Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 5201: Left Wuhen

"Be careful, son!"

"The boy is stationed, if you dare to touch my son, my lord will never let you go"

When the two saw Qin Shaofeng's actions, they were so frightened that their hairs stood upright.

"Won't let me go?"

Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but sneer.

I've already killed you at your house, and you're still telling me this. I really don't know where your brains are.

Heart sneer.

The sword in his hand had already slashed across the young son's neck.

Blood splattered.

The two fell to the ground instantly, and for a while they forgot to fight.


The son actually died like this?

The two are still at a loss, but Qin Shaofeng will not forget such a good opportunity.

The power of Nirvana is displayed again.

Between lightning and flint.

He had already rushed in front of the two of them, the sword in his hand swept past, and the heads of both of them flew up at the same time.

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for killing the enemy in the sage realm, and obtaining 10 million × 2 points of starry sky, 100 points of soul, and 100 points of martial arts."

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for killing the enemy in the sage realm, and obtaining 10 million × 2 points of starry sky, 100 points of soul, and 100 points of martial arts."

The two sages solved it so easily?

Qin Shaofeng is a little incredible.

He doesn't think too much about it.

As long as it is determined to be the enemy, there is no need to keep hands.

Put away the spoils of the three.

Without even looking at it, he pulsed directly towards that spiritual mine.

The entire spiritual ore vein was emptied by him.

According to the time, Duanmu Quan was about to open, so he simply went back to the trap he arranged and waited slowly.

He didn't notice the young man's situation.

After all, at such a time, it is natural that the person who arrives should be someone who has transcended the way of sin. Where do you need to think too much?

The people in the dark also have the same idea.

He could always vaguely feel that the young man seemed very familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it for a while.

After a while of thinking.

Only then did he turn his gaze towards the two sages.

some observation.

The handsome man's mouth grew big.

Wouldn't it be so coincidental?

Huh? wrong.

The handsome man suddenly remembered that this place seems to be the area under the control of that person.

It is said that one of the descendants of that person seems to be particularly fond of using various means to seize the ore veins in the sphere of influence of others.

Could it be that this kid is the arrogant guy?

If so, it would be really interesting.

"Should I even talk to that old guy?"

"What I said, it seems that it is not good for me to die, but if I don't say it, the old guy will definitely be able to detect my existence, which is even worse."

"Forget it, I will be a good person today."

Qin Shaofeng, who was not far away, only felt a tyrannical momentum rising into the sky.

It came out!

Qin Shaofeng immediately felt the momentum, but no matter what, he couldn't feel anything from it.

"Xue'er, let Xiaobai keep an eye on me, especially if the guy's breath is found out for me, I also need to know what that guy is doing." Qin Shaofeng shouted anxiously.

He didn't believe that the eternal powerhouse who had been hiding for so long suddenly made such an action, just nibbling on melon seeds.

Then he must be doing something.


"Zuo Wuhen, what are you doing with Tongtian looking for this old man?"

"Of course there is something."

The beautiful man is the lord of Yunwu City, the eternal powerhouse Zuo Wuhen.

Zuo Wuhen changed his usual cynical appearance, and said sternly: "Shinto, did you have a son who ran to cross the path of sin?"

"Why are you asking this, did he offend you within the scope of my Shinto Sect?"

"It's okay to offend me, it's worse."

"what happened?"

Shinto's voice became anxious.

"Your son was used as a cannon fodder by Duanmu Quan, a cannon fodder used to lead you to hunt down some very weird kid."


Zuo Wuhen said: "A while ago, I noticed that the starry sky messenger was using the starry sky power within the range of my cloud city. I saw that kid was mysterious and unpredictable, so I chose to follow and observe for a period of time, and I saw..."

He reiterated the contradiction between Qin Shaofeng and the three major forces.

"You mean Shuiyueshan?"

"You should know if a small force like Shuiyueshan can exist like this, right?"

"What's the matter with that kid? Where is he? I'll go over immediately, and dare to kill my son of Shinto, even if he is the son of the funeral, he will pay for my son's life!"

Shinto's voice was already full of extreme anger.

It can be heard that his killing intent has gone to the extreme.

"That kid is now..."

what! ?

Qin Shaofeng learned about the conversation between Zuo Wuhen and Shinto through Bikongxue's message.

He was indeed relieved to learn that the person following him was not the Eternal Burial Heaven, or the person from the Temple of the Starry Sky.

Especially knowing that this person even had a grudge against Eternal Burial Heaven, he was even happier.

The problem is that he was sold.

This is unbearable!

"Zuo Wuhen, Yunwu City, you are very good, you are very good!"

Qin Shaofeng scolded secretly in his heart, but he began to silently calculate the path he should take next.

Shuiyueshan is afraid that it is very likely that it will cause the anger of the gods because of her own reasons.

However, he wasn't too worried.

Jun Sichu's cultivation is still a mystery after all, and he still doesn't know whether the divine way has the ability to destroy Shuiyueshan.

But what should he do?

Incarnate into a cancer in the starry sky world, fighting against the two forces?

This is the star world.

Both of them can be regarded as the elders of the Starry Sky Temple. If they really stabbed things into the Starry Sky Temple, I am afraid that he has nowhere to hide.

Hidden away in the city.

Qin Shaofeng made a decision immediately.

Hearing Bikongxue's position, he didn't hesitate any longer, and the power of Nirvana was unreservedly displayed.

"Xiao Bai is ready!"

At the same time Qin Shaofeng shouted, the God-destroying Spear appeared in his hand.

The true monarch of the starry sky in the realm of sages fully exerts his abilities.

The space around him suddenly distorted.

"Run away!"

Zuo Wuhen noticed his movement for the first time, and rushed over in a flash.

But just when he was about to approach.

Xiaobai on Qin Shaofeng's shoulder suddenly burst out.

The breath of the eternal realm was unreservedly displayed, and a pair of claws swung out two claws in an instant.

Dao Dao Hanmang flashed.

Xiaobai's attack turned his back on Qin Shaofeng, and Qin Shaofeng still felt the danger of death.

It can't even be regarded as the aftermath of an attack, how can it be so tyrannical?

Qin Shaofeng also took a deep breath in his heart.

He did use the power of the Eternal Realm once, but he borrowed it completely. The close contact with the present is completely two kinds of feelings.

If it weren't for that, he couldn't be so self-confident at all.

Only now have I discovered that the power of the eternal powerhouse is indeed what ordinary people can imagine.

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