Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 531: Dungeon task?

As soon as Xu Tianyang was killed by Qin Shaofeng, Geng Qiutong called out a flame and burned Xu Tianyang's body.

Destroy the corpses!

However, just when Xu Tianyang's body was completely burnt to ashes, Geng Qiutong suddenly discovered that a white light flashed in the ashes, and there was a strange fruit that was not much bigger than a fist.

Qin Shaofeng was a little surprised about this, but Qin Shaofeng knew about the weird-looking fruit.

Picking up the fruit, Qin Shaofeng smiled and muttered to himself, "Heh, I didn't expect that it could actually appear!"

"What is this?"

Geng Qiutong walked into Qin Shaofeng's side and asked curiously.


Qin Shaofeng thought slightly, and said, "This thing is called frozen fruit, it is a kind of magical fruit called devil fruit!"

That's right, the weird-looking fruit in Qin Shaofeng's hands at the moment is the frozen fruit that is one of the devil fruits in "One Piece".

Frozen Fruit: A kind of natural devil fruit in the anime "One Piece". It can turn the body into ice or cold air, immune to ordinary attacks. You can turn everything into ice, and you can use ice to make weapons.

Edible effect: Improve physical fitness, obtain powerful ice roots, or strengthen the ice roots that you have originally, and raise the level of spiritual roots.

Weakness: sea water! As a side effect of using Devil Fruit, you will feel weak when you touch the sea. At the same time, garbage soaked in sea water or heavy metals such as sea salt will also make the capable person powerless.

This frozen fruit is exactly one of the three random props that Qin Shaofeng received in the fourth stage of "The First Person of Qianshan".

Qin Shaofeng was very happy when he first got the frozen fruit, and planned to take it by himself.

After all, as long as you consume this frozen fruit, you can have ice roots.

Even after watching the little ball, he told Qin Shaofeng that once the frozen fruit was consumed, he would definitely possess the holy rank's ice roots.

But helplessly, the absolute weakness of Devil Fruit made Qin Shaofeng very hesitant.

At that time, Tang Qijian was dug the foot of the wall by Shenjian Peak, which caused Qin Shaofeng's heart to move, and suddenly thought of Xu Tianyang, and then began some calculations.

The result went smoothly. After taking the frozen fruit, Xu Tianyang Linggen really improved his grade, and his strength was greatly increased.

But Qin Shaofeng, who knew the weakness of taking Devil Fruit, simply took Xu Tianyang in his eyes.

In the final battle of the Hegemony Contest, Qin Shaofeng dipped his hands in some sea water, and then easily subdued Xu Tianyang.

Before, Lord Tiger also got Qin Shaofeng's order to swallow some seawater into his belly in advance, and protect him with his vitality. When he finally met Xu Tianyang, he gave a squirt and Xu Tianyang knelt.

Until his death, Xu Tianyang didn't even think that Qin Shaofeng had calculated his spiritual root improvement, and he would never have thought that that incomparably powerful fruit had such a big effect.

After hearing Qin Shaofeng tell these things, Geng Qiutong was also surprised.

She did not expect that Xu Tianyang would be calculated by Qin Shaofeng from beginning to end.

And after this calculation, Xu Tianyang didn't even know until he died.

This is too wrong.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't think so. Since he dared to fight against himself, he had to be psychologically prepared.

Then Xu Tianyang was nothing more than eating bad results!

Glancing at the frozen fruit in his hand, Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly: "This frozen fruit can still show up. It seems that after taking the devil fruit, it can still appear again after being killed by someone. This is good, at least it can continue. Use it!"

For a time, Qin Shaofeng's heart again had several malicious thoughts.

Obviously, Qin Shaofeng has now used this frozen fruit as a weapon for the yin.

In fact, without knowing the weakness of Frozen Fruit, as long as Qin Shaofeng is careful, it seems easy to get overcast.


One day later, the next day, perhaps anxious to return to the Qianshan Sect, thanks to the efforts of the elder, the teleportation formation was finally set up.

Qin Shaofeng and the two girls didn't stay too much, and went straight into the teleportation formation and went back.

Now that there is a teleportation formation, it is possible to return to Lianyang country at any time, but the little princess did not show any dissatisfaction, and went straight back to Qianshanzong.

As soon as he returned to the Qianshan Sect, Qin Shaofeng went to the Thunder God Peak to find his master Lei Lao, because Qin Shaofeng wanted to know the current situation of his master.

But Qin Shaofeng was in the cave where his master was practicing, and was stopped by Xie Zijun and told himself that this master was now in retreat.

But this has confirmed Qin Shaofeng's conjecture, I am afraid that his own master has also rescued him, and his physical condition has already appeared very bad.

Without seeing anyone, Qin Shaofeng had to go back.

Although he wanted to help his master, Qin Shaofeng knew very well that he couldn't help at all with his current situation.

However, in the face of such a situation, Qin Shaofeng knew that he was not helpless, it was just difficult.

"No matter how difficult it is, I have to give it a try, not for other reasons, just because he is my master!"

As early as the moment Lei Lao rescued him, Qin Shaofeng treated him as his master from the bottom of his heart.

