Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5198: What the **** are you here for?

"Count your life as a kid!"

The ancestor of the Cheng family snorted coldly, he really didn't dare to kill ghosts.

As soon as his eyes turned, he looked towards the old man.

Just as he was about to find his way back, he saw Qin Shaofeng stepped forward, intercepted between the two of them, snorted coldly, and said, "Although this old brother's cultivation is not very good, he dares to act, and I will accept him on behalf of ghosts. ."


The ancestor of the Cheng family almost vomited blood.

Unlike other forces, Guixingdao does not need to go through layers of approval to receive people.

Like now.

Since Qin Shaofeng opened his mouth, it means that Qin Shaofeng wants to protect this old guy.

It's easy to kill the old man.

But the problem is, it will definitely attract Qin Shaofeng's swearing counterattack, which is a reckless counterattack, and it is not an accident at all to go to their Cheng family to kill him.

But he can't kill yet, otherwise the ghosts will definitely receive the news at the first time, and what he will encounter is the crazy counterattack and assassination of ghosts.

Now is the time to deal with Qin Shaofeng, he doesn't want to cause trouble.

As everyone knows.

What he is facing now is the righteous master who really wants to hunt down.

More especially the latter.

Qin Shaofeng heard that the name Ghost Walk is less than two hours old.

Since you have to approach, there is a high probability that you will meet someone you don't want to meet, then you need a strong backstage support, otherwise the other party will really kill him, then he will really be in big trouble.

The ghost walks the way, it is the origin that Guiyan helped him figure out on the way.

All other forces have identities to prove something.

Only the ghosts do not need anything, but the ghosts are all mortals.

With what he is going to do now, the person who pretends to be a ghost is the most suitable.

"What are you? Young master is now watching jokes and listening to stories, why don't you tell me?" Qin Shaofeng laughed.


The ancestor of the Cheng family snorted coldly, turned around and wanted to leave.

Seeing this, Qin Shaofeng continued: "Who is the Cheng family, I have to continue to watch the excitement of the Tianxing Dynasty, but when the matter is almost over, I will go to see this old brother, out of my mouth. After I get angry, I have to take this old man back to complete the entrance ceremony, if I find something... hehe!"

"The old man won't move him, and Tian Xingcheng won't move him either."

The ancestor of the Cheng family snorted coldly, and then disappeared.

Until this moment, the old man finally breathed a sigh of relief and sat down on the ground, staring at Qin Shaofeng like a god.

"I said, bro, you can't be brave like this. What we do with ghosts is that we are not afraid of death, and we have to make a name for our ghosts when we have nothing to do. It's like looking for the trouble of half-step eternal powerhouses like them, commonly known as Die, that's the way to go." Qin Shaofeng followed suit.

The old man immediately fell to the ground.

And that has left far away, but still has a trace of consciousness here, listening to the ancestors of the Cheng family chatting, only then did he truly believe in Qin Shaofeng's identity.

After all, he is an old monster who has lived for so many years.

Naturally, just because of a person's words, he will not completely believe the other person.

Even now.

The reason he really believed it was what Qin Shaofeng said. There are not many ghosts, but everyone is habitually killed.

This is not true for people who have been in contact with them, so I really can't believe it, and it's impossible to know.

But he was really one of the people who suffered from it.

two thousand years ago.

A mysterious young man approached him and threatened to say that the Cheng family had robbed him of his cultivation materials and came here specifically to ask him to compensate.

The little saint, come to seek a claim from a half-step eternal powerhouse like him.

At the time, he only thought it was a fantasy, or that the kid was mentally ill.

But when he asked, he found out that the young man's words were all false, he just made a random excuse to blackmail him.

Naturally he was not reconciled, and the young man did not stay too much.

In the next few days, more than 100 people died in the bloodline of the Cheng family. When he chased him up, he was besieged by more than 30 sages.

In the end, he had no choice but to admit the non-existent snatch, and even double the compensation to the other party.

The last thing the young man said to him was: People who are not as good as you are not qualified to know about our ghostly ways, you just need to know it yourself. If you tell others, we do not guarantee that you will not. Let all those in the know disappear.

How simple it means.

We also want to promote the name of ghosts, and we know that we will die, but ordinary people are not qualified to know us. You can know our strength, and we give you face.

He was really angry for three years.

That incident has also become an unsolved mystery in the entire Cheng family generation.

Take a deep sigh.

When he listened to Qin Shaofeng continuing to ask the old man for questioning, he finally recovered the trace of eavesdropping consciousness.

"He won't mess up, and Tian Xingcheng won't mess up either. In this case, Duanmuquan should not be in the Tianxing Dynasty." Qin Shaofeng was thinking about it while listening to the story.

After confirming all the situation, he did not leave in a hurry, but chatted with the old man sentence by sentence.

Not to mention, from time to time, I use my spiritual sense to probe the ancestors of the Cheng family here.

Even the beautiful man hiding in the dark couldn't believe what he saw with his eyes.

"This kid... what is he doing?"

"Are you here to make trouble for the Heavenly Star Dynasty? Why does it seem that the Heavenly Star Dynasty is so lively here?"

"If the old man hadn't been staring at you all the time and had seen your every move with his own eyes, I'm afraid he would have thought you were the one who came here to watch the fun, right?"

"I've really seen someone who can pretend, but I've never seen someone who can pretend like you."

"What makes me even more speechless is that you actually know ghosts, and just a few words convinced that idiot of the Cheng family that you are ghosts, what a jerk!"

The beautiful man has already scolded in his heart.

After waiting for most of the day, Qin Shaofeng finally had enough to watch the excitement, patted the old man on the shoulder, and said, "Okay, I have already memorized your address, I will find you when I go back, remember , You can't talk nonsense about ghosts, otherwise, not only will I not protect you, but I will personally bring people to chase and kill you."

"Yes yes yes." The old man nodded again and again.

"By the way, the old guy's words may not be useful, but you don't have to worry, if you are killed by him, or by someone else, it's okay, then I will take someone to kill a thousand people in the Cheng family to pay for your life. That's it." Qin Shaofeng patted the old man's shoulder.

As if not seeing the old man's expression of wanting to cry without tears at all, he strode away into the distance.

As everyone knows, the old man at this time has already scolded him.


It's useless to avenge me, the old man is dead, okay?

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