Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5200: killer

Qin Shaofeng kept trying hard to think of ways to break the game.

It's just a pity that in the starry sky world, the danger is far more than a thousand times that of the ruthless dynasty.

If you don't show the strength of the eternal realm, everything is fine.

Once the strength of the eternal realm is revealed, it will definitely become the target of the Starry Sky Temple's full observation.

With his current cultivation strength, he really can't let that happen.

Or, go directly back to Shuiyueshan?

Or not!

The more Qin Shaofeng thought about it, the more difficult he felt.

After half a day.

He soared straight into the sky and flew towards the outside of the continent where the Imperial City of the Heavenly Star Dynasty was located.

I don't know if Tian Xingcheng has already understood the existence of such a person, but no one has ever stopped him.

Flying out of the Heavenly Star Dynasty Continent, he couldn't help but feel even more confused.

What should be done now?

After hesitating for a while, he turned around and flew towards a high-level continent not too far from here.

Since the man in the dark just wanted to look at him, let him look at it.

Anyway, you are here, I won't reveal anything, just go to the trouble of looking for Tianxing Dynasty.

It takes ten days to rush into the advanced continent.

When he left this continent, the level of beasts in this high-level continent basically became the level of an intermediate-level continent.

Especially the top elixir and other things in the mainland were swept away by him.

"It's not too short of time, the defense of the Tianxing Dynasty should not be so tight, right?"

Qin Shaofeng muttered to himself, took out a starry sky scroll and crushed it, and directly returned to the star dynasty mainland through the power of the scroll.

this moment.

He clearly felt a breath emerge.

an instant.

That breath disappeared, if he was extremely alert all the time, I am afraid that he would not be able to detect the flash of the breath.

It seems a little strange.

Qin Shaofeng tried hard to recall it for a long time, but he was still unable to determine whether the breath that passed away was the breath he knew.

His eyes roamed around, and he flew towards the distance at a low altitude.

Thinking about the situation of the person in the dark in his mind, he did not dare to show it.

This is a spiritual medicine field.

Qin Shaofeng was not afraid of any ambush at all, and went in directly with a knife.

Just a dozen breaths.

He crushed a scroll and disappeared in the Heavenly Star Dynasty in an instant.

The moment the whirlpool disappeared behind him, he vaguely heard a roar: "Little bastard, I want to kill you, I must kill you too!"

That was the voice of the ancestor of the Cheng family.

Qin Shaofeng didn't care at all, and when he came to the unknown starry sky, he still felt it carefully, and made sure that he didn't notice the breath this time, so he simply stopped thinking about it.

Between backhands, a dozen scrolls appeared in his hands.

"The Tianxing Dynasty is not easy to do, then go to the sin road first, I want to see if there is an extremely half-step eternal powerhouse waiting to kill me, hehe!"

In Qin Shaofeng's low laugh, he pushed the scrolls one by one and walked through the space one after another.

A dozen times in a row.

"Xue'er, help me ask Xiao Bai, did that person follow me?"

"Xiao Bai said that person has always been behind you. Even when you broke through the starry sky, that person followed you and walked away with the help of your scroll. It didn't take any effort at all."

Qin Shaofeng suddenly felt the cold sweat behind him.

There is simply no white.

Otherwise, even if he knew that the person would not take action, he might be able to scare himself to death, right?

A dignified and eternal strong man is so haunted.

Did I dig up your ancestral grave or something?

Qin Shaofeng has already scolded the eighteen generations of the ancestors of the people in the dark.

But he couldn't make any expression on his face.

After checking it carefully, and even going to a nearby star to inquire about news, he pushed the Starry Sky Scroll to leave again.

transcend sin.

Compared to the Heavenly Star Dynasty or the Cheng Family, the way of sin is not a continent where humans live. Except for the swamp and fog, there are all kinds of miasma. If you are not careful, you may die here.

As soon as Qin Shaofeng came, he found a mountain with the strongest spiritual energy.

With a simple exploration of divine sense, the lode has been found.

"Hey, it's here."

In Qin Shaofeng's low laugh, he took out the cornerstones of the formation and formed the formation on the spot.

A dozen large formations have been constructed.

He finally pulsed towards that spiritual mine with satisfaction.

It is still the same as it was in the Tianxing Dynasty.

The difference is that when he swung his butcher knife, the first person to rush over was not the imaginary Duanmu Quan, but a dozen people led by a young master in brocade.

"Who dares to touch this son's spiritual veins!?"

The young man's cultivation base is not high, but his tone is very arrogant.

Qin Shaofeng looked at the young man for a while, and couldn't help but wonder.

This kid doesn't look like Duanmu Quan either!

Did his mother put a green hat on his father?

"Hmph, what the young master grabbed is your spiritual veins, hahaha!"

Qin Shaofeng laughed a few times, not only did he not have the fear of being a robber, but he directly killed the young man.

"Damn bastard, kill him for this son!"

The young man was furious.


More than a dozen venerables who came with them all shot.

In the face of other people in this battle, there may be some threats at all.

But in front of Qin Shaofeng, it was just a joke.

As soon as the blade turned, he killed the crowd.

Just facing these people, he didn't even activate the power of Nirvana, and in just a dozen breaths, he killed all of them.

"Boy, is this your method?"

The corners of Qin Shaofeng's mouth twitched slightly, and the blade reached the young master, saying: "If there is no other means, then don't blame the young master for being cruel."

"You, you want to kill me?"

The young man almost stared out his eyes.

Qin Shaofeng can't imagine what the brain circuits of the second generation ancestors are. He has already killed more than a dozen people. He can still ask such a question, rolling his eyes and saying, "Can't you kill yet?"

"Want to kill me? Haha, good!"

Instead of being angry, the young master laughed and said, "This son originally wanted to save your life. Since you are looking for death yourself, then let me fulfill him! Kill!"

At the same time as the young son's voice fell, Qin Shaofeng felt a dangerous aura appear.

Sage? !

He was startled.

His rich combat experience still allowed him to make the most appropriate response at the first time.

In the blink of an eye, the figure has already gone behind the young son.

Only then did it become clear that at his original location, two men in black appeared, and the sneak attack directly stabbed at the afterimage that still remained.

"The sage is actually a killer. It seems that Duanmu Quan is really doing everything he can to kill me!" Qin Shaofeng couldn't help laughing when he saw this.

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