With this being the case, Qin Shaofeng would naturally not just watch his master as his spiritual roots receded and eventually his whole person dissipated completely.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng became busy next.

Qin Shaofeng still has two quests on him now, one of which is the eighth phase of the ‘first person in a thousand mountains’.

The first person in Qianshan: You first entered the preparation camp of Qianshan Sect. Have you discovered countless geniuses? Enchanting rampage? Are you jealous? Still envious?


Phase 1: Completed!

Phase 2: Completed!

Phase 3: Completed!

Phase 4: Completed!

Phase 5: Completed!

Stage 6: Completed!

Stage Seven: Completed! The eighth stage mission opens!

The eighth stage: before the earth element realm, defeat a thousand earth element realm masters, a hundred heaven element realm masters, and a holy origin realm master! The reward level is increased by 3, and the system has special benefits once.

The ninth stage: not open! (After completing the eighth phase task, it can be opened!)

The task of the eighth stage caused Qin Shaofeng a headache at first.

It is actually necessary to defeat a thousand masters of the earth element realm, a hundred masters of the sky element realm, and a master of the holy origin realm!

And it had to be before promotion to the Earth Element Realm, which meant that Qin Shaofeng had to defeat so many powerful opponents with his current realm.

Is this a joke?

If nothing else, the one hundred masters of the Heavenly Origin Realm made Qin Shaofeng very embarrassed.

Chen He alone made himself so hard, what will happen to this one hundred?

The most important thing is to defeat a Saint Yuan Realm master!

After seeing Qiao Yihai again, Qin Shaofeng knew that defeating a Saint Yuan Realm master with his current realm was definitely a fantasy!

For a time, facing the eighth stage of the task, Qin Shaofeng made the system joking with himself.

The most difficult thing is that the eighth stage mission, in addition to the level 3 reward, is only a so-called special welfare reward.

To be honest, Qin Shaofeng felt from the beginning that his mission of ‘the first person in a thousand mountains’ was finally coming to an end.

But now it's different!

The extreme mission is inspired!

When he was promoted to the limit of the Great Yuan Pill before, Qin Shaofeng had not checked this limit upgrade mission. Now that he finally has time to check it, Qin Shaofeng finally has a trace of confidence in the eighth stage of the mission of the first person in a thousand mountains. Up.

Extreme upgrade: special task. When the player is in the realm of the great yuan pill to the earth yuan, and the experience value reaches the current upgrade limit of 999,999,999 points, the system will automatically trigger this task.

Because this extreme upgrade task triggers the system copy content. Therefore, the content of this extreme upgrade task is an extreme copy task.

During the mission period of the limit dungeon, kill the number of demonized monsters in the dungeon secret realm and get the system's evaluation! Mission time three months

(Note: Because of entering other dungeon secret realms, during this mission, player Qin Shaofeng can accumulate experience points, but cannot improve the current realm. In addition, player Qin Shaofeng can enjoy team benefits in advance and can bring his team members into the dungeon secret realm. The current player Qin Shaofeng can group Team of five)

One-star completion: Kill 10,000 demonized monsters within three months! Earn one million points!

Two-star completion: Kill 20,000 demonized monsters within three months! Two million points can be obtained!


Seven stars of completion: within three months, kill 100,000 demonized monsters! 30 million points can be obtained, and the level of all members is increased by 1 level! The system randomly rewards three day-level items.

Eight-star completion: within three months, kill 100,000 demonized monsters and kill one demonized leader! Earn 50 million points, and all members will be upgraded to level 2! The system randomly rewards three sky-level items and one holy-level item.

Nine Stars of Completion: Within three months, kill 100,000 demonized monsters, and kill ten demonized leaders, you will get 100 million points, and all members will be upgraded to level 3! The system randomly rewards three heaven-level items, three holy-level items, and one god-level item.

Ten-star completion: within three months, kill 100,000 demonized monsters, and kill 30 demonized leaders and one demonized lord! One billion points can be obtained, and the level of all members is increased by 5! The system rewards three demon props, and the system mystery rewards one.

This time, the extreme upgrade task was a bit special, and it was actually a copy task.

Once it is turned on, Qin Shaofeng will enter a dungeon secret realm to carry out this extreme upgrade task.

And most importantly, this time I can form a team!

Although he can only team up his own family members, but this is great news for Qin Shaofeng.

The reason is simple. The dungeon secret realm that I entered this time is a secret realm with demonic monsters.

Demonized monsters are basically at the level of the Great Yuan Pill Realm and the Earth Yuan Realm, and there are also a few realms that also have the Heaven Yuan Realm.

And the demonized leader is at the lowest level in the Heavenly Origin Realm. As for the Demonized Lord, it is naturally the existence of the Holy Origin Realm.

If only by himself, facing this limit dungeon upgrade mission, Qin Shaofeng may only be able to reach the level of seven-star completion at best.

But if you can form a team, that would be different.

In the seventh stage of the "One Thousand Mountain" Qin Shaofeng obtained a card reward called a team card, and it was this card that gave Qin Shaofeng a chance to defeat the Saint Yuan Realm.

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