Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5199: The road ahead is slim

"Message, message quickly!"

"That guy actually came here, call for help!"

"Isn't this hateful guy knowing that a strong man is searching for him, he has already run away? Why did he come to us?"

One after another screams came from this treasure house of the Heavenly Star Dynasty.

The Heavenly Star Dynasty is not like the ruthless Dynasty it once was.

The Ruthless Dynasty was the master of the entire starry sky at the beginning, and the place inside the palace alone was not enough to store all the treasures.

Although the Tianxing Dynasty also called itself a Dynasty, the gap was not that big.

Although this treasure house is also known as a treasure house.

In fact, it is a temporary transit place for the Tianxing Dynasty. Although there are many good things, more of them are used to send to other star regions or continents, and the value of things used for sale is completely incomparable to the ruthless. compared to the dynasty.

But in the Tianxing Dynasty, it is also a key place.

There are a lot of strong people here, and there are more than 40 people in the realm of venerable people, but they never thought that Qin Shaofeng would dare to come here.

Didn't he know that the ancestor of the Cheng family was looking for him?

In one after another exclamation.

Qin Shaofeng has long since recovered his original disguise, holding a sword like a **** of killing, swiftly killing towards the depths of the treasure house.

When one person finally delivers the message.

The blade in Qin Shaofeng's hand had already cut off the man's head.

"It's less than 10 million star points, these guys are too weak."

Qin Shaofeng sneered in his heart, but the speed was not reduced at all.

In the blink of an eye, he had already gone to the treasure houses everywhere, quickly scavenging all the treasure houses.

These things are slow to say and are really only done in a few breaths.


As soon as the figure flashed, he had already gone to a forest more than thirty miles away from here.

The appearance has long been transformed into a disguised appearance.

Holding a handful of melon seeds in his hand, he sat swaggeringly on the edge of the woods, still scolding himself incessantly: "It's really too violent, the teapot that the old guy is holding is superb, how could he just chop it down with one knife? Now, if you don't want it, you can give it to me!"

"No, no, I'm just watching the fun. If I really want it, wouldn't I be that kid's accomplice?"

"I'm just here to join in the fun, and by the way, I'll give Tian Xingcheng some discomfort. Since someone has taken action for me, then I should watch the fun even more. It's just right to watch it all the way. How can I mix in?"

"But... it's a waste of time!"

"You still haven't mixed in?"

While Qin Shaofeng was still muttering, he heard a familiar voice.

Turn back without hesitation.

He threw away the melon seeds in his hand, grabbed again from the bag in his hand, grabbed a handful of melon seeds, and handed them in the direction of the voice.

Before he could see the appearance of the person coming, he had already opened his mouth and said, "You are already late, the starry sky prop that kid used to run, has been running for almost ten breaths, come, let's chat while eating melon seeds."

"A starry sky prop again?"

The person who came was the ancestor of the Cheng family again. The ancestor of the Cheng family was so angry that he gritted his teeth and said angrily: "Let's not talk about that kid for a while, how do you know that he is going to do something here?"

"can not say."

Qin Shaofeng shook his head again and again and said, "I do have a special source of information, but you should know the question. I can't say anything... and it's not right."

He paused and thought for a while.

"I can tell you, that kid seems to understand the method of starry sky, and he should not be from our era." Qin Shaofeng said.


The ancestor of the Cheng family frowned.

Qin Shaofeng turned his head: "I've already told you everything I can say. Next, you can continue to perform with someone. I will continue to watch the fun. Hehe, there are so many babies here. If it wasn't for that kid doing something, I would still I really want to get a vote."

"The reason is..."


"Whoever robbed me, yes, I was robbed, bah bah bah, I'm a good person, I have no grudges with the Tianxing Dynasty, just to watch the fun."


"That kid can't do it a few days later, wait for me to extort... ahem, are you asking for something that belongs to me?"

The face of the ancestor of the Cheng family turned black.

What Qin Shaofeng said really has nothing to do with him, but the problem is that he has suffered such blackmail.

Listening to Qin Shaofeng's almost word-for-word remarks, it's no wonder that his face looks good.

In a flash, he had already gone to the treasure house.

There is indeed an aftertaste left by the starry sky props.


It was just a semi-finished space item that Qin Shaofeng crushed at will, and it had no value at all.

When he was learning to refine, he made a lot of them.

Anyway, there are enough costumes, but he carries them all, but he didn't expect it to come in handy now.

While nibbling on melon seeds, he looked at the busy man not far away.

It didn't take too long, one after another, loose cultivators rushed over to watch the fun.

There were actually two courageous people who came to him specifically, asked him to ask for a handful of melon seeds, and started chatting directly.

However, Qin Shaofeng, whose mouth never stopped, never stopped the thoughts in his mind.

"Where is Tian Xingcheng that old guy?"

"The ancestor of the Cheng family obviously has nothing to do with me. Will he call Tianxingcheng to ambush me next?"

"In other words, the ancestors of the Cheng family are in the bright, and the stars are in the dark?"

"This matter must be confirmed, otherwise, even if I set a trap to attack the ancestor of the Cheng family, if Tian Xingcheng runs away, it will definitely fail, and it may expose me too much."

"Who is the guy who is hiding in the dark and always following me?"

Qin Shaofeng was still thinking about it.

The eternal powerhouse wants to hide completely, and the means is really beyond what he can see now. Even if he suspects that the other party may know him, he can't sense it through breath.

This is the most troublesome point.

Think about this.

He couldn't help but start to miss the time when he was in the Ruthless Dynasty.

If you can find another place like the ruthless dynasty, doesn't it mean that you can call on the song to help and directly kill the eternal powerhouse that was secretly following?

Where is the Ruthless Dynasty?

Qin Shaofeng suddenly remembered something.

That was when he first entered the starry sky world, Luo Yan said a promise that seven years later, the Ruthless City Ruins of the Ruthless Dynasty will appear in the world.

In terms of time, it has been three years.

In about four years, Ruthless City will appear in the world. I wonder if the eye of the starry sky can observe the situation of Ruthless City.

Four years, a long time!

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