of the strong hidden in the dark that he doesn't want Xiaobai to take action, but it doesn't mean that he really has nothing to do.

Properly designed, it can still make him leapfrog and kill him.

No matter what, he has to go and see it.

Not long after leaving the city, he found a lot of people watching the fun.

The cultivation of these people is not weak.

During the march, he could still hear the conversations of many people, all of whom wanted to take a look from afar.

Do not dare to display too fast speed.

After several hours, he finally arrived not far from the mine he attacked.

At this time, there are already many strong people in the mines, and they are asking about some slaves who have been captured.

He didn't need to listen deliberately, he could imagine it, obviously asking about his situation.

"Xue'er, let Xiaobai sense whether there is a half-step eternal powerhouse nearby." Qin Shaofeng ordered in his heart.

Instead, he quietly approached a person who was hiding nearby.

It was an old man with gray hair and beard.

The old man looked quite young, but he was actually not more than 5,000 years old, at least not too old among the people he often met.

"Do I know you?"

The old man noticed his approach and was already on guard.

"If I really knew each other, would I still come here?"

Qin Shaofeng smiled lightly and asked, "Brother, I heard that the mines over there were robbed. Brother, do you know what happened? It makes me happy!"


The old man widened his eyes with a shocked expression.

"Brother, what kind of expression do you have? Could it be that you are a die-hard loyalist of the royal family? If that's the case, you shouldn't have heard what I said." Qin Shaofeng shrugged with a disdainful expression.

"That's not true, I'm just shocked that you dare to say such a thing in such an upright manner, hehe!" The old man chuckled, "Actually... Heroes see the same thing."


Qin Shaofeng also laughed softly, leaned over, and asked, "Brother, tell me what's going on, I can't take revenge on them, it's a pleasure to see them suffer."

"Don't worry."

The old man shook his head and said, "The old man came to see their jokes because his granddaughter was spoiled by the gods of the Heavenly Star Dynasty. What's the matter with you?"

"Waste? You can still sit still?"

Qin Shaofeng said with a shocked expression: "I was robbed of my baby by some son a few years ago. I was planning to come to the Tianxing Dynasty to find a chance to take revenge, but I heard that the son's direct line, his grandfather's. Still a sage."

"Sage, are you talking about Tian Xinghang?"


Qin Shaofeng nodded.

"Then your revenge has been avenged. I heard that Tian Xinghang followed Tian Xingcheng to find trouble for others, but he was killed on the way back." The old man was really happy when he talked about this.

"So what's the situation now?"

Qin Shaofeng continued to ask.

"The current situation is hard to say. The old brother came a lot earlier than you. Not only did he see seventeen venerables coming to the dynasty, but also the half-step eternal ancestor of the Cheng family." The old man said.

"Cheng family? What are they here to mix?" Qin Shaofeng asked.

"This has to be said from the beginning..."

When the old man was talking endlessly about the Cheng family being destroyed by Qin Shaofeng, he felt an extreme pressure coming.

The two turned their heads together and saw that the familiar ancestor of the Cheng family appeared behind them at some point.

Both of them were taken aback.

Of course, Qin Shaofeng is pretending to be.

As early as when he came over here, Xiaobai had already sensed the danger he brought, and had already told him everything.

"What are you two talking about here?" The ancestor of the Cheng family had an expression of choosing someone to devour.

"Before, before, senior, spare your life..."

The old man was so frightened that he couldn't speak.

Qin Shaofeng snorted coldly and said, "What are we talking about here is none of your business, do you really think that your cultivation is strong, so you can really care about it?"

"Boy, what did you say?!"

The ancestor of the Cheng family was even more angry.

Qin Shaofeng was not afraid, and said: "Old guy, you are the ancestor of the Cheng family he said, right? Others are afraid of you, but we are not afraid of you, even the dead sage of the Tianxing Dynasty dare not touch me, you How about it?"


The ancestor of the Cheng family closed his mouth directly.

Ghostly way.

Others don't know about this existence, but they have heard of the forces whose cultivation base has reached his level. They are a group of existences that should not be provoked in many places, and gradually wander in the territory of humans and ghosts. , gradually formed a force.

Regardless of the cultivation base of this force, they really hold revenge to the extreme.

I didn't expect to let myself run into a ghostly person today.

